REV - Persona y Derecho - Vol. 81 (2019)

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    Derecho, coacción y razón práctica. Presentación
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Rodríguez-Blanco, V. (Verónica); Trujillo, I. (Isabel); Zambrano, P. (Pilar)
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    José María Alonso Seco, La política social como realización de derechos sociales, Tirant Humanidades, Valencia, 2019, 750 pp. [RECENSIÓN]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Martínez, N.E. (Narciso E.)
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    Michel Villey, El derecho y los derechos del hombre, Trad. Óscar Corres, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2019, 165 pp. [RECENSIÓN]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Machín, J. (Jorge)
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    Participación ciudadana y posverdad: la amenaza de la posverdad participativa
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Castellanos-Claramunt, J. (Jorge)
    Citizen participation is presented today, within the political discourse, as the legitimizing and revitalizing panacea par excellence of the worn and reviled representative democracy. However, the instruments that supposedly promote it, the language with which it is proposed and the enormous force with which the ‘post-truth’ has broken into the political landscape, capable of imposing on the public opinion an adulterated and falsified version of reality has not only caused the citizen to withdraw and distrust the regenerative force of the current participatory paradigm. Even more, we must be on our guard against the extraordinary manipulative power that is contained in the conjunction of participation and post-truth, against the demands basic transparency and truthfulness of a true democracy.
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    El derecho a la vida cuando ésta es frágil como una exigencia de justicia: la perspectiva que ofrecen las acciones de "wrongful birth" y "wrongful life" sobre las personas con discapacidad
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Garibo-Peyró, A.P. (Ana Paz)
    In the present work I propose to reflect on the unquestionable respect that especially vulnerable life deserves, such as that of the Nascituri who suffer from some type of disability. This respect would constitute a basic requirement of the content of justice. The reflection is made in the context of two alleged new rights to which the so-called wrongful birth and wrongful life actions originated in Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence have given rise: it is about the right not to be born (or perhaps more precisely, the right not to have been born) and the right not to be born with relevant physical or mental limitations.
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    El Derecho como instrumento de educación moral
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Contreras, F.J. (Francisco José)
    The mainstream tradition of Western moral and political philosophy was perfectionist, that is, it believed law and government could and should contribute to the moral improvement of people. This article examines the perfectionist arguments of Aristotle, Saint Augustin and Aquinas, as well as John S. Mill’s ≪harm principle≫, a classical reference for anti-perfectionists. It also reconstructs the controversy between Patrick Devlin and H.L.A. Hart on the matter of ≪morals laws≫. Finally, it proposes Rawls’s work as a paradigm of contemporary anti-perfectionism, and Joseph Raz’s ≪perfectionist liberalism≫ and Robert P. George’s considerations on ≪moral ecology≫ as instances of a perfectionism that lives up to the needs and constraints of our time.
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    From Sergio Cotta’s Technological Challenge to the Threshold of Enhancement
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Zini, F. (Francesco)
    The essay deals with the theme of enhancement starting from the thought of Sergio Cotta that already in the late ‘70s in his texts ≪La sfida tecnologica≫ and ≪L’uomo tolemaico≫, he had identified those problems and those lines of research that currently they are the object of the transhumanist perspective of overcoming the human. The purpose is the artificial construction of a new implemented subject, capable of performing higher functions and expanding its capabilities, eliminating the aging process, to reach a condition beyond human human-machine hybridization. It is cooked in a lucid and prophetic way, carries out a predictive analysis on the consequences of such technological progress, re-proposing fundamental questions about man and mortal finitude, highlighting the limits and future prospects.
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    La Corte IDH y su dinamismo institucional a lo largo de sus cuatro primeras décadas
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Santiago, A. (Alfonso)
    This year marks the 40th anniversary of the beginning of the work of the Inter-American Court. The article analyzes some of the main trends that have characterized the performance of this court throughout its first four decades of existence. It shows the expansive growth character and warns about some of the risks that this entails.
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    Visiones sobre la relación entre el derecho y la fuerza
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Atienza, M. (Manuel)
    The topic of force as the central element of law has come back in the current debate. In this essay five contributions coming from legal postmodern sociology, analytical jurisprudence and natural law theories are examined. The aim is to evaluate their consistency and their relevance for the comprehension of law.