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    Relaciones familia-escuela: creencias desde los servicios de orientación
    (Asociación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 2022) López-Larrosa, S. (Silvia); Cueli-Naranjo, M.A. (María de los Ángeles)
    Una de las tareas de los servicios de orientación es relacionarse con lasfamilias. Sin embargo, las creencias de los y las orientadoras sobre dichas relaciones y su rol con respecto a las familias han sido poco investigadas. El objetivo de este trabajo era explorar las creencias sobre la relación familia-escuela, la autoeficacia pararelacionarse y el desempeño del rol de los orientadores. Participaron 110 orientadores y orientadoras de varias comunidades españolas que trabajaban en centros con niveles educativos desde educación infantil a secundaria. Se usó el “Cuestionariode creencias sobre las relaciones familia-escuela”, que explora creencias sobre la supeditación, colaboración, separación, y la autoeficacia para relacionarse con las familias. Además, se exploraron cuatro factores del desempeño del rol: contextual, personal,conocimiento del rol y expectativas. Los participantes se sintieron altamente eficaces para vincularse con las familias y apoyaron las creencias de colaboración entre la familia y la escuela. Sin embargo, cuantos menos años de experiencia profesional tenían, menos capaces se sentían para relacionarse con las familias. A pesar de encontrarse en contextos de colaboración entre la familia y la escuela, reconocían diversas situaciones mejorables, desempeñando esencialmente roles de mediadores/asesores, y respondiendo a las altas expectativas de toda la comunidad educativa. Las características personológicas necesarias para el desempeño del rol eran las habilidades sociales, especialmente la empatía y la escucha activa. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para la mejora de las relaciones con las familias y la caracterización del rol de los orientadores y las orientadoras.
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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a risk factor for being involved in intimate partner violence and sexual violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    (Cambridge University Press, 2023) Cortese, S. (Samuele); Arrondo, G. (Gonzalo); Magallon-Recalde, S. (Sara); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina)
    Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) are significant problems world-wide, and they affect women disproportionally. Whether individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at an increased risk of being involved in these types of violence is unclear. Methods: We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis (PROSPERO registration CRD42022348165) of the associations between ADHD and being the victim or perpetrator of IPV and SV. Ratios of occurrence of violence were pooled in random-effects models and study risk of bias was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Results: A search on multiple databases, carried out on 7 October 2022, yielded 14 eligible studies (1 111 557 individuals). Analyses showed a higher risk of ADHD individuals being involved in IPV as perpetrators (six studies, OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.51-4.15) or victims (four studies, OR 1.78, 95% CI 1.06-3.0). Likewise, individuals with ADHD were at increased risk of being perpetrators (three studies, OR 2.73, 95% CI 1.35-5.51) or victims of SV (six studies, OR 1.84, 95% CI 1.51-2.24). Results were overall robust to different analytical choices. Conclusions: Individuals with ADHD are at an increased risk of being involved in cases of violence, namely IPV and SV, either as victims or perpetrators. Although the causal path or mediating variables for these results are still unclear, this increased risk should inform evidence-based psychoeducation with individuals with ADHD, their families, and partners about romantic relationships and sexuality.
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    Leisure time activities in adolescents predict problematic technology use
    (Springer, 2023) Ibabe, I. (Izaskun); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Albertos-San-José, A. (Aránzazu)
    The problematic use of technology of children and adolescents is becoming a growing problem. Research has shown that excessive technology use predicts a variety of psychological and physical health problems. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of leisure time activities (structured and unstructured) in adolescents as a predictor of problematic technology use. Participants were 7723 adolescents, of which 55% were girls, from four Spanish-speaking countries (Chile, Spain, Mexico, and Peru) between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The evaluation instrument applied was the YOURLIFE project self-report questionnaire. Two executive functions were measured: goal setting and inhibitory control. Using structural equation modeling, findings indicated that structured leisure time activities predicted less PTU, whereas unstructured activities predicted more PTU, MLχ2 (69, N = 7723) = 806.60; CFI = 0.929, RMSEA = 0.042, and the model had good predictive capacity for PTU (R2 = 0.46). Structured and unstructured activities also showed indirect effects on PTU through executive functions. As adolescents spent more time in unstructured leisure activities, poorer goal setting, inhibitory control skills, and more PTU were found. The opposite was true for structured leisure time activities. Implications of structured leisure activities to develop executive functioning and to prevent PTU for adolescents are discussed.
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    Uso problemático de las tecnologías, actividades de ocio y funciones ejecutivas en adolescentes
    (Ministerio de Educación, 2021) Ibabe, I. (Izaskun); Albertos-San-José, A. (Aránzazu)
    Introducción: El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar la relación entre el uso problemático de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (UPT), las funciones ejecutivas (control inhibitorio, planificación y logro de metas) y las actividades de ocio de los/as adolescentes (ocio positivo y ocio no estructurado), en función del género, la edad y el rendimiento académico. Metodología: En esta investigación han participado 3.831 adolescentes escolarizados de 13 a 18 años de 4 países (Chile, España, México y Perú). El instrumento utilizado es el cuestionario de autoinforme del proyecto YOURLIFE. Se ha realizado un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple con el fin de obtener un modelo predictivo. Resultados Los análisis han mostrado que el UPT era más frecuente en el grupo de más edad. El modelo predictivo ha indicado que un menor control inhibitorio, así como las actividades de ocio no estructurado, se asociaban con el UPT. A su vez, las actividades de ocio positivo (actividades familiares y lectura recreativa) se han presentado como factores protectores de la PUT. Discusión: En el artículo se discute sobre la necesidad de desarrollar programas para adolescentes que promuevan actividades de ocio positivo, la intervención educativa y psicológica y la implicación de los padres y madres en la educación para el uso responsable y eficiente de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.
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    Potential connection between positive frustration in family leisure time and the promotion of adolescent autonomy
    (Frontiers, 2023) Rivas, S. (Sonia); Albertos-San-José, A. (Aránzazu)
    Family relationships during leisure time in adolescence have the potential to promote positive development, particularly in terms of autonomy. However, the scientific literature that links specifically positive family leisure to the development of adolescent autonomy is scarce, and lower when analyzing the role of frustration in leisure time. Grounded in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) this article examines the potential relationship between positive frustration in family leisure time and the promotion of adolescent autonomy. For that purpose, the manuscript addresses four objectives to be discussed consecutively: (1) to delimit the concept of adolescent autonomy and point out the difficulty of parental support; (2) to explore positive frustration, a concept aligned with Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of flow, as a construct that can promote socioemotional development in adolescence; (3) to describe the components of family leisure; and (4) to understand how the experience of optimal frustration may be linked to the development of adolescent autonomy during family leisure time. From this central question, several additional inquiries emerge: the interplay of frustration and failure in adolescence, the importance of parents and adolescents spending quality time together, the enjoyment in structured family leisure time, the autonomy-supportive parenting in leisure time activities in relation to daily activities, the need to strengthen adolescent bonds developed in infancy, and the complexity of paternal and maternal autonomy granting.
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    Adolescents’ alcohol use: does the type of leisure activity matter? A cross-national study
    (MDPI, 2021) Benitez, E. (Edgar); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Koning, I. (Ina); Albertos-San-José, A. (Aránzazu)
    The main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between structured, unstructured, and family leisure activities on the frequency of adolescent alcohol intake across three different countries (Spain, Peru, and The Netherlands). The self-control of adolescents was also investigated as a moderator in the relationship between leisure activities and alcohol consumption. Methodology: This research involved 4608 adolescents aged between 12 and 17 from three countries (Spain, Peru, and The Netherlands). In Spain and Peru, data was collected through a self-report questionnaire which was part of the Your Life project. In The Netherlands, a self-questionnaire was used, collected by the University of Utrecht. A multiple logistic regression was performed for each country. Results: The results showed that participation in unstructured leisure activities increased the likelihood of drinking more frequently and more heavily in all three countries. Structured leisure activities, in general, did not have a significant predictive effect on alcohol consumption in any of the countries. Family leisure activities reduced the risk of engaging in yearly alcohol use and yearly binge drinking among adolescents, especially in The Netherlands and Spain. The protective effect of family leisure and unstructured leisure risk on yearly alcohol use applied especially to Dutch adolescents with a low level of self-control. Discussion: The article emphasizes the need for parents to engage in leisure activities with their child; participation in unstructured activities is not to be encouraged.
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    Estrategia docente para el desarrollo de la competencia digital en el aula universitaria: Del uso recreativo al uso formativo
    (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2016) Domingo, À. (Àngels); Albertos-San-José, J.E. (Jesús Enrique); Albertos-San-José, A. (Aránzazu)
    En el presente artículo, se expone la fase inicial de una investigación realizada con estudiantes de primer curso de Ingeniería sobre una estrategia docente cuyo fin es el desarrollo de la competencia digital. Mediante la metodología de trabajo de la investigación-acción, este estudio investigativo se encuadra en el paradigma cualitativo y en una perspectiva multimodal en el uso de los instrumentos. Este análisis se sustenta en dos estrategias de aprendizaje: una es de carácter conceptual —sobre el uso profesional de Internet y de las redes sociales— y la otra es aplicada y práctica —materializada en la realización de un blog personal. Este trabajo es de interés por la metodología empleada y por los resultados positivos en cuanto al objetivo que persigue la docencia de esta materia. La efectividad de dichas estrategias se ha puesto de manifiesto en los resultados de las encuestas realizadas sobre la acción formativa, en el número elevado de estudiantes que han realizado un blog personal, en los resultados evaluativos satisfactorios que han obtenido y en la calidad de sus participaciones. Concluimos que la propuesta metodológica de la investigación-acción se muestra adecuada para continuar investigando sobre la competencia digital en cursos superiores y en otros grados universitarios.
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    Differentiation of self in adolescents: measurement invariance analysis across six Spanish-speaking countries
    (Springer, 2023) Gallego, A. (Ana); Schweer-Collins, M. (M.); Rodríguez-González, M. (Martiño); Osorio, A. (Alfonso)
    This article examines the measurement equivalence of the Spanish Differentiation of Self Inventory for Adolescents (S-DSI-A) in adolescent populations across Spanish-speaking countries (N = 5,552), including Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Spain. Within the Bowen family system theory, Differentiation of self is one of the most recognized constructs to systemic researchers and couple and family therapy practitioners, with implications in relationship adjustment or mental and physical health. The study uses multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) to test for configural, metric, and scalar invariance of the S-DSI-A across the six samples. The results indicate that the S-DSI-A demonstrates configural and metric invariance, but scalar invariance is not achieved. These findings have implications for cross-cultural research on differentiation of self and highlight the importance of considering measurement equivalence when comparing results across different populations. Specifically, our results suggest that the S-DSI-A reliably assesses the latent variables of Emotional Reactivity (ER) and Emotional Cutoff (EC) uniformly across Spanish-speaking nations, but the mean scores for the ER and EC lack cross-sample comparability.
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    WhatsApp usefulness as a communication tool in an educational context
    (Springer, 2019) Erro-Garcés, A. (Amaya); Urien-Angulo, B. (Begoña); Osca, A. (Amparo)
    Although the negative effects of mobile instant messaging have been stressed, its exponential increment justifies studying its application in education. This paper analyses whether college’ students perception of WhatsApp usefulness influences cognitive processes important for teamwork (i.e., specialization and coordination), specifically for complex decision-making assignments. Additionally, it seeks to clarify to what extent the relationship between perception of WhatsApp usefulness and these cognitive processes could exert some influence on team efficacy, both perceived and objective (grades). For that purpose, a role-play was specifically designed in which WhatsApp played a mayor function as a communication tool. A sample of university students (N = 200) worked in teams to reach decisions. A student in each team was set apart all team members could only communicate through WhatsApp. Findings confirm the relationships between perceived WhatsApp usefulness and specialization and coordination, as well as perceived WhatsApp usefulness and perceived team efficacy. Both the role-play case designed and results obtained are relevant since show that WhatsApp could be applied as a communication tool in team activities, due to the fact that the perception of its usefulness could help to develop positive attitudes towards teamwork (i.e., team perceived efficacy). From an applied perspective WhatsApp could be used for virtual teamwork through, for example, the proposed role-play case shown.
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    Palliative care stay room – designing, testing and evaluating a gamified social intervention to enhance palliative care awareness.
    (Springer Nature, 2023-04-20) Rivas-Borrell, S. (Sonia); Benitez, E. (Edgar); Olza-Moreno, I. (Inés); Centeno, C. (Carlos); Sandgren, A. (Anna); Reigada, C. (Carla); Hermida-Romero, S. (Santiago); Carvajal, A. (Ana); Gómez-Baceiredo, B. (Beatriz); Ripoll, G. (Guillem)
    The message of palliative care can be promoted using creative thinking and gamification. It can be an innovative strategy to promote changes in behaviour, promote thinking, and work on skills such as empathy. The aim of this article is to design, test and evaluate a gamified social intervention to enhance palliative care awareness among younguniversity students from non-health background.