REV - Ius Canonicum - 2020-2029
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76 results
- Bernardo J. MONTES ARRAZTOA, Evolución y revolución de los sínodos sobre la familia 2014-2016, EUNSA, Pamplona 2019, 276 pp., ISBN 978-84-313-3381-2 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Pampillón, R. (Rafael)
- Las distintas clases de administradores y la ponderación de bienes en la actividad administrativa de la Iglesia(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Canosa, J. (Javier)SUMARIO: 1. Una síntesis de las fases de la controversia. 2. Algunas notas sobre las distintas clases de administradores y de actividad administrativa en la Iglesia. 2.1. Las distintas clases de administradores en la Iglesia. 2.2. Diferentes clases de actividad administrativa. 3. La ponderación de bienes en la adopción de decisiones en la Iglesia. 3.1. La ponderación en cuanto atención o cuidado en la adopción de una decisión. 3.2. La ponderación de bienes como condición para la buena administración. 3.3. La ponderación de bienes y su relación con la discrecionalidad y con la legalidad. 3.4. La ponderación de bienes como método ineludible. 4. Una anotación al margen.
- El precepto penal, una vía para prevenir el delito y reparar el escándalo(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Pérez-Madrid, F. (Francisca)The penal precept may serve as a particularly apt means of repairing scandal, restoring justice and bring about rectification on the offender’s, among other reasons due to its markedly personal and temporal characteristics. However, it is rarely used as an instrument, perhaps due to a lack of awareness or a difficulty in understanding it within the CIC as a whole. Its use is recommended by the Vademecum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith on certain points of procedure in dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors committed by clerics. According to the information currently available, the reform project of Book VI of the Code of Canon Law favors the use of the penal precept, proposing in fact that that its application may be necessary in certain cases.
- Supremo Tribunal de la Signatura Apostólica. Decreto(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Bosch-Carrera, J. (Jordi)
- Crónica de Derecho Canónico 2020(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Sedano, J. (Joaquin)The main documents and legal texts issued by the Pope in 2020 and the various dicasteries of the Roman Curia, as well as internationalagreements signed by the Holy See, are outlined. Canon law actions within the purview of the Spanish Episcopal Conference are also described.
- Francisco BOBADILLA RODRÍGUEZ – Jéssica CHIRINOS-PACHECO SAN ROMÁN – Javier FERRER ORTIZ (eds.), Libertad religiosa y aconfesionalidad del Estado peruano, Yachay Legal, Lima 2020, 289 pp., ISBN 978-612-482785-3 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Combalía-Solís, Z. (Zoila)
- Algunas reflexiones sobre el anhelado y laborioso connubio entre la ciencia canónica y la ciencia teológica(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Boni, G. (Geraldina)The context of this article is the «multidisciplinary discussion concerning canon law» promoted by the journal, Ius Canonicum. The proposed epistemological renewal of the field, aimed at developing “interdisciplinary canon law” through the fruitful re-establishment of relationships between canon lawyers and theologians, as well as with experts in other academic areas, and – last but not least – with scholars in civil law, is a valid and valuable one. However, in light of certain methodological limitations in the post-Conciliar period, on the one hand, and – even today – imprudent subordination to state laws, on the other, some risks that should not be underestimated are also addressed. What emerges, therefore, is that canon law and canon law studies must wholly reassert their mature identity and irreplaceable role in today’s Church: in order to do so, they should overcome the current “crisis” and regain confidence, credibility and authority.
- Vademécum sobre abusos de menores de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe: reflexiones jurídicas y pastorales(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Núñez, G. (Gerardo)On 16 July 2020, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith published a Vademecum that is intended to provide all Ordinaries with a clear set of norms to ensure that processes relating to the abuse of minors be carried out in a consistent way. The text is not normative as such; it also provides information about praxis at the Congregation. However, a detailed study of the text reveals that some aspects remain somewhat obscure or require further development. This commentary points out some of these issues and makes some proposals.
- Geraldina BONI, La recente attività normativa ecclesiale: finis terrae per lo ius canonicum? Per una valorizzazione del ruolo del Pontificio Consiglio per i testi legislativi e della scienza giurica nella Chiesa, Mucchi Editore, Modena 2021, 330 pp., ISBN 978-88-7000-871-5 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Otaduy, J. (Jorge)
- AA. VV., Las Causas de los Santos. Manual, BAC, Madrid 2020, 654 pp., ISBN 978-84-220-2161-2 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2021) Martín-de-la-Hoz, J.C. (José Carlos)