REV - Ius Canonicum - 2019 Vol. 59 nº117
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- Alejandro GONZÁLEZ-VARAS IBÁÑEZ, La enseñanza de la religión en Europa, Digital Reasons, Madrid 2018, 162 pp., ISBN 978-84-948502-1-9. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Palomino-Lozano, R. (Rafael)
- Hacia un régimen jurídico de las empresas de tendencia a la luz de la jurisprudencia europea(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Schouppe, J. (Jean-Pierre)European Court of Human Rights case law in relation to ethos-based organizations is sufficiently well-developed to enable the tracing of a European legal structure for companies based on a specific (religious or philosophical) ethos. The first part of this study addresses the drafting of such a legal structure at the European level: the definition of an ethos-based organization, the rights and duties of employee and employer, the limits of an ethos as such, etc. However, some recent preliminary rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union determining the interpretation of Article 4 of Council Directive 2000/78 intensify the control that the Court intends to exercise; and two of these rulings appear to diverge in part from the position adopted by the ECHR in this regard.
- Rüdiger ALTHAUS – Judith HAHN – Matthias PULTE (Herausgegeben von), Im Dienste der Gerechtigkeit und Einheit. Festchrift für Heinrich J. F. Reinhardt zur Vollendung seines 75. Lebensjahres, Ludgerus Verlag, Essen 2017, 600 pp., ISBN 978-38-7497-292-5. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) De-la-Hera, A. (Alberto)
- "Linee guida per la protezione dei minori e delle persone vulnerabili per il Vicariato della Città del Vaticano" (26 marzo 2019)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Francisco, Papa
- Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica. Sentencia(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019)
- La responsabilidad civil y penal de los titulares de oficios eclesiásticos según el derecho estatal(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) López-Sidro-López, Á. (Ángel)Not only does the holding of ecclesiastical office entail certain responsibilities in light of canon law, but also in relation to civil law. Historically, in the Spanish legal system, the clergy enjoyed special status in that regard, until equality of status was introduced with the transition to democracy. The criminal responsibility of holders of ecclesiastical offices has become a legal issue of primary interest, especially because of the investigation into abuses committed by clerics in many dioceses around the world. This study explores the situation in Spain, and its reflection in the relevant jurisprudence. Moreover, it describes the efforts that the Catholic Church has made in recent years to strengthen cooperation with the State, so that clerics guilty of crimes are also made answerable to civil authorities. The question of the subsidiary civil liability of the ecclesiastical entity in which the offending office holder is incardinated is likewise addressed.
- Montserrat GAS-AIXENDRI (coord.), Nuevos desafíos del Derecho Canónico a cien años de la primera codificación (1917-2017), Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia 2018, 283 pp., ISBN 978-84-9190-230-0. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Meseguer-Velasco, S. (Silvia)
- Propuestas de reformas al derecho canónico presentadas por el arzobispo de Tarragona, Tomás Costa y Fornaguera, al iniciarse la codificación del derecho canónico de 1917(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Salinas-Araneda, C.R. (Carlos R.)Based on documents in the Vatican Secret Archives, this paper presents the proposals for canon law reform made in 1904 by Tomás Costa y Fornaguera, Archbishop of Tarragona, in response to the Pergratum mihi circular issued by the Vatican Secretariat of State, 25 March 1904, at the start of the 1917 Canon Law codification process, and offers a first assessment of both texts.
- La contratación del personal al servicio de las Iglesias y el sistema de tribunales para la resolución de conflictos laborales en Alemania(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Mückl, S. (Stefan)Church labour law is of eminent practical importance in Germany. Approximately 1.5 million employees work in church service. The Constitution expressly protects the right of “religious societies” to regulate and administer “their affairs” independently. On the basis of this right, churches have created their own rules, which modify the general labour law to suit the particular characteristics of church service. This includes the special “religious belief protection” of church labour law, mechanisms for personnel recruitment, and, in particular, sanctions for violations of church principles. Up to now the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court has respected and defended the special features of church labour law and has given high priority to the churches’ own self-understanding. By contrast, the European Court of Justice, in two decisions given in 2018, has questioned the principles of the German system, ruling that, on the one hand, European anti-discrimination legislation should apply more strictly to church service, and on the other, that the courts should exercise more rigorous control over actions taken by churches.
- Kevin Otieno MWANDHA, Doubt of Law. Juridical and moral consequences, Libreria Ateneo Salesiano, Roma 2016, 245 pp., ISBN 978-88-213-1196-3. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Otaduy, J. (Javier)
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