REV - Estudios sobre Educación - Vol. 44 (2023)
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15 results
- Rendimiento académico de estudiantes migrantes: influencia del estatus migratorio y factores socioeducativos(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Mendoza-Lira, M. (Michelle); Muñoz-Jorquera, S. (Solange)In order to analyze the influence of migrant status and other individual, family, institutional and teacher qualification factors on student performance, SIMCE math test result of 80,751 8th grade (primary) students from the Metropolitan Region (Chile) were analyzed. Hierarchical multiple linear regression revealed the existence of four types of students (in order of performance: new generation, 2nd generation, native and 1st generation) and that the migrant status is related to performance, being one of the most important variables.
- Rodríguez Bravo, M. F. (Coord.), Alcalá Ibáñez, M. L., Miguel Pérez, V., Camacho Prats, A., Galicia Mangas, F. J., Montero Alcaide, A. y Tébar Cuesta, F. (2022). Marco para el buen desempeño de la inspección educativa. Madrid, USIE, 148 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Ocaña-Morena, J. (Jesús)Book Review
- Los niños y niñas de 6 a 8 años reflexionan sobre las prácticas de educación parental: un análisis de su discurso desde la teoría de la autodeterminación(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Rodríguez-Álvarez, M. (Marcos); Rodríguez-Menéndez, C. (Carmen); Martínez-García, L. (Lindsay)This work aims to explore the discourse of students from 6 to 8 years of age when they reflect on the dynamics of education used by their parents. To do this, we start from the theory of self-determination and reflect on the practices of support for autonomy and parental control present in the discourse of minors. In this sense, we found that the students' discourse revolves mainly around parental practices that support autonomy, such as the possibility of choosing leisure activities, communicating problems and concerns to parents, and the autonomous performance of some tasks by minors. However, there is also evidence that autonomy support practices converge with others related to parental control in certain situations.
- Ibáñez-Martín, J. A. y Naval, C. (Eds.) (2022). Retos actuales de la acción educativa. Carácter y personalidad. Madrid, Narcea, 157 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Ugarte-Abollado, C. (Cristina)Book Review
- de Vicente Algueró, F. J. (2022). De la ley al aula. Crónica de la educación en España 1977-2022. Madrid, Editorial Círculo Rojo, 322 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Casas-Olcoz, A.M. (Ana María)Book Review
- Puig Rovira, J. M. (2021). Pedagogía de la acción común. Barcelona, Graó, 170 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Fontaneda-Amo, C. (Carmen)This paper develops a review of the book Pedagogy of the Common Action of Editorial Graó. This work by Puig Rovira proposes a pedagogical approach in which democracy is not endangered. This author, through his work, shows his concern about the current challenges based on the market economy. Mainly, it defends education as a humanizing act that develops citizens that seek the good of the community -called Pedagogy of the common action-. Finally, it concretizes this educational practice in service (values from experiences) and creative intelligence as a means to face conflicts.
- Mínguez Vallejos, R. y Linares Borboa, L. (Coords.) (2023). La pedagogía de la alteridad. Un compromiso ético con otro modo de educar. Barcelona, Octaedro, 189 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Bernal-Martínez-de-Soria, A. (Aurora)Book Review
- Huerta Ramón, R. (2021). Cementerios para educar. Madrid, McGraw-Hill, 236 pp. [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Ramón-Verdú, A.J. (Alfredo José)Book Review
- ¿Es la dirección escolar un trabajo apasionante? Evaluación de la pasión en directivos de Chile y Cataluña(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Riera-i-Romaní, J. (Jordi); Rodríguez-García, E. (Eva); Longás-Mayayo, J. (Jordi); Chamarro-Lusar, A. (Andrés)According to the literature, the increase in complexity in the direction and management of the centers could explain the scarcity of candidates for the school direction and the exhaustion and desertion of principals. However, that principals are satisfied and passionate about their work. The aim of this article is to analyse the levels of passion of the school management professionals using the Passion Scale (Marsh et al., 2013) and its relationship with professional variables. The results show high levels of passion and harmonious passion among the subjects of the sample, both in Chile and in Catalonia (Spain).
- El bienestar emocional de los docentes como factor determinante en los procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje en el aula(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Cuesta-Sáez-de-Tejada, J.D. (José David); López-Martínez, O. (Olivia); García-Jiménez, E. (Elena)This study concentrates on the analysis of the factors which encourage the development of students and their teachers, as well as making their happiness and wellbeing more attainable. 300 teachers from the province of Granada (Spain) took part. 113 of them were preschool teachers while 187 worked in primary education, their ages ranging from 25 to 64. A descriptive, transversal comparative was used. Results confirmed that: 1) teachers obtained higher marks in the positive aspects analyzed than the negative ones, especially if have taken part in courses or activities to improve their personal wellbeing; 2) there is a significant relationship between age and happiness, total self-esteem and its positive side.