REV - Ius Canonicum - 2006 Vol. XLVI Nº 92
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- Canonistica e teologia: problemi circa il riferimento metodologico a von Balthasar(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Gherri, P. (Paolo)In the recent years, we have witnessed in the field of canonical science an unexpected attribution of methodological reference to the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, on the part of authors who have believed that elements not only hermeneutical but also methodological can be extracted from his philosophical-theological reflection. In the present study, two «recent» works are analysed which permit to capture efficiently what does it entail a gullible methodological reference to Disciplines whose connections with the canonical science have not been formalized sufficiently. It concerns above all the reference of the canonists to systematic theology (intellectus fidei -what the diverse theologians think-)...
- El objeto del recurso contencioso-admnistrativo en el Derecho Canónico vigente(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Miras, J. (Jorge)The object of the contentious-administrative recourse are the singular administrative acts issued or approved by the dicasteries of the Roman Curia, whenever it is contended that the impugned act violated some law either in the decision or in the procedure used (cfr. const. Pastor Bonus, art. 123). On the correct interpretation of this norm, it depends that the recourse may observe actually the comprehensive function of guarantee for which it was established. The author analyses, firstly, the canonical concept of administrative act, to conclude that no singular juridical act of the executive power must be excluded from the recourse for motives purely formal. Secondly, he studies the contestability of the...
- El gobierno de la diócesis según derecho en el directorio Apostolorum successores(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Viana, A. (Antonio)El artículo enfoca en la dirección política de la diócesis según el directorio "Apostolorum successores." El directorio fue publicado en 2004 por la Congregación para los Obispos. El documento contiene varios consejos para estos obispos y sirve como manual en cómo manejar su ministerio pastoral. El texto también implica la importancia y muestra la valoración especial del Derecho de la Iglesia. En comparación con el directorio "Ecclesiae imago" de 1973, es evidente que el nuevo "Apostolorum successores" presenta un nuevo punto de vista más sensible sobre el Derecho canónico.
- La giurisdizione episcopale nell'Alto Medievo. Riflessioni sul principio «un solo vescoso per città» sancito dal can. VIII del Concilio di Nicea I (325)(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Tammaro, C. (Ciro)The article is a synthesized legal-historic examination of the administration of the sacrament of Holy Orders in the Early Middle Ages. Given that in the apostolic era and immediately afterwards the territorial limits of the organizational structures of the Church were not clear or defined as we now understand, the power of the bishops was not expressed as power over a physical territory as such, but over the people and things which had been entrusted to them by the consecration they had received and the corresponding pastoral commission. The necessity for an ordered exercise of episcopal power, linked to the specific praxis of government, appears to be the only reason to be found as a basis for the...
- La teología del Derecho canónico. Nueva disciplina(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Molano, E. (Eduardo)The recent reform of the Order of studies in the Faculties of Canon Law, carried out by the Decree of 2.IX.02 of the Congregation for Catholic Education, has introduced a new discipline in the Second Cycle of Licentiate, called «Theology of Canon Law». The novelty of this discipline, which did not figure in the anterior Order of study, makes it necessary to consider what may be its nature, content and method. In this work I propose two objectives. On the one hand, to make a critical commentary to the book of P. Gherri-«Lezioni di Teologia del Diritto Canonico», Lateran University Press, Roma, 2004- which is one of the first books that appeared after the reform which intends to respond to the mentioned...
- Relación jurídica de los profesores de religión en España. La dimensión canónica(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Otaduy, J. (Jorge)The new Spanish law on education, of May 3, 2006, refers to the statute of the professors of religion in the third additional disposition. In the opinion of some, its content might not respect the Agreement with the Holy See. The difficulty arises, above all, in relation with the faculty recognized to the Ordinary regarding the annual proposal of the professors. In this work, the author proposes an integrating interpretation of law and of the Agreement in order to avoid whatever contradiction. With this objective, it is studied in depth the canonical nature of the relation of the professor with the own Bishop, that is constituted on the figure of mandate, not limited to the superior confines but can be...
- «El Diaconado: evolución y perspectivas». Una relectura desde el Derecho canónico del documento de la Comisión Teológica Internacional.(Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) González-Ayesta, J. (Juan)
- Crónica del II Simposio Internacional de Derecho Concordatario. «Entidades eclesiástias y derecho de los Estados». Almería, 9-11.XI.2005. [Reseña](Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Calvo-Álvarez, J. (Joaquín)Crónica del II Simposio Internacional de Derecho Concordatario. «Entidades eclesiástias y derecho de los Estados». Almería, 9-11.XI.2005.
- (Herausgegeben von): Kirchenrecht aktuell. Anfragen von heute an eine Disziplin von «gestern». [Reseña](Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Hera, A. (Alberto) de laReseña de: Ahlers, Reinhild y Laukemper-Isermann, Beatrix (Herausgegeben von): Kirchenrecht aktuell. Anfragen von heute an eine Disziplin von «gestern», Ludgerus Verlag, Essen 2004, 206 pp.
- Pueblo cristiano y circunscripciones eclesiásticas. [Reseña](Instituto Martín Azpilicueta, 2006) Cenalmor, D. (Daniel)Reseña de: Hervada, Javier, Pueblo cristiano y circunscripciones eclesiásticas, Navarra Gráfica Ediciones, Pamplona 2003, 171 pp.