REV - Ius Canonicum - 2020 Vol. 60 nº120
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- Edoardo CHITI, Il diritto di una comunità comunicativa. Un’indagine sul diritto amministrativo della Chiesa, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, Milano 2019, XIII + 231 pp., ISBN 978-88-28-81316-3 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Canosa, J. (Javier)
- El concurso de la ciencia canónica en la realidad eclesial y en el saber jurídico universal(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Del-Pozzo, M. (Massimo)The article examines the ways in which the study of canon law intersects with theology, civil law and other fields of knowledge. The analysis identifies the limits and limitations on each of the areas under discussion. With regard to canon law, there is a worrying loss of identity and adequate qualification among canon lawyers (in a shift from the justice and rationality of goods held in communion to the regulation of social life), a lack of quality standards and low sensitivity to the need for specialization and systematic approaches. Contemporary theological inquiry is fragmented and lacks an organic structure, and is markedly pragmatic and worldly in its concerns. At the same time, civil law thinking is driven by positivism and exaggerated senses of economicism and technologization. This situation may be due to a more general metaphysical, anthropological and spiritual confusion, which is why one aim here is to identify a “canonistical movement” capable of recovering a realistic sense of ecclesial legality and of shedding light on other areas of knowledge as well.
- Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica. Sentencia Prot. N. 53106/17 CA(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Bosch-Carrera, J. (Jordi)
- Carlos R. SANTOS LOYOLA (coord.), Estado y Religión. Comentarios a la Ley de Libertad Religiosa, Jurista Editores, Lima 2018, 332 pp., ISBN 978-612-4366-64-2 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Ferrer-Ortiz, J. (Javier)
- El traslado de párrocos(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Rodríguez-Ocaña, R. (Rafael)SUMARIO: 1. Breve síntesis histórico-legal. 2. La sentencia del STSA. 3. La instrucción del CpC sobre la parroquia.
- Jaime Homero PORTILLO GILL, La pérdida del estado clerical según los supuestos contenidos en el c. 290. Historia y exégesis, EUNSA, Pamplona 2020, 330 pp., ISBN 978-84-313-3440-6 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Martín-García, M.M. (María del Mar)
- Derecho canónico interdisciplinar. Ideas para una renovación epistemológica(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Fantappiè, C. (Carlo)The current situation of canon law studies evinces division not only between theology and canon law, but also between canon law, civil law and ethics. What is missing today is the common ground between canon and civil law, which enabled fruitful collaboration in times past. This article emphasizes the need for a new dialogue between canonical and secular sciences and explores models, requirements, benefits and purposes for the interrelationships between theology, canon law and the social sciences.
- Péter SZABO (ed.), Primacy and Synodality. Deepening Insights. Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of the Society for the Law of the Eastern Churches. Debrecen (September 3-8, 2017), Kanon: Yearbook of the Society for the Law of Eastern Churches 25, St. Athanasius Theological Institute, Nyiregyaz 2019, 724 pp., ISBN 978-615-5073-89-2 ( [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Le-Tourneau, D. (Dominique)
- Teología y canonística. Hipótesis para superar la separación(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Canobbio, GiacomoThe essay aims to suggest how the split between theology and the study of canon law may be overcome. The approach is twofold: first, the two disciplines are shown to have the same object, the life of the Church as a phenomenon to be interpreted; and second, the link between the two disciplines is elucidated: theology sheds light on the Church’s raison d’etre, and the study of canon law gives an account of the rules that enable the Church to carry out her mission in a particular time-period.
- La mujer en la Iglesia(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Blanco, M. (María)This article offers a brief overview of the history of women in the Church based on the idea that Jesus Christ was “the true inspiration and proponent of their dignity”. The author analyzes the position of the abbess of Las Huelgas, who held civil and ecclesiastical jurisdiction from 1187 to 1874, a figure that exercised powers that would be unthinkable today. The purpose here is to contextualize the debate about the role of women in the Church, showing institutional support for their work, challenging the idea that their contribution to the official and organizational activities of the Church is due to a series of accidental circumstances, and highlighting the fact that the true role played by women is not due to “participation in ecclesiastical office, but respect for the gift received”. However, the paper also explores specific ways in which lay people may play a part in offices of the Church. Conclusion: The specific contribution of women is “an indispensable contribution to the growth of a culture which unites reason and feeling, to a model of life ever open to the sense of “mystery”, to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity” (Pope St. John Paul II, Letter of Pope to Women, 29 June 1995).
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