REV - Persona y Derecho - Vol. 58 (2008)

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    De la geometría legal estatal al redescubrimiento del derecho y de la política. Estudios en honor de Francesco Gentil. [Reseña]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Prada, A. (Aurelio) de
    Reseña de: Miguel AYUSO TORRES (ed.). De la geometría legal estatal al redescubrimiento del derecho y de la política. Estudios en honor de Francesco Gentile, Fundación Francisco Elias de Tejada, Marcial Pons, Madrid-Barcelona, 2006, 422 pp.
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    La paradoja de la prohibición de prohibir y el sueño libertario de 1968.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Peña, L. (Lorenzo)
    A reasoning in accordance with legal logic evinces the damaging consequences following from a principle forbidding all prohibitions. Such a farfetched aspiration fits in with a craving for the utmost freedom. Nomologic analysis shows such a craving to be unattainable and self destructive. I propose instead an alternative meta-legal criterion, faithful to a liberal inspiration, which -within the framework of a pluralistic and gradual is tic axiology- acknowledges the value of freedom as one which is not subservient to any other. This value is implemented in particular bundles of liberties depending on the historic and social circumstances; unavoidably such an implementation gives rise to collisions, not only among sundry concrete liberties but also between freedom and other high-rank values.
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    La barba di Solzenicyn e la frammentazione dei diritti umani.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Manzin, M. (Maurizio)
    This article is in some respects provoking. It starts using a quotation from the famous Kundera s book on Immortality as a peg to hang a discussion on the transformation of individual whishes into rights and on the fragmentation sustained by human rights after the cultural revolution of 1968. It was in that period that the evolution of modern legal and political thought (deeply rooted in gnosticism) reached its climax, after developing through Scolastic rationalism in the 14th century and the modern doctrines of natural law (together with the scientific revolution) in the 16th. Between the 18th and the 19th century the human rights went through an age of abstractness (the Enlightment and the Déclaration in 1789) and then of socialization, until their ultimate denial as "individual" rights in the 20th century, dominated by totalitarian nationalism and communism (both anti-individualistic). After the Nuremberg Trial and the rising crisis of legal positivism, the human rights have been submitted to a process of constitutionalization and internationalization (see UN Universal Declaration) which, however, have not been able to cast light on their pre-normative (i.e. metaphysical) nature. In such a way human rights remain under control of a single power (either from a nation state or from some supranational community) instead of being founded on what is essentially human. It is the individualistic nature of modern human rights, strenghtened by secularization in the post-modern age, that prevents the durable foundation of human rights from being revealed, leaving them to the fragmentation of individual wishes - as written in Kundera 's book. Only a deep rethink of the (gnostic) process which has led mankind to modernity could allow us to save the notion of "human right", bringing it from the pluralistic fragmentation to the essence of the law.
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    De 1968 a 2008: consecuencias en bioderecho de la revolución sexual.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Díaz-de-Terán-Velasco, M.C. (María Cruz)
    La libertad sexual es uno de los iconos del 68. Los acontecimientos de ese año en relación con la liberación de la mujer condujeron a la lucha por el derecho a la anticoncepción y al aborto. El objeto de este trabajo es el derecho al aborto como un derecho nacido al amparo de la libertad sexual y su reivindicación como un derecho a reconocer en las legislaciones positivas. En el articulo se esgrimen varios argumentos que sostienen que tal reivindicación supone un cambio en relación con la mentalidad del 48.
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    Europa: agonía del sesentayochismo, ¿retorno del cristianismo?
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Contreras, F. (Francisco)
    The current situation of European society is still deeply marked by the aftermath of the "cultural revolution " of the 60s. This paper discusses examines, first, a number of social features in which this influence is discernible: secularization, birth rate decline, decay of the family, relativism, etc. The second section presents the contemporary cultural crisis as the ultimate stage of an evolution that opened up in the 17th century, when a new secular-rational ethics (etsi Deus non daretur) -designed to supersede traditional Christian ethics- was proposed by Grotius and other scholars. The third section analyzes the essential contribution Christianity could make to the (still hypothetical) cultural-moral revival of Europe (via an ethics veluti si Deus daretur), focusing particularly on the dialogues Joseph Ratzinger held with Jürgen Habermas and Marcello Pera.
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    Los Derechos Humanos y la Constitución Argentina reformada. Consideraciones en ocasión de un aniversario.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Massini-Correas, C.I. (Carlos Ignacio)
    En el presente artículo el autor estudia, desde una perspectiva iusfilosófica, la recepción de ciertos Derechos Humanos en la nueva Constitución Argentina de 1994. En especial analiza lo establecido en esa Constitución respecto a los derechos ambientales o ecológicos, al derecho a la educación y al derecho a la vida. En el caso de este último, se incluye un tratamiento general acerca de sus fundamentos y extensión, para pasar luego al estudio del nuevo texto argentino. El trabajo concluye con un balance general acerca de la presencia de los Derechos Humanos en el nuevo texto constitucional.
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    Internet y los derechos de las personas.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Rodríguez-Puerto, M. (Manuel)
    The appearance of Internet has brought a substantial debate about the validity ofthe legal theory to explain his regulation. In this context, the concept of subjective right is one ofthe most controversial. Some scholars maintain that subjective right, based on the idea of individual exclusive power, is inaccurate to Internet, because this is a reality formed of information and this can not be possessed exclusively like a material thing. Notwithstanding these thesis are debatable. Subjective right can be conceived in a more flexible form. Furthermore, Internet is not so different: it is not an independent world in need of a new law. From these premises, we can argue that the diversity of rights typical ofthe legal orders appears in Internet too. Among these, the rights directly related with personality, like human rights, are particularly important. But his exercise (partial or total) through the Web does not change the exigibilty of respect and fulfilment.
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    Nuevos retos de los derechos humanos. [Reseña]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Carabante, J.M. (José María)
    Reseña de: Femando FALCON Y TELLA, Nuevos retos de los derechos humanos. Grupo Difusión, Madrid, 2006, 280 pp.
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    Ventajas e inconvenientes de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Banaszak, B. (Boguslaw)
    Son obvias las aportaciones positivas de la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la UE, pero no faltan a la vez desventajas. La polémica suscitada por la conveniencia de introducir en ella o no derechos económicos, sociales o culturales se une a la no precisa delimitación de la proyección de unos y otros derechos en normas y principios. Todo ello puede acabar suscitando problemas tanto en la relación entre las instituciones de la UEy del Consejo de Europa (Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos), como entre ellas y las de los Estados miembros.
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    Historia del mundo y salvación. [Reseña]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Carabante, J.M. (José María)
    Reseña de: Kart LÖWITH, Historia del mundo y salvación, Katz, Buenos Aires, 2007.