REV - Ius Canonicum - 2018 Vol. 58 nº116
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- Introducción histórica y canónica al oficio eclesiástico(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Viana, A. (Antonio)The article explores the historical background to the ecclesiastical office, a figure defined within the general norms of the canonical order. References to the office in Roman law and in the main sources of medieval canon law are presented here. The second part of the article examines three aspects that shape the content of the idea of the office over the course of its historical development, namely: its links to ecclesiastical power; its scope and institutional significance, beyond the succession of specific individuals; and finally, its historical and interdependent relationship with the institution of ecclesiastical benefit.
- Miguel Ángel ASENSIO SÁNCHEZ – Arturo CALVO ESPIGA – Marina MENÉNDEZ-VALDÉS NAVAS – José Antonio PARODY NAVARRO, Fenómeno religioso y ordenamiento jurídico, Tecnos, Madrid 2017, 313 pp., ISBN 978-84-309-7194-7. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Ferrer-Ortiz, J. (Javier)
- Unidad y pluralidad en la Iglesia. El pluralismo carismático(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Otaduy, J. (Javier)The term “plurality” (variety, multiplicity) is often more apt than the term “pluralism” to describe the doctrinal and liturgical diversity within the Church. But in certain ecclesiological dimensions there is true pluralism, such as pluralism of the lay faithful in temporal affairs or charismatic pluralism. Charismatic pluralism has been the focus of considerable academic and pastoral attention since the Second Vatican Council. At the same time, however, the concept of charism has become broader, more fluid and more difficult to define. With regard to the complementary (never antagonistic) relationship between charism and institution, the function of canon law is, firstly, to foster spaces of freedom to exercise charisms; secondly, to establish rules and regulations governing reasonable practices in this regard; and finally, to distinguish between authentic charisms and fabricated movements.
- Chiarimenti pontifici sul "processus brevior". Riflessioni alla luce del Discorso del 25 novembre 2017(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Del-Pozzo, M. (Massimo)Starting from an overview of the context and overall message of the Papal Address on November 25, 2017, this article analyzes the Pope’s clarifications of the processus brevior in particular. The reference made to the personal and exclusive exercise of the judicial power of the Bishop in the briefer process requires the implementation of one of the reform’s key principles (the central role of the Bishop in the administration of matrimonial justice). Without prejudice to the value of an authentic “viva voce” interpretation of the text, given their content and import the Pope’s clarifications (expressed in nine points) ought to be taken into account. The pontifical address represents a further contribution to the path of the reform that neither alters nor overturns the legal text itself nor the principles of the system. Ultimately, feedback regarding these interpretive papal clarifications depends on effective collaboration from the episcopacy, ongoing academic study, and coordination at an institutional level.
- José María MARTÍ SÁNCHEZ – María del Mar MORENO MOZOS (coords.), Derecho de difusión de mensajes y libertad religiosa, Dykinson, Madrid 2018, 179 pp., ISBN 978-84-9148-555-1. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Palomino-Lozano, R. (Rafael)
- Nuevos movimientos eclesiales. Naturaleza de los carismas, cuestiones jurídicas y límites(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Navarro, L. (Luis)Charismatic phenomena are to be integrated properly within the Church, with respect for both the nature of the charism and of the Church herself. The variety of ecclesial movements has often led to the institution of different legal structures (either for the movement as a whole, or for separate parts of it) that may compromise its own proper development. Regardless of the particular legal structure instituted, it is fundamental that the statutes of the movement establish relationships based on justice among its members, and enable the exercise of rights and duties in light of these members’ human and Christian dignity, and ecclesial status (lay, clerical, married, consecrated state). At the same time, the statutes must reflect the nature of the charism, be it secular or religious. This article discusses a number of ways to safeguard the unity of such movements and the incardination of clerics within them.
- Francisca PÉREZ-MADRID (coordinadora), Religión, libertad y seguridad, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2017, 263 pp., ISBN 978-84-9143-902-8. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Ferrer-Ortiz, J. (Javier)
- L’"instructio probatoria" nel processo penale medievale: osservazioni canoniche sull’ammissione e l’assunzione dei mezzi di prova nei secoli XIII e XIV(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Tammaro, C. (Ciro)The article deals with the preliminary proceeding, about investigation, collection and evaluation of the evidences in medieval penal trial. The opening of the article is about the origin of the inquisitorial trial and the gradual differentiation from the traditional accusatorial trial; then it’s about the different probatory instruments used in proceeding; finally it’s about the evaluation methods of evidences from judge.
- Óscar CELADOR ANGÓN, Orígenes histórico constitucionales del principio de laicidad, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia 2017, 290 pp., ISBN 978-84-9143-413-9. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Vázquez-García-Peñuela, J.M. (Jose María)
- Antonio GARCÍA Y GARCÍA (dir.); Francisco CANTELAR RODRÍGUEZ – Antonio GARCÍA Y GARCÍA (†) – Luis A. GARCÍA MATAMORO – Jaime JUSTO FERNÁNDEZ – Benigno MARQUÈS SALA (eds.), Synodicon Hispanum. XIII. Ager (Abadía), Barcelona, Lérida, Segorbe-Albarracín y Urgell, BAC, Madrid 2017, XXVI + 748 pp., ISBN 978-84-220-1992-3. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2018) Sedano, J. (Joaquin)
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