REV - Persona y Derecho - Vol. 04 (1977)

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    Abortion. One issue?
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Marx, P. (Paul)
    En los últimos años, el tema del aborto ha sido abordado repetidas veces, de forma aislada, como si se tratara de uno sólo de los muchos problemas sociales a los que tiene que enfrentarse la sociedad moderna. En este artículo, el autor subraya sin regatear palabras, que un planteamiento así carece de validez: el aborto no es «un problema más», un problema aparte, sino de hecho, un eslabón de importancia vital en la cadena anti-natalista, que tiene como última manifestación la eutanasia. En realidad, se ofrece en este artículo una documentación abundante que demuestra claramente que no se puede arrancar el tema del aborto del contexto que le es propio, es decir, el ataque y desprecio a ultranza de la vida como realidad sagrada. En muchos países del llamado -mundo desarrollado», los efectos de las leyes liberales con referencia al aborto, así como de la visión permisiva que es, al mismo tiempo, resultado y manifestación de las ideas que inspiraron dichas leyes, han sido -para enumerar sólo unos pocos males que hallan su origen en el utilitarismo al margen de Dios- los siguientes: el alarmante declive de la natalidad y las consecuencias adversas que dicho declive supone; el aumento de la irresponsabilidad en materia sexual, especialmente en los jóvenes; el aumento de abortos ilegales e incluso de nacimientos ilegítimos, así como de enfermedades venéreas; la destrucción de la familia; el consenso cada vez mayor en torno a la aceptación de la eutanasia. Se ve, pues, que el autor puede con razón afirmar que el aborto no es «un tema aparte», sino un conjunto explosivo de temas, una especie de pulpo maligno cuyos tentáculos tocan a una infinidad de aspectos de la sociedad. los efectos del aborto son múltiples; su apetito, incontrolado. El autor basa sus afirmaciones en los resultados de investigaciones llevadas a cabo en muchas partes del mundo, y en las opiniones de numerosos expertos que han colaborado con él sobre este tema. Una y otra vez, se ve que carece de sentido tratar el aborto como -un solo tema», ya que abunda la documentación -tanto histórica como actual- en contra de este planteamiento que, en el mejor de los casos, parte Simplemente de la ingenuidad. Frecuentemente, no obstante, dicho planteamiento se halla defendido precisamente por aquellos que cosechan las mayores ganancias de la práctica del aborto.
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    Economie et morale
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Corte, M. (Marcel) de
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    Derechos naturales y derechos humanos
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) García-López, J. (Jesús)
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    Fundamentos biblicos de la especulación de Tomás de Aquino sobre el derecho natural
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Larrainzar, C. (Carlos)
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    Die normen im denken der theologen und moralisten
    (1977) Ermecke, G. (Gustav)
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    Considerazioni sulla struttura interna della legge. Il primato della ragione sulla volontà
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1976) Pellegrino, P. (Piero)
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    Die rechtslehre der scholastik, bei den dekretisten und dekretalisten
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Weigand, R. (Rudolf)
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    Antecedentes históricos de la clausula de conciencia: el modelo francés
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Urabayen, M. (Miguel)
    The French Union of Journalists which had been constituted in 1918 drew up, in the early part of 1933, a Professional Statute in which there were to be found those labor rights that French journalists had long been fighting for in vain against the patrons of the French press. The Statute was presented as a bill in the Chamber of Deputies and became Law on March 29th, 1935, thanks to the brilliant preparation and defense carried out by Emile Brachard. One of the articles of the French law lays down the groundrules by which journalists can break away from the contract and the newpaper to which they had formerly been bound, alleging reasons of conscience, and still receive indemnization equal to that to which they would have been entitled had they been fired unjustly. This conscience clause -which is so extraordinary from the point of view of labor legislation- already existed in other European countries. In this respect. Italy provided at the same time both the oldest and most complete antecedents. Between 1935 and the present, the conscience clause as it applies to French journalists has been exercised frequently and with very few problems. The author estimates that the total number of cases add up to around two thousand, out of which only a few dozen had to be settled in court. The sentences dictated have in fact widened the scope of the clause's application and made it to include al/ the intellectual staft employed by any publication and -in one case- the publication itself against one of its own editors. Today the conscience clause is held by French journalists to be an incomplete solution to a problem which greatly exceeds the scope contemplated by the authors of the 1935 Law. What is sought today is the true participation of the entire editorial staft in the publication's decision making process. There does not exist in Spain any conscience clause but journalists are at the present moment pushing very hard in its favor. The author of this article examines the possible ways by which it could be recognized in this country, either from the starting point of already-existing legislation or else through its inclusion in a Statute on Information, in his opinion, the latter seems to be the most suitable of the possibilities examined. Final/y, as an annex to the text, the author includes the entire brief of the famous report drawn up and defended by Deputy Brachard. Thanks to his highly reasoned and extremely documented exposition,. this brief was one of the essential elements which led to the approval of the French Statute as Law in 1935.
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    Cláusula de conciencia, principios editoriales y empresario de la información
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1976) Nieto-Tamargo, A. (Alfonso)
    The study of the Conscience Clause requires, in order to obtain a complete view of the subject matter, the analysis of its projection in the sphere proper to the Information Business. In the past few years the Information Enterprise has undergone notable changes which directly affect its juridical, economic, and organizational framework. The essential starting point of these transformations has been the consideration of the end itself of the information business, this end being centered upon the task of spreading information and ideas through the means and modes of social communications. The equilibrium which the Conscience Clause at first intended to establish -granting the journalist certain rights which apparently defended in an efficient manner his freedom of thought and his honor- has been upset as a consequence of the development and metamorphosis of the business itself. The news reporter is no longer the only claimant of this juridical protection, and the journalist also no longer tends to be the only news reportero The explicit setting down of the body of specified knowledge which inspires the content of information and which lays the foundation of the activity of the business can be one of the ways of making efficacious the rights which fall under the protection of the Conscience Clause. This specific body of knowledge is what the author of this paper calls -Editorial Principies». In them we find the roots which firmly anchor the line of thought which presides over the activity which is proper to the business of giving information. Furthermore, the man whose business is informing must be attributed the exercise of the rights which protect his business'line of thought. But this protection must also be extended to all those who are integrated within the Information Enterprise. The Editorial Principies must be inserted in an adequate framework in order that their operative functioning be efficiently guaranteed. This may be done via social statutes, contracts for work or the rendering of services, subscription contracts, labor settlements, Business Statutes, etc. Both Spanish and compared legislation -so much in the case of the information business as in the realm of a more general character with regard to the right to work- offer some possibility of admitting the insertion of the Editorial Principies, configurating them as an essental factor of the internal and external relations of the business. However, in an impelling trajectory of the integration process of everyone working directly in or rendering services to the Information Enterprise, it beco mes necessary to arbitrate new juridical channels and forms of business organization which allow the safeguarding of the effectiveness of the Editorial Principies. The present study on the Conscience Clause is dedicated precisely to an exposition of possible new formulae which facilitate the aims indicated above.
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    La clausula de conciencia desde la perspectiva profesional
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Desantes-Guanter, J.M. (José María)
    From an institutional perspective and previous to the analysis of French legislation, this paper defines the conscience clause as a legal clause which is implicit in the contracting of work in the field of journalism. According to the clause, the economic effects of the cessation of the previously existing work relation in that field stemming from the unilateral will of the worker are equivalent to those that stem from the extinction of the relationship due to the will of the employer. This takes into account certain presuppositions which are typified by Law with reference to the conscience of the informer. From a historical perspective thls notion belongs to the three stages which have been produced with regard to the juridical understanding of the realm of information: enterprisalistic, professionalistic and universalistic stages. After these preliminary considerations, the author then analyses the juridical nature of the clause which -although it proceeds from a legal origen and has an application which is both necessary and identified within the informative labor relation- does not be long to the structural framework of a fictio iuris as is claimed by the majority of writers, but rather defines an intellectual and moral right in terms of the nexus between a particular cause and sorne juridical effects. That particular cause is the very conscience of the informer, the nexus is the professional ethos of the field of information (whose central duty is precisely that of informing), and the effects are more complex than those which arise with regard to simple compensation, since they have repercussions bearing upon the very efficacy of the right to information. The paper then concludes with the utilization of the ideas clearly expressed before, in order to intepret systematically the Spanish juridical framework as it applies to contracting in the field of information.