REV - Persona y Derecho - Vol. 86 (2022)
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- «Ius, ius suum, res iusta»: una crítica a la «Introducción crítica» de Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Domingo, R. (Rafael)En este artículo, se analizan algunos aspectos de la teoría realista del derecho del jurista español Javier Hervada (1934-2020), quien, inspirado en los juristas romanos y Tomás de Aquino, entre otros, concibe el derecho como la cosa justa. En el artículo, se explica el significado romano de la palabra ius, el sentido de las expresiones ius suum y res justa y su papel en la elaboración doctrinal de Hervada. El artículo también analiza la definición que ofrece Hervada de ley como regla o medida del derecho, así como su aproximación a la idea de persona como ser que se pertenece a sí mismo. El artículo concluye que la teoría realista de Hervada constituye una interesante aproximación al derecho como objeto de la virtud de la justicia. Pero ni el derecho puede reducirse a mero objeto de la virtud de la justicia, ni la justicia puede tratarse solo como una virtud.
- Homenaje al Profesor Javier Hervada. Presentación(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Aparisi-Miralles, Á. (Ángela); Zambrano, P. (Pilar)
- La continuidad de los fundamentos del realismo jurídico clásico en la obra de Javier Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Albert-Márquez, J. J. (José J.)The purpose of this article is to highlight how the radical foundations of law and natural law are already established in some of Javier Hervada’s early works, so that a peaceful continuity in his work in relation to these foundations is perceptible. For this, most of the writings from the sixties of last century have been used, the principles of which are developed in later works. The metaphysical and theological bases of Hervadian thought thus determine a concrete anthropology in which law, in its unitary and integral conception, fulfills a capital function.
- Naturaleza humana y finalidad como claves de interpretación en la obra de Javier Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Madrid, R. (Raúl)The objective of this paper is to analyze some dimensions of the general Hervadian principle that nature as essence is both the principle of action of the human being and its own purpose. To this effect, the first part of the paper is intended to glean the main meanings of nature in the classical world, and how it joins the idea of finality in Aristotle; and then in medieval thought represented by Aquinas. The second part, from the affirmation that nature is a measure of order and proportion, briefly develops four aspects of the problem in the context of the work of the great jurist of the University of Navarra. These aspects are: (a) empirical nature and nature as ratio; (b) nature as a measure of order and conduct; (c) nature and universal order (immanence and transcendence, and (d) finality in the world to come (a new civilization).
- El Derecho preexiste a la Justicia(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Ollero, A. (Andrés)The Autor, in honor of Professor Javier Hervada and in light of a new doctoral thesis on John Finnis, defended recently at the University of Navarra, begins by making the distinction between law and morality to analyse the relationship between iusnaturalism and lex naturalis, wich encompasses not only content based on law but also based on morality
- Contribuição de Javier Hervada para o estatuto científico da ciência legislativa(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Callado-de-Oliveira, G. (Gilberto)A new science that involves politics and law must be developed under its own cognitive perspectives, as well as with its own methodology, so that the production of law (through regulations and which has scientificity pretensions) follows an autonomous instrumentality. Javier Hervada has projected this autonomy to the canonical science, defining general methodological rules, in the legal field, which can be applicable to the new science of laws. This is how the great canonist gives his indication in the construction of a new jus political science, as a deontic science that aims at modifying the normative positivity, employing the use of its own methodical approach.
- La inspiración tomista del realismo jurídico de Javier Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Errázuriz, C.J. (Carlos José)Javier Hervada claimed that his master par excellence was Thomas Aquinas. The article seeks to verify to what extent this applies to the Hervadian conception of classical legal realism, which considers the just thing as the essence of right. To this end, it studies the relevance of St. Thomas both to the event of Hervada’s «enlightenment » on that realism and to the implications of that «enlightenment». In the end, it is specified in what sense we can speak of Hervada’s Thomism. In this sense, the article shows that Hervada is not an author who has analytically dedicated himself to studying the works of Aquinas, but a jurist and philosopher of law who has tuned in to his doctrine, taking it as a starting point for personal elaboration, trying to restore and develop legal realism, through didactic and systematic presentations, while also taking into account the themes of our time, such as human rights. Special use has been made of the sources in which Hervada himself speaks of his scientific work.
- El juicio prudencial en el realismo clásico de Javier Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Sánchez-Hidalgo, A. (Adolfo)The present work aims to analyse the idea of legal prudence in the thought of Javier Hervada, according to the premises of the classic realism. The article begins with the study about the moral action and prudence in Aristotle and st. Thomas’ s philosophy, continuing with the explication of the anexed virtues to the prudence and the particular position of Hervada. Also, it will be tested the prudential reasoning as paradigm of the legal reasoning. Finally, it will be summarized certains critical conslussions about the thinking of the spanish philosopher.
- El «medium rei» y el contexto hermenéutico: similitudes y diferencias(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Rodríguez-Puerto, M. (Manuel)Legal Realism is one of the most important branches of the Javier Hervada’s legal philosophy. Among other topics, legal realism mantains that law is, in its deeper sense, the «right thing», obtained from a objective features of a relation of justice. Legal hermeneutics also sustains a conception of law centered in concretion inside multiple contexts. There were simillarities between these theories, but there were also a clear difference: legal realism of thomist roots affirms the existente of evident precepts of natural law. Legal hermeneutics, mantains that human being exists always in a historical situation without objective foundations of metaphysical procedence.
- Il principio istituzionale e gerarchico nel sistema costituzionale di Javier Hervada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Del-Pozzo, M. (Massimo)The express formalization of the constitutional science inspired Hervada to seek the fundamental principles of the canonical system in the principles of radical equality, variety, and hierarchy. The hierarchical profile, respecting the condition of the faithful and their fundamental rights, forms the base of the institutional structure. This analysis explores the possible differentiation between the institutional principle (the founding will to establish a transpersonal and permanent entity) and the hierarchical principle (the reservation of certain public functions, and the internal graduation of the ordo). The institutional nature of the Church aids our comprehension of the consistency and development of ecclesiastical organization. Organic coordination and the difference between functions further clarify the meaning and reach of the hierarchy. Still today, Hervada’s teaching in this area remains current and stimulating, especially in reference to the ministerial nature of governance, the internal cohesion and unity of the ordo, and the direct connection between hierarchical action and the goods of communion.