REV - Persona y Derecho - Vol. 85 (2021)

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    Razón, política y derecho en el pensamiento filosófico-práctico de Josep Ratzinger
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Massini-Correas, C.I. (Carlos Ignacio)
    This article combines the strong and brave defense of human reason made by Joseph Ratzinger and its application to the field of the regulation and valuation of human praxis, especially in law, politics and economy. Finally, there is an assesment of Ratzinger ideas regarding the aspects mentioned above and a defense of his conclusions.
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    «Etiamsi Deus non daretur». Nominalismo medieval y secularización moderna
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Carpintero, F. (Francisco)
    The secularization of the doctrine about Ethics was not a result of the protestant mentalities, but a work of much of the Catholic theologians during the late Middle Ages. Those men were faced with the need to fight against the pelagian and semipelagian doctrines which, since not distinguishing between the natural and supernatural world, so easily led to Pantheism. This task (let us call it apologetic) was not carried out by the Aristotelians, but by those who we now call Nominalists though, perhaps, we should better call them Nominals. Their solution consisted in heavily separating the natural world from the supernatural one, so that the natural, including the Natural Law, as it is natural, is part of what already is or exists, in the same way as the rest of Nature, and its compliance is morally irrelevant. Momentarily they moved away from Pelagius, but they contributed to spread the idea of a natural ethics which would exist out of Theology and would have a «rational» force.
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    La tolerancia como virtud democrática. Galdós desde una perspectiva actual
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Fernández-García, E. (Eusebio)
    This paper has two purposes. On one hand, to analyze tolerance as a public virtue in an open and democratic society. This requires asking about its justification, its function in today’s societies and its limits. There is a distinction between two types of tolerance: negative tolerance, which would be equivalent to putting up with thoughts, opinions or behaviors with which one disagrees, even radically rejecting them, and positive tolerance, which, based on disagreement, would try to understand the opposing positions, putting oneself in the place of the other. On the other hand, to study the contribution to the idea of tolerance that we can find in some of the novels of Benito Perez Galdos published at the end of the seventies of the 19th century. Galdos is a brilliant observer of the society of his time and an inexhaustible creator of characters. His literature has, in addition, an evident pedagogical vocation that can be completed with his commitment in the Spanish politics of the time when he considered it appropriate. The thesis of this work is that, frequently, the literary imagination creates the social morality and the vision and valuation of human conduct that later is the object of reflection by philosophers and regulation by legislators. In other words, by describing situations of intolerance in his literary characters, Galdos is forcing us to think about the benefits of tolerance and the detriments of intolerance. As an example of the practice of positive tolerance, the interesting and rewarding friendship between the traditionalist Jose Maria Pereda, the conservative Marcelino Menendez Pelayo and the liberal Benito Perez Galdos is pointed out.
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    La singularidad jurídica y el retorno del filósofo-rey: potenciales consecuencias para el imperio de la ley y la democracia
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Crego, J. (Jorge)
    Implementing machine learning in law would transform current legal orders, based on the rule of law. The result would be ≪legal singularity≫: an order based on ≪precisely tailored laws, specifying the exact behavior that is permitted in every situation≫. According to its proponents, this would promote justice and legal certainty. Through a comparison with the Platonic proposal of the philosopher-king, this article defends that, even if the aforementioned values were to be promoted, the inherent opacity of machine learning systems would hamper the public scrutiny of the resulting normative order, affecting its legitimacy. Thus, current political communities must deliberate about the benefits and drawbacks of legal singularity and must reflect on the use of artificial intelligence in law.
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    El iusnaturalismo racionalista de los siglos XVII y XVIII y el primer movimiento codificador europeo
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Delgado-Rojas, J.I. (Jesús Ignacio)
    Rationalist natural law brought a new philosophy to the ethical, political and legal thought of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In this paper I examine the incidence of iusrationalism in coding. The principles and methods of natural law, taken from the natural sciences, will mark the new science of legislation. Attention shifts from medieval political voluntarism to enlightened legal individualism. I review the contributions of the main representatives of the school of natural law to the elaboration of the codes. The meeting between natural law, based on faith in human reason to know, and the political program of the Enlightenment bequeathed a way of doing and thinking about the law of which we are still heirs today.
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    Adolfo Jorge Sánchez Hidalgo, Tradicionalismo Político y Filosofía del Derecho Privado en Juan Berchmans Vallet de Goytisolo, Atelier, Barcelona, 2020, 228 pp. [RECENSIÓN]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Anzalone, A. (Angelo)
    Recensión de la obra del profesor Sánchez Hidalgo publicada por la editorial Atelier a finales del año 2020, una monografía que nos recuerda las aportaciones del jurista catalán Vallet de Goytisolo en el terreno de la Filosofía del Derecho, sintetizadas por el profesor córdobes a través de tres capítulos dedicados a la filosofía política tradicionalista, la concepción ontológica del Derecho y los fundamentos del Derecho privado, respectivamente. Por último, el estudio de la obra de Vallet se cierra con unas extensas conclusiones críticas acerca de las principales tesis del prestigioso notario, explicadas a lo largo de sus páginas. Se trata de una estructuración muy clara y ordenada de la obra, lo que facilita su lectura y es de agradecer.