REV - Scientia et Fides - Vol 10, Nº1 (2022)
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- Valoración ética de la Modernidad según Alasdair MacIntyre(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Montoya-Camacho, J.M. (José Martín)¿Puede ser comprendida la moralidad aisladamente de los órdenes socia-les, culturales, políticos y económicos en los que surge y se desarrolla? ¿El interés intelectual por la moralidad de nuestro tiempo requiere algo más que el análisis de teorías éticas? Las respuestas de Alasdair MacIntyre a estas preguntas se muestran a través del trabajo de toda una vida, en la que ha desarrollado un análisis ético de la Modernidad. El libro «Valoración ética de la modernidad según Alasdair MacIntyre», de Hernando José Bello Rodríguez y José Manuel Giménez Amaya, expone el desarrollo de tal análisis, llevado a cabo por el filósofo escocés en el marco de sus ideas que van desde la publicación de su obra After Virtue, hasta la reciente aparición de Ethics in Conflicts of Modernity.
- Cosmic Proportions and Human Significance(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Slagle, J. (Jim)A common misperception, both within academia and without, is that the premodern, Judeo-Christian picture of the universe was of a small, cramped one. This allowed people to believe that the Earth and its inhabitants were the most important thing in it. But this misfires in several ways: First, the premodern cosmos is only small in comparison to what contemporary science has discovered, not absolutely. Second, the premoderns felt just as insignificant as we do in light of the universe’s size, but we cannot translate this into a scientific or philosophical argument. Third, it assumes that the Judeo-Christian view is that humanity is the most important thing (rather than God) and that God created the universe for us (rather than himself). Fourth, whatever value human beings have in the Judeo-Christian tradition is derivative, based on being created in God’s image, and the size of the universe has no bearing on it.
- In Favour of Dispositional Explanations. A Christian Philosophy Perspective with Some References to Economics(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Hardt, L. (Lukasz)From among philosophical concepts of explanation those referring to causes have been the most influential. The aim of this paper it to show that a particular kind of causal explanations, namely dispositional explanations are particularly suited to explain the workings of the world. Apart from purely philosophical arguments, I claim that the view treating dispositions as important elements of the basic ontology of nature is in line with the Christian worldview and the ways God impacts the world. Also, this paper shows that dispositional explanations are not only appropriate in the domains studied by natural sciences but also in the ones being under investigation in social sciences, and thus the case of economics.
- Hacia una política de la discapacidad encarnada(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Santamaría-Egurrola, F. B. (Francisco de Borja)El tratamiento político de la discapacidad recibió un nuevo impulso en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Dentro de este impulso, el denominado «modelo social de la discapacidad» sostiene que la discapacidad representa una construcción social fruto de la opresión que la sociedad capitalista ejerce sobre una minoría con deficiencias. De este modo, el modelo social de la discapacidad establece una absoluta dicotomía entre deficiencia y discapacidad, que relega nuestra condición corporal a las sombras del discurso. Pronto, en el seno de la comunidad de los «disability studies» surgieron voces críticas que alertaban de que el modelo social conduce a una discapacidad desencarnada. En un contexto diferente al de los «disability studies», Alasdair Macintyre ha realizado una propuesta sugerente, al llevar a sus últimas con-secuencias las dimensiones animal y social del ser humano. Merece la pena explorar esta línea de investigación para llegar a una visión verdaderamente encarnada de la discapacidad.
- Transhumanismo y Gnosis: Un Paralelismo(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Abbate, S. (Stefano)En este artículo se pretende entablar un paralelismo entre el fenómeno de la gnosis y el transhumanismo juntamente a su versión última, el poshumanismo. Después de unas aclaraciones de carácter metodológico, el trabajo se centra en cuatro ejes de confrontación: el reconocimiento de sí; el dualismo cósmico y antropológico; el sentido de la moral, de la muerte y del sufrimiento, y, por último, la promesa de salvación. Finalmente, se encuadra el transhumanismo en el marco de la revolución gnóstica haciendo hincapié en el sentido de desarraigo propio la posmodernidad para explicar el resurgimiento de dichos fenómenos.
- Rationality and Human Fulfilment Clarified by a Thomistic Metaphysics of Participation(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Mullins, A. (Andy)A Thomistic metaphysics of participation in being offers an account of rationality that is more complete and coherent than that of nonreductive physicalism. It is a reasoned understanding of how an embodied intellectual subject shares in being and intellectual life. This metaphysical framework supports an understanding of rationality as a participated power, and an essential property of human nature empowering persons to know reality and make choices accordingly. Human fulfilment in truth and love is a consequence of the grounding of the transcendentals of truth and goodness in being. In contrast, nonreductive physicalism reduces rationality to processes and subjective experiences and can offer no priority between human material and spiritual fulfilment. Although a Thomistic metaphysics of participation in being has been effectively absent from Anglo-American hylomorphic philosophy of mind, this paper suggests it is time to reassess the benefits it offers.
- From Absolute Mind to Zombie: Is Artificial Intelligence Possible?(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Bilagher, M.E.M. (Moritz Ernst Maria)The dream of achieving artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular, artificial consciousness (‘strong AI’), is reflected in mythologies and popular culture as utopia and dystopia. This article discusses its conceptual possibility. It first relates the desire to realise strong AI to a self-perception of humanity as opposed to nature, metaphorically represented as gods or God. The realisation of strong AI is perceived as an ultimate victory on nature or God because it represents the crown of creation or evolution: conscious intelligence. The paper proceeds to summarise two debates relevant to AI: one educational and one technological. The technological debate, almost invariably presupposing a materialist framework, is related to the mind–body problem of philosophy; the educational one to understanding the concept of intelligence. By proposing a definition of intelligence linked to an idealist conception of reality, postulating mind as participation in Absolute Mind, I attempt a convergence of these debates, rejecting the possibility of strong AI.
- Gestar una cultura de acompañamiento como clave para la formación en la universidad desde la mirada de Benedicto XVI(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Miró-López, S. (Susana); Viñado-Oteo, F. (Fernando)La idea de universidad de Benedicto XVI nos invita a retomar su vocación originaria de búsqueda de la verdad, transmisión de valores, diálogo fecundo entre ciencias y humanidades y síntesis de saberes encarnados en formadores y alumnos. Desde el estudio y análisis de sus textos, planteamos la universidad como lugar privilegiado para recuperar la formación integral que atañe a la persona en su totalidad y que sale al encuentro de su realidad vital, de los anhelos y preguntas más profundos. Una de las claves esenciales para cumplir esta misión es gestar una cultura de acompañamiento que nos comprometa con el proceso de desarrollo integral de cada persona en todas sus dimensiones y los haga capaces de transformar la sociedad.
- The human conscience between witnessing and discernment: Heidegger, Ricoeur and beyond(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Grzywacz, R. (Robert)The paper deals with the problem of human conscience as an attentional mode of being that effectuates an original capacity for discernment. Such an undertaking, after the necessary terminological and phenomenological clarifications, requires one to cope with its specific background, especially the critique of the moral worldview and the postmetaphysical setting of contemporary thinking. Taking into consideration the Heideggerian view of the matter, I reflect on the doubts Ricoeur addressed to the former, and take advantage of Ricoeur’s early philosophy to reinterpret and develop his own stance as expounded in Oneself as Another. His later work on ideology and utopia may contribute to helping to establish some criteria for the functioning of the conscience.
- The Man of the Shroud of Turin: Is He Dead or Alive?(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, 2022) Hontanilla, B. (Bernardo)It has been assumed that the person represented on the Shroud of Turin is dead and the image corresponds to a person dead from crucifixion. We have conducted an analysis of the cadaveric data of a body and the presence of face life signs and we could think that the image could corresponds to a living person. Therefore, it might correspond to a man starting a getting up gesture. If we examine the Gospels, a remarkable symmetry is found between the data obtained from the image and the events described in the Gospels, regarding the death and resurrection of Jesus.