REV - RILCE - 2021, 37.2
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- Descripción acústica de la realización de [s] en Antioquia (Colombia)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Elvira-García, W. (Wendy); Muñoz-Builes, D.M. (Diana Marcela)This paper describes the acoustic characteristics of sound [s] in the cities of: Medellín and Apartadó and explores the hypothesis that the articulation of /s/ will serve to distinguish between the dialects spoken in these two areas. The study analizes 943 [s] produced by a total amount of 32 speakers. The following parameters were considered in the analysis: Center of gravity, spectral peak, standard deviation of the spectrum, skewness, kurtosis, zero crossings and harmonic-noise ratio. Results suggest that: in syllable onset [s] is more apical in Medellín and more dentalised in Apartadó. Also, Medellín’s onset [s] is more sibilant. In coda position, there is no difference between the two dialects.
- López Martínez, María Isabel. Los cristales del humo: la poesía de María Victoria Atencia. Córdoba: UCOPress, 2020. 160 pp. (ISBN: 978-84-9927-551-2) [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Morelli, G. (Gabriele)
- Beltrán Almería, Luis, ed. Lukács, György. La novela: destinos de la teoría de la novela. Trads. Pilar Tejero Alfageme y Carlos Ginés Orta. Zaragoza: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza/Santander: Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, 2020. 190 pp. (ISBN: 978-84-1340-122-5) [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Pérez-Simón, A. (Andrés)
- Mecanismos de la autoficción en el teatro sobre el franquismo de «los nietos»(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) de-la-Torre-Espinosa, M. (Mario)This article uses the postmemory category by Marianne Hirsch for analyzing the theatrical plays that are enlisted under the artistic category of autofiction. In this case, plays by the generation of “los nietos”, as Santos Juliá termed it, are analyzed. This generation feels the responsibility of restoring a past about the Guerra Civil or the Franco’s dictatorship. Consequently, given the lack of testimonies and documents, the authors use a delegated memory for their dramaturgy. As result, we find plays of great persuasive power because they set up an intersubjective dialogue that allows the audience to perform an affiliative act with what has been told. As a case study, the play La armonía del silencio by Lola Blasco is analyzed, where Dolores, the playwright’s alter ego, becomes a clear example of postmemory, with a gender perspective in addition.
- Planificación lingüística y desarrollo de lenguas minoritarias(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Escoriza-Morera, L. (Luis)The evolution of the linguistic world map reflects the progressive decrease of spoken languages around the planet, as well as the disappearance of linguistic systems in the context of language contact. The analysis of the causes of this loss allows us as well to identify a great number of endangered languages, for which the institutional support becomes essential in order to foster their preservation. The analysis of legal documents, of general or particular nature, within the framework of linguistic rights, will allow us to find those contexts of use in which those languages can be supported by institutions. Besides, the analysis will allow us to pinpoint different actions varying from mere preservation, sometimes almost only by documentary means, of minority languages, to the development of policies intended to really guarantee the use of languages in the public domain, such as education, mass media, and public administration, from which these had been absent in previous times.
- Un pícaro cincuentón: el tiempo en «Alonso, mozo de muchos amos», de Jerónimo de Alcalá Yáñez(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Donoso-Rodríguez, M. (Miguel)This paper analyzes the temporal narrative structure of Jerónimo de Alcalá Yáñez’s picaresque novel Alonso, mozo de muchos amos, published in two parts in 1624 and 1626, which unfolds on two levels: first that of the frame or dialogued novel, in which Alonso talks in the present with a different interlocutor in each part of the text; secondly that of the autobiographical novel, corresponding to the protagonist’s past and contained in his interventions in the dialogue. On this level a series of chronological data can be traced that allow us to calculate the advanced age that the rogue was at the end of the narration.
- Discurso poético mapuche: dimensión política(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Betancour-Sánchez, S. (Sonia)This article analyzes the political dimension of Mapuche poetic discourse, through the expository – enunciative – and enunciated components of the discourse, political relationships and modes of operation in the poem. For this purpose, four poems by prominent Mapuche poets: Elicura Chihuailaf, Leonel Lienlaf, Adriana Paredes and Jaime Huenún, are studied, establishing that the political dimension is another characteristic of this discursive type and that it is linked in a relevant way to its intercultural character and to intracultural components of the discourse.
- Teatro, poética y oratoria sagrada: la fiesta como tablero de ajedrez entre jesuitas y dominicos (Manila, s. XVII)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Azanza-López, J.J. (José Javier)This paper analyses the role of several elements of the celebration (especially theatre, literary compositions and sacred oratory) in the complex relationship between Jesuits and Dominicans in Manila in the second half of the 17th century. The comparative analysis of the chronicles written on canonization and beatification celebrations of both religions organized in the 1670s shows their rivalry in the field of letters when it comes to demonstrating their doctrinal and intellectual hegemony, as well as in the search for a favorable social position with respect to the ruling classes. The issue is thus part of the battle for propaganda that ultimately resolves quotas of spiritual and temporal power.
- Arellano, Ignacio, ed. Autos Sacramentales del Siglo de Oro. Letras Hispánicas 807. Madrid: Cátedra, 2018. 457 pp. (ISBN: 978-84-376-3865-2) [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Ramos-Lucas, J. (Javier)
- Implicaciones terminológicas del acercamiento psicolingüístico al significado léxico(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Varo-Varo, C. (Carmen)As a result of the neurocognitive approach to the lexicon that disciplines such as Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics carry out and, consequently, the addition of the mental and brain mechanisms that underlie the encoding and decoding of meanings in the field of Semantics, a series of terms or terminological units arises. They can be grouped into three main axes: the lexical mental and brain representations, the computational and associative processes involved in lexical-semantic comprehension and production, and the acquisition and loss of meanings. The main aims of our paper are 1) to assess the inclusion of these Psycholinguistics contents in Lexical Semantics, 2) to analyze their degree of consolidation and vitality in a set of dictionaries of Linguistics, and 3) to identify possible deficiencies in their terminological treatment and draw up a proposal for their conceptual integration.