REV - Estudios sobre Educación - Vol. 40 (2021)
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- Naval, C., Bernal, A., Jover, G. y Fuentes, J. L. (Coords.) (2020). Perspectivas actuales de la condición humana y la acción educativa. Madrid, Dykinson, 313 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) López-González, J. (Jorge)
- Khan, S. (2019). La escuela del mundo. Barcelona, Ariel, 246 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Espot, Mª. R. (María Rosa)
- Monge López, C. y Gómez Hernández, P. (Eds.) (2020). Claves para la inclusión en Educación Superior. Madrid, Síntesis, 333 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Perlado-Lamo-de-Espinosa, I. (Ignacio)
- Interpretación edumétrica de los resultados de EVOC en estudiantes chilenos(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Orellana-García, P. (Pelusa); Pezoa, J.P. (José P.)The use of vocabulary assessment scores can help teachers monitor student progress and make pedagogical decisions that promote learning. The purpose of the study was to adapt the interpretation of scores yielded by EVOC, a Spanish vocabulary assessment tool, to measure vocabulary range among 1,662 students between the ages of 6 and 14, based on word frequency bands from a corpus. The methodology included confi rmatory factor analysis, the establishment of empirical diffi culty indices, and the assemble of the items in terms of the order of appearance of the words in the corpus of school texts. The results show that it is possible to interpret scores in terms of lexical competence development standards, which should provide for better use of data in the teaching and learning of reading and vocabulary.
- Sellés, J. F. (2020). 33 virtudes humanas según Leonardo Polo. Pamplona, EUNSA, 446 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) León, J. (Joaquín)
- Sastre, R. y Nubiola, J. (2020). Las tesis de posgrado. Una guía novelada para quienes hacen y dirigen tesis. Pamplona, EUNSA, 143 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Martínez, M. (Marina)
- Raposo-Rivas, M. y Cebrián de la Serna, M. (Coords.) (2020). Tecnologías para la formación de educadores en la sociedad del conocimiento. Madrid, Pirámide, 288 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) González-Blanco, M. (María)
- Aprender a aprender en la universidad: perspectivas del profesorado y de los estudiantes(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Pérez-Pérez, C. (Cruz); García-García, F.J. (Fran J.); López-Francés, I. (Inmaculada); Moctezuma-Ramírez, E.E. (Evelyn E.)The aim of this study was to explain the perceptions of university students and professors regarding the “learning to learn” approach. We set up focus groups with both collectives, using the GIPU-EA model as it was operative and integrative enough to permit systematization of the coding. We analyzed maturity and density and computed an intra-dimensional coherence score. The results showed two different profi les in perceiving “learning to learn”; one matching the professors and the other the students. The implications for university teaching were discussed at the end of the paper, together with the limitations of the results we found.
- The value of university internships(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Fernández-Toboso, E. (Eric); Fachelli, S. (Sandra)Universities place particular importance on their internship projects for university students. The purpose of this study is to identify if the internships have an impact on the students’ entry to the labour market. The methodology used is based on the bivariate analysis and the multiple binary logistic regression technique, using data from the 2014 Survey on the Labour Insertion of University Graduates (EILU), carried out by the INE. The sample used comprises 30,379 graduates and in the internships section, 21,622 university graduates. The results obtained confi rm that internships are a tool for job placement.
- La influencia del «engagement» en las trayectorias formativas de los estudiantes de Bachillerato(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Álvarez-Pérez, P.R. (Pedro Ricardo); López-Aguilar, D. (David); Valladares-Hernández, R.A. (Rosa Ana)The level of academic engagement of 307 second-year high school students is analyzed based on their previous results in the studies. For data collection, a questionnaire based on the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (Carmona-Halty, Schaufeli & Salanova, 2017) was designed. The analyzes carried out confirmed that the students who obtained the highest values on the engagement scale were those who had not repeated a year in their academic history, nor had they had difficulties in the prior learning process. The data obtained is relevant for educational practice and the development of preventive orientation programs.