REV - RA. Revista de Arquitectura - Vol. 22
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- Cerámica. La materia protectora(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Fernández-Vivancos, E. (Enrique); De-Miguel, E. (Eduardo)This article reflects on the material condition of architecture, understanding matter as the means of expression of ideas and the element which is capable of transforming them into a built construction. It focuses on the study of ceramics and displays it as a protective component that has come across its unique capacity for formal, functional and symbolic adaptation, which has enabled it to provide a contribution to the solution of new problems or to propose innovative approaches to its use. Through a number of visionary procedures which have been conducted with these materials since the end of the 19th century, and based on the possibilities of technology, its intelligent and rational use, its availability for recycling and the value of tradition, our aim is to provide an analysis which will help to conceive sustainable solutions from the same innovative force in order to tackle the major challenges and global commitments which have been undertaken.
- Circularidad de los materiales: emulando a la naturaleza(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Quirós, M. (Manuel)The transition from a linear economy to a circular one brings with it a series of practical challenges for the entire process chain: from the extraction of raw materials, processing, product or services design, manufacturing, usage and end of usage. We may ask ourselves: What are the strategies to comprehend and apply this new paradigm towards a circular economy? This article deals with some aspects within a framework of ideas in this complex circular system to help and guide designers and entrepreneurs to make progress with regard to materials in this paradigm change. It also describes some of Nature’s strategies from a systemic perspective and their potential use.
- Steiff Factory, 1903 Historia de una pionera(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Lleó, B. (Blanca)Progress in all its facets evoked collective enthusiasm a century ago. Back then, glass and steel architecture was held to be the symbol and expression of the highest aspirations of material and spiritual freedom. With the passage of time, our conscience and sensibilities have undergone a change and it is today with a sense of guilt that we hold ourselves responsible for having incentivised an incalculable waste of energy owing to the uncontrolled use of those shining materials. Man is a god when he dreams and a beggar when he reflects. These lines of Hölderlin’s poetry exhort us to look back to the horizon, since we do not know what past awaits us. This article takes us back to the incandescent beginnings of glass architecture in order to discover an unusual creation, the Steiff factory of 1903.
- Ontología orientada al material(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Muñoz, L. (Lucas)
- Materia y mutabilidad(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Borrego-Gómez-Pallete, I. (Ignacio)If we shift the discourse to the ontological level, as the approach to matter suggests in this edition, we must refer to transcendental properties of matter. If, in addition, in this intellectual distancing we introduce the contemporary consciousness of a circular economy, then we will have to consider the mutability and reuse of matter, which as we will see does not depend so much on its physical properties but on the way in which it is manipulated. This hypothesis will be tried to be proved through a more interdisciplinary approach to ultimately reach the field of architecture, and finally propose that the essence of the constructions is in its form, and not in the matter itself, which is substitutable, corruptible. The importance lies in the systems and relationships between the different elements that set up a construction. Identity is not in matter, but in the information it contains.
- Imaginando el reciclaje, reciclando el diseño, diseñando la imagen: la reutilización como estrategia de diseño(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Villanueva-Fernández, M. (María); García-Diego, H. (Héctor)Throughout history, recycling has become a solution for product development on several occasions. Beyond the ecological conscience that has been constituted especially from the 60s until the present time, this practice has served to solve different problems: technical, conceptual or even social. During the 20th century some seating furniture was made in which the recycling of materials and parts of objects has given rise to real design milestones and has helped, without being its main purpose, to create a sustainable image. This article attempts to tell the story of these pieces and their ecological context, to show the operation of reuse as a project strategy and as part of a holistic process that seeks to respond to technical, functional and conceptual issues, beyond the merely ecological.
- Rescuing the "Machine à Habiter": The Palladian "Villa" in the second life of Lacaton & Vassal’s Transformed "Grands-Ensembles"(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Silva, J. (Jaime); Tostões, A. (Ana)Approaching some of the questions raised in the “Material Oriented Ontology” call such as the Aesthetics and Ethics of Sustainability, this paper augues that the action of Recycling Social Housing stands for a model of Social Regeneration. In 1995 the awarded movie ‘La Haine’ revealed to the world the daily turmoil in which lived the inhabitants of the grands-ensembles (French post-war social housing): unemployment, criminality and violence were some of their constant companions. Faced by the unmistakable reality, the state promptly held as responsibles the urbanistic and architectonic models, setting into motion a large demolition-reconstruction plan, that is still up to date. Since 2004, the architects Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal have been active opposers to this unfounded policy. Not only through writing, but also through their built work, they’ve shown that the grands-ensembles are passible of a second life. Taking as their prime ‘raw material’ the already built context, they’ve successively rescued the Modern Movement’s machine à habiter by bringing the transition spaces of the Palladian villa into each one of the inhabited apartments.
- Consumo de significantes(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Blanco, J. (Joel)Products speak; they speak of their history, their producers, their ingredients and materials, and undoubtedly, they speak of their owners. In this text, I set out to explore the link between responsible consumption, its labelling, and the creation of consumer identity; and how the industry takes advantage of this phenomenon when positioning products.
- Conscious Material Choices. A Systemic Approach to Reframing our Relationship with Materials and to Accelerating the Positive Impact Future(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Freire, C. (Cristina)We are immersed in a sustainability crisis fueled by our “take-makewaste” industrial model1 and our throwaway culture2. We need an urgent, seismic shift from linear growth to sustainable prosperity. Positive impact can be at the core of new ideas, projects and business models, integrating all aspects of sustainability and creating tangible, long-lasting value. We can move positive impact front and center in our creative conversations with materials. Using systems thinking, material professionals can imagine a ‘new normal’. Leverage points to activate change include a reframed relationship with materials, a new modus operandi and new opportunities leveraging on circularity thinking and technology. Beyond the immediate opportunities that making conscious material choices can unlock in products and buildings, we can radically accelerate the positive impact future.
- ¿De qué substancia está hecha la arquitectura? Contigüidades y serendipias en torno al agua en el proyecto contemporáneo(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Domingo-Santos, J. (Juan); Moreno-Álvarez, C. (Carmen)This text describes the reunion between creation and the universal contiguity of thought, matter and form, and how certain forms of architecture are conceived of a single substance which is transferred to the elements that make up the work. This article questions the strictly technical condition of a large part of 20thcentury architecture -especially that of the Modern Movementwith a “detached look” at the discipline from a technical point of view and taking into consideration the repertoire of materials. Although it is not possible to generalise and the routes taken by the contemporary architectural project are many and varied, we may speak of a certain line of thought derived from a universal contiguity (Ovid, Fourier, Calvino) present in certain architectural movements in history that mark a clear distinction between the building materials and the substance with which architecture is conceived. This text reflects on these questions taking water as an argument for creation in architecture.