REV - RILCE - 2020, 36.3

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    «Mira»/«mira que»: construcciones, contexto argumentativo y funciones relacionales
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Fuentes-Rodríguez, C. (Catalina)
    This study focuses on the construction mira que + clause and analyzes the discursive functions it develops when it is fixed. Using a macrosyntactic methodology and based on the fundamentals of construction grammar, the article describes the distribution and behavior of this construction and the procedural contents it develops. In some contexts, mira que acts as intensifier of a valuation word. In others it is combined with gerunds, participles or nouns with negative content. It appears in these cases as a suspended statement. In combination with other sentences it may introduce a justifying argument or a concessive anti-oriented meaning. The distributional context predetermines the argumentative orientation of the construction and makes it work as a discursive element more linked to the procedural dimension.
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    Fuentes Rodríguez, Catalina, coord. Operadores en proceso. Múnich: LINCOM Studies in Spanish Linguistics, 2019. 182 pp. (ISBN: 9783862889983). [RESEÑA]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Gil-y-Martínez, P. (Paula)
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    Gramaticalización, subjetivización y polifuncionalidad en la creación de operadores discursivos formados sobre la base léxica «(la) verdad»
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Garcés-Gómez, M.P. (María Pilar)
    The aim of this research is to explain the diachronic evolution of the construction la verdad (es que) from its origin as a noun phrase with a conceptual meaning that referred to the veracity of what is said or to the reality of the described facts until its reanalysis as a discursive particle with a procedural meaning and the acquisition of subjective values in which the speaker manifests the qualification of the speech act or the attitude to the content of the proposition, as well as values of counter-expectation. The hypothesis suggests that these changes may be explained by a process of grammaticalization by expansion (Traugott 2010a; Traugott/Trousdale 2013), the origin of which is due to a semantic change linked to a phenomenon of subjectivization whereby a construction acquires meanings that encode the speaker’s perspectives and attitudes (Traugott 2010b). In our analysis, we determine the mechanisms by which this evolutionary process has been developed, the historical stages in which it has been produced and the discursive traditions and text types to which they are linked. Additionally, we compare their evolutionary process with that of the corresponding constructions that share this same lexical base (en verdad, de verdad, de veras, a la verdad).
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    De la «macro» a la «microsintaxis»: una aproximación al estudio de la combinación de conjunción y marcador discursivo al final de enunciado
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) López-Martín, J.M. (José Manuel)
    In this analysis we are going to study the combination of a conjunction and a discursive marker at the end of a statement. Markers that appear in this context with more frequency are vamos, en fin and es que. The fact that a discursive marker closes a statement and can be linked to a previous clause has not been studied before. So far, the traditional function of a conjunction or discourse marker has been either linking sentences or modifying a sentence by providing it with discursive values.
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    Es «real» lo que se explica: la caracterización de este adjetivo como operador discursivo
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) García-Pérez, J. (José)
    The aim of this article is to define the discourse usage of the adjective real in Spanish. This analysis is only focused on the variety spoken in Spain. For the purpose of this, Pragmatics has been used as methodology, following Fuentes Rodríguez’s model. Firstly, a semantic analysis of the term is carried out. This research concludes that real has two functions as discourse marker. On the one hand, it may work as an intensifier. On the other hand, it has a modal-enunciative usage in two kinds of contexts: in turn-taking as an independent sentence (enunciative) and in reinforcement of assertion (modal) when affecting the sentence which it belongs to. In the latter case, real can be placed either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence introduced by que.
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    «Resulta que...» De cláusula subordinante a elemento procedimental del discurso
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Pérez-Béjar, V. (Víctor)
    This paper aims to analyse the Spanish construction resulta que + [clause] from a discourse syntax approach, a macro-syntax. The current use of the structure shows that its conceptual meaning fades and acquires a procedural one related to discourse’s informative dimension; mainly, the characterisation of the information introduced as “surprising” or “not expected”:  resulta que mis amigos nunca quisieron que me fuera [“as it turns out, my friends never wanted me to leave”]. Resulta que + [clause] is not as fixated as other discourse elements, such as discourse operators or markers. However, it belongs to the same category of other syntactic constructions which trigger a wide range of discursive values and are not usually tackled by traditional syntactic studies. This research analyses its internal structure and its discourse functioning in order to embed it in a framework which takes into account the potential of this kind of structure in grammar.
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    Macrosintaxis y enunciación. Análisis pragmalingüístico de «digo», «digo yo», «ya digo» y «ya te digo»
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Brenes-Peña, E. (Ester)
    The verb decir has two characteristics that increase the interest of its study: it reflects the enunciation process and it is one of the most productive bases for the creation of discursive markers. This work addresses to the pragmalinguistic analysis of four of them: digo, digo yo, ya digo and ya te digo. All of them are conjugated in the first person singular of the present indicative. However, there are some variations that cause them to belong to different categories (markers or operators) and also work in different macrostructures (enunciation, modality, assertion, informative structuring). The analysis carried out identifies the above divergences, indicating to which grammatical category they belong (operators or connectors), and describing their operation in the different levels of discourse. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the macrosyntactic description of the current Spanish language.
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    Expresiones de rechazo introducidas por «ni» + constituyente no oracional
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Padilla-Herrada, M.S. (María Soledad)
    In this paper, we analyze the expressions formed by ni with non clausal phrases (noun phrase with preposition, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, infinitive, gerund). From this structure come several expressions of rejection very common ones in the current colloquial Spanish, like ni hablar, ni pensarlo, ni queriendo, ni soñando, ni de coña, etc. emerge from this structure. The starting hypothesis is that these expressions, despite coming from different base categories, have a very similar discursive behavior in conversational discourse and show a high level of grammaticalization. To carry out this research, we use the communicative exchanges included in the Corpus MEsA, which includes discourse from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, blogs, digital forums and web pages of diverse themes. The methodology followed is the Macrosintaxis model of Fuentes Rodríguez (2019a), developed from Pragmatic Linguistics (Fuentes Rodríguez 2000).
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    Presentación: operadores discursivos y fijación de construcciones
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Fuentes-Rodríguez, C. (Catalina)
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    El operador modal de obligación «por fuerza»
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) Moreno-Benítez, D. (Damián)
    This paper analyzes a kind of discourse operator insufficiently studied: the operators that indicate deontic modality, especially those introduced by modal operators in Spanish like por fuerza, in order to locate the insertion of elements belonging to the plane of the modality in the structure of sentence. Checking characteristics of these terms: its distribution, its incidence, its grammaticalization, it can contribute, on the one hand, to its categorical and functional definition and, on the other hand, to development of discourse grammar or macrosyntax.