REV - Communication & Society - Volumen 28, N. 2 (2015)
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- Manuel Alejandro GUERRERO y Mireya MÁRQUEZ-RAMÍREZ. Media Systems and Communication Policies in Latin America. Palgrave MacMillan, U.K., 2014(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Ruiz, F.J. (Fernando J.)
- Interacciones entre vida obra y estructuras académicas: El caso de Gerhard Maletzke(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Lacasa-Mas, I. (Iván); Löblich, M. (María); Meyen, M. (Michael)El presente artículo pretende explicar, desde un enfoque de sociología de la ciencia, por qué Gerhard Maletzke (1922 2010) no pudo cumplir su sueño de llegar a ser catedrático, aun cuando sus ideas tuvieran más éxito que las de la mayoría de los académicos de su época. Para responder a esa cuestión hemos evaluado el trabajo científico de Maletzke, así como material biográfico, recuerdos de testigos contemporáneos y los protocolos de varias entrevistas en profundidad, realizadas tanto a Maletzke como a personajes que le conocieron directamente. El análisis de todo ese material ha servido para constatar la interdependencia entre la evolución de las teorías, la disciplina y los medios, así como la importancia de leer una obra científica en el contexto de la biografía de su autor y de las estructuras de la ciencia, algo que debería ser aplicable a muchas otras figuras de la historia —local y global— de las ciencias de la comunicación.
- Convergence and interaction in the new media: Typologies of prosumers among university students(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Raquel; Sánchez-Martínez, M.(María)Most young people today are digital natives where the use of new media, is issued by the participation in a creative way an with a high degree of interaction. The emergence of tools making it easy without having high digital skills, has led the grown of prosumers. The aim of the paper is the analysis of th different profiles of this typology of users within the Madrid universities and its interest is settle not only to inquire about the convergent use of technology but also if their interests an motivations really focus on the consumption of new media content or if they participate in a creative way through new technologies, establishing new patterns that enhance interactivity and new business models in media.
- Editorial charters and newsroom councils in mewdia corporations: a view from the perspective of corporate social responsability(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Monfort, A. (Abel); Sánchez-De-la-Nieta, M.A. (Miguel Ángel); Fuente-Cobo, C. (Carmen)Editorial charters and professional representation groups in media corporations are major self regulatory tools often cited in the Spanish literature on journalism ethics and deontology, yet many corporations lack them and they are largely invisible to the public with only a few exceptions, such as the Newsroom Council of the Spanish public national television network TVE. This limited implementation contrasts with the increasing number of media corporations that have adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies that should take into account the expectations of journalists as internal stakeholders. The present study examines the relationships between editorial management and CSR management as a possible approach to integrating corporate governance and news governance in media corporations. The study is based on in depth interviews of members of newsroom councils in Spanish media companies. Discourse analysis of these interviews indicates that journalists in media organizations do not consider that their companies’ CSR policies take into account their professional expectations, in the sense that journalists in these corporations do not perceive news governance and CSR management to be aligned. At the same time, the precarious labor market has led many journalists to stand up less to their employers on questions related to journalism standards. Nevertheless, many newsroom councils are effective at communicating complaints, violations and recommendations to corporate governance bodies.
- References in communication policy research: a bibliographical characterization of articles published by Spanish authors(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Casado-Del-Río, M.A. (Miguel Ángel); Fernández-Quijada, D. (David)This paper provides a characterization of the bibliographicalreferences of Spanish scientific articles in the field ofcommunication policy using a bibliometric approach. Itanalyses 93 articles published by authors from Spanishinstitutions between 2002 and 2011 in major Spanish journalsincluded on the communication section of both the IN RECSindex and the Social Sciences Citation Index. The paperexamines the main references used by Spanish communicationpolicy researchers and the typology of these references, theirSpanish or international character and the most cited authorsin this field. The results show the disparity and adaptability ofarticles depending on the scope of the journals in which theyare published. Thus, articles published in international journalscontain more than twice as many references as those appearingin Spanish journals. The typology is also different; articles arethe most common source in international journals while bookspredominate in Spanish journals. These results are analyzed inthe context of the institutionalized practices of scientificproduction approved by university assessment agencies; theseare compared with the actual practices of researchers throughan analysis of the main bibliographical references.
- Critical discourse analysis in the study of representation, identity politics and power relations: a multi-method approach(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Caballero-Mengíbar, A. (Ana)This article sheds light on the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as an approach for uncovering power relationsin the study of identity politics. To evaluate this approach, Idraw from my experience investigating the role of language useand the meaning contained in the discourses reproduced in twomain newspapers in Spain when referring to Spaniards inrelation to immigrants from the Global South. Drawing fromthis case study, I argue that CDA is an invaluable approachwhen used to expose patterns of language use which allows foruncovering, vis à vis critical evaluation, the production ofknowledge in society. However, using CDA involves developinga creative research design. A multidisciplinary and multimethodologicalapproach, largue, is desirable whenresearching in CDA to seek explanation, to fully uncovering andexplaining obscured exploitative/unequal social powerrelations, and to enact social change.
- Euro crisis metaphors in the Spanish press(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Arrese, Á. (Ángel)This article aims to analyze the use of economic metaphors in the particular case of the European sovereign debt crisis, by the examination of the public discourse as reflected in the Spanish press. The general hypothesis, in accordance with the research undertaken in similar studies on economic metaphors, is that one can expect a fairly common use of the same metaphors –the most traditional ones and with the same weight among different newspapers, in spite of their editorial and journalistic diversity. The context of the study and the research approach are justified by addressing in the first part of this article a synthetic review of three research fields that converge around this topic: the analysis of conceptual metaphors, the use of them in financial and economic discourses and their particular categorization to make sense of the crisis situations. In the second part, the empirical research design is explained. Finally, the main results are stated and their significance explained. The study confirms the hypothesis of a very high uniformity in the use of the main metaphors among newspapers, which is translated into a problematic, one sided, interpretation of the crisis
- Creative women in Peru: outliers in a machismo world(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Mensa, M. (Marta); Grow, J.M. (Jean M.)Gender segregation begins early and is reinforced within the workplace. Advertising creative departments appear to have extreme gender segregation with women representing just 20% of all those working within creative departments worldwide. Yet, creativity does not depend on gender. Thus, the underrepresentation of women is particularly troubling. In Peru women comprise 3% to 10.4% of all people working in advertising creative, which suggests the situation for creative women in Peru is dire. In order to understand this phenomenon, and with the hope of finding solutions, this study uses indepth interviews to explore the experiences of Peruvian women working in advertising creative departments. The study investigates three primary aspects of Peruvian creative women’s experiences. First, it looks at relationships with colleagues and clients. Second, work/life balance is explored. Third, the study examines how the environment within creative departments constrains creative women’s employment and advancement opportunities. Findings suggest that Peruvian creative departments are strongly machismo environments where discrimination and gender segregation are staunchly entrenched. This machismo environment creates challenging relationships between creative women and their colleagues and clients, it negatively impacts creative women’s work/life balance and it leads to severely constrained hiring, promotion and retention of creative women in Peruvian advertising agencies. The discussion closes with suggestions to help creative women succeed in Peruvian creative departments.