Memoria y Civilización
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957 results
- «Ilaciones de aquella edad». Santa María de Huerta: una lectura de la identidad nobiliaria del VII duque de Medinaceli don Antonio Juan Luis de la Cerda desde la cronémica social(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Romero-Medina, R. (Raúl)This essay addresses a chronemic and social reflection on the noble identity of don Antonio Juan Luis de la Cerda (1607-1671), VII Duke of Medinaceli. His artistic ideas for the main chapel of the monastery of Santa María de Huerta reflect a political project that claimed his ancient right to the royal throne. To design it, he used the figure of the Archbishop Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada, buried there, and the monarch who founded it, Alfonso VIII of Castilla, maternal grandfather of Fernando III, the father of Alfonso X «el Sabio». From Alfonso X’s eldest son, Fernando de Castilla, would descend the Infantes that gave rise to the Ducal House of Medinaceli. His mother and tutor, Antonia de Toledo y Colonna, played a prominent role in this project, using genealogical representation as a catalyst emblem and the cause of the canonization of King Alfonso VIII to claim legitimacy to the divine.
- Los bautizados de socorro de Pedro Bernardo (Ávila). Un momento de transición en el registro de la muerte neonatal(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Aichinger, W. (Wolfram)Emergency baptism refers to the number of infants born with little chances of survival. The logical place to look for this type of baptism seems to be the baptismal register. However, to get a complete picture, an examination of registers of deaths is necessary. This is the conclusion drawn from registers kept by the parish priest of Pedro Bernardo (Ávila) from 1845 to 1860. These books provide surprising data which urge for a revision of current ideas about the effective number of emergency baptisms and the dangers of the very first moments of life. A combined analysis of both parish registers pertaining to baptisms and deaths might enhance our knowledge about who administered emergency baptism, the main risks for newborns, and the causes of their deaths.
- Núñez Seixas, Xosé M., Imperios y danzas. Nacionalismo y pluralidad territorial en el fascismo español (1930-1975), Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2023, 307p. ISBN: 9788418752544. 29€ [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Rina, C. (César)Book Review
- Arellano, Ignacio (dir.), Poesía de sátira política y clandestina del Siglo de Oro. Antología esencial. Volumen I. Reinados de Felipe III y Felipe IV, New York, IDEA, 2023, 1087p. ISBN: 978-1-952399-09-1 [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Dorado-Blanco, J. (Jesús)Book Review
- El carlismo frente a Cánovas del Castillo: el patrocinio del retraimiento electoral en el diario nocedalista «El Siglo Futuro» entre los comicios de 1876 y 1884(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Agudín-Menéndez, J.L. (José Luis)The confusion that followed the defeat of Carlos VII and his supporters in the second Carlist campaign, during the rise of Canovism, was attempted to be halted by the former neo-Catholic minister Cándido Nocedal, who founded the newspaper El Siglo Futuro (1875-1936). Unlike what happened after 1868, those who emerged as leaders of Carlist politics and unconditional supporters of Pius IX's Syllabus of Errors recommended not to field traditionalist candidates in the elections. This exclusive position, among other issues, led to contentious disagreements within the Catholic-Monarchical Communion, which was not very homogeneous and was further polarized by Nocedal’s appointment as Chief-Delegate of Don Carlos in 1879. The purpose of this text is to analyze the perspective of El Siglo Futuro before several elections that took place during the reign of Alfonso XII.
- Nora, Pierre, Jeunesse, Paris, Gallimard, 2021, 239p. ISBN: 978-20-7297-782-4. 7,80€ / Nora, Pierre, Une étrange obstination, Paris, Gallimard, 2022, 343p. ISBN: 978-20-7299-541-5. 21€ [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Caspistegui, F.J. (Francisco Javier)Book Review
- Vives Riera, Antoni y Gemma Torres Delgado (eds.), El placer de la diferencia. Turismo, género y nación en la Historia de España, Granada, Comares, 2021, 199p. ISBN: 978-84-1369-287-6. 19,95€ [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Rina, C. (César)Book Review
- Amigos, propaganda y diplomacia informal: la actuación de la RDA en España a través del asociacionismo de amistad (1979-1990)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Ramos-Diez-Astrain, X.M. (Xavier María)Friendship associations were once important transnational actors in East-West relations. In Spain, the Asociación Guillermo Humboldt para el Conocimiento y la Amistad entre España y la República Democrática Alemana (Wilhelm Humboldt Association for Knowledge and Friendship between Spain and the German Democratic Republic) was founded in 1979, which, in connection with the Liga für Völkerfreundschaft of the gdr, was intended to serve as an instrument of propaganda and informal diplomacy. The main aim of this article is to examine the Liga für Völkerfreundschaft's propaganda activities in Spain, the role played by the Wilhelm Humboldt Association and its limitations. It uses Spanish and German sources and makes a comparative exercise with similar organisations linked to the Soviet Union.
- Hitz, Zena, Pensativos. Los placeres ocultos de la vida intelectual, Madrid, Ediciones Encuentro, 2022, 243p. ISBN: 978-84-1339-110-6, 20,90€ [RESEÑA](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Muñoz, M.D. (María Dolores)Book Review
- Somalia y el océano Índico. Intereses y estrategias durante el gobierno de Mohamed Siad Barre (1969-1991)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Arconada-Ledesma, P. (Pablo)The purpose of this study is to address Somalia's foreign policy under the socialist regime of Mohamed Siad Barre. Specifically, it focuses on the policies towards the Indian Ocean, a space that has traditionally been ignored by the literature. In contrast to the policies towards the interior of Africa, this research aims to show that Somalia also set its sights and interests on the waters of the Indian Ocean. To this end, some key strategies such as the declaration of the region as a peace zone, the use of Somali ports, the advocacy of decolonization of small maritime enclaves close to Africa and cultural policy are analyzed. Primary sources such as the press, official documentation of the Somali Democratic Republic, international entities and speeches of Somali leaders have been used to develop this research.