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Now showing 1 - 10 of 457
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    A relational dimension of open innovation: Towards a comprehensive strategic communication research agenda
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Gutiérrez-García, E. (Elena); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica); Yáñez-Galdames, M.J. (María Jesús)
    Open innovation is a strategic phenomenon that has arisen in corporate life since the beginning of the 21 st century. The management of this process involves a communicative dimension that both management and communication scholarship have overlooked over the last twenty years. At the same time, communication management in open innovation processes enacts the strategic nature of the discipline and practice. However, there is scant knowledge and evidence to be found in this discipline, despite the fact that the topic itself calls for deeper exploration of mainly a relational and communicative phenomena. We argue for the promotion of a comprehensive research agenda that entails delving into the theoretical and empirical challenges of the strategic communication discipline in open innovation. Likewise, this article responds to the call for greater interdisciplinary research (Werder et al., 2018). Findings include six research gaps, the examination of nine research lines, as it relates to discussion of specific methods/methodologies which would fill those gaps. Moreover, the proposed research pathways map out a starting-point for the future of this growing field of inquiry while also positioning strategic communication as a catalyst discipline and practice that will help to foster open innovation management and research.
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    How to promote social innovation within Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The case of the Audiovisual Industry in Navarre
    (HISIN, 2023) Olloqui, I. (Isabel); Alfaro-Tanco, J.A. (José Antonio); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica)
    This article examines the situation of social innovation in the audiovisual industry, which is a gap in the field of media management regarding the promotion of innovation with social impact. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a study in order to promote social innovation in the audiovisual industry at regional level. By collaborating through an action research case with the audiovisual cluster in Navarra (CLAVNA) this research focuses on specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Three are the main findings of this study: 1) Technological innovations are crucial to promote social innovation; 2) the need for public-private co-creation for the development of the focused industry; 3) the relevance of focusing efforts on social innovation in firms based on animation and video attract development and investments.
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    Factors for promoting social innovation along the supply chain: new challenges and opportunities
    (Universidad Camilo José Cela, 2021) Olloqui, I. (Isabel); Alfaro-Tanco, J.A. (José Antonio); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica)
    This article discusses the study of the supply chain as an area from which companies can carry out social innovation activities. With this premise, it identifies the relevant factors that drive social innovation along the supply chain, including a corporate culture oriented toward social understanding, an integrated economic, social, and environmental strategy, and the regulation and cross-cutting nature of communication as an engine for these practices. Finally, seven opportunities and six barriers to its implementation are discussed.
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    La empresa en el ecosistema innovador. Desafíos de la comunicación con grupos de interés en la innovación abierta
    (Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Buil, P. (Pilar); Alfaro, J.A. (José Antonio); Gutiérrez-García, E. (Elena); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica); Yáñez-Galdames, M.J. (María Jesús)
    En este informe se encuentran las principales conclusiones del grupo de investigación INCOMIN, resultado de un análisis sobre buenas experiencias de empresas españolas que lidian con procesos de innovación abierta. Ambas partes del informe están interrelacionadas: en la primera se ofrece una síntesis sobre el cuerpo de conocimiento generado en los últimos años, con perspectiva internacional, y en la segunda, los hallazgos y conclusiones del análisis en 17 empresas.
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    The development of public relations in dictatorships — Southern and Eastern European perspectives from 1945 to 1990, Public Relations Review
    (Elsevier, 2017-02-03) Rodríguez-Salcedo, N. (Natalia)
    The progressive version of public relations history present it as a by-product of pluralist political systems or a democratic dividend. It has been claimed that public relations thrives within open media systems and market economies but struggles in highly controlled governmental systems (dictatorships, juntas, and closed economies). This paper considers how political history and political systems affected the formation of public relations practices in regions of Europe that, after 1945, were under military dictatorships (Spain and Portugal), a military junta (Greece) and were contained in the Soviet bloc. Using comparative history methodology, the notion that public relations operates solely in democracies is challenged, although it is conceded that practice thrived in post-war Western Europe but struggled to develop in parts of southern and eastern Europe.
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    Revisión bibliográfica de la marca corporativa: hacia una definición y gestión integradoras
    (Universidad CEU San Pablo, 2021-06-14) Portilla-Manjón, I. (Idoia); Rodríguez-Salcedo, N. (Natalia); Pereira-Villazón, T. (Tatiana)
    La marca corporativa es un activo intangible y estratégico de gran valor que se vincula a conceptos como identidad e imagen. Esto le ha supuesto la atención de diversas disciplinas, no solo de la comunicación. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar dichas disciplinas, los autores destacados, ofrecer una definición integradora de la marca corporativa, identificar conceptos relacionados y el área a la que se asigna su gestión. Se trata de arrojar luz sobre la importancia de una adecuada gestión de la marca corporativa. Para ello, se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada de los trabajos académicos publicados durante el periodo 2016-2018. Sobre ellos se aplica un análisis de contenido cuantitativo y cualitativo. Tras la revisión de 112 publicaciones académicas en 66 revistas, se observa la escasa aportación del área de la comunicación en contraste con la gestión y el marketing, de donde proceden también los autores más citados. Respecto a la gestión de la marca corporativa, destaca el papel de la alta dirección y el área de marketing. Sin embargo, la variedad temática de las aportaciones y el valor estratégico de la marca corporativa sugieren la necesidad de aportar un enfoque multidisciplinar en la gestión y estudio de la marca corporativa.
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    Las consultoras de comunicación en Cataluña: 25 años de creación de espacios para el diálogo
    (Universidad CEU San Pablo, 2017-05-25) Rodríguez-Salcedo, N. (Natalia)
    Las consultoras de comunicación comenzaron en España hace más de medio siglo. En noviembre de 1960 nació la primera agencia de relaciones públicas (RP): S.A. Española de Relaciones Públicas (S.A.E. de RP) en Barcelona. Sin embargo, las circunstancias económicas y políticas no permitieron el pleno desarrollo de los servicios de las agencias hasta la década 1990. El presente estudio aborda, tras un breve recorrido histórico por los orígenes, la evolución de las agencias de RP en Cataluña en los últimos 25 años. El objetivo reside en analizar el desarrollo de las consultoras con sede en Cataluña durante los últimos 25 años con el fin de contribuir al conocimiento sobre la historia y naturaleza de esta disciplina en el marco geográfico donde se inició. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación, se diseñó un cuestionario de diez preguntas sobre la trayectoria histórica de las agencias en Cataluña, que se envió a casi 60 empresas desde mayo de 2014 hasta mayo de 2015. Los resultados reflejan que, a pesar de la crisis, han surgido nuevas agencias. Además, se observa un desarrollo del área de las RP digitales y una preferencia por el uso del término “comunicación” en detrimento del de “relaciones públicas”.
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    A herstory of public relations: Teresa Dorn, from Scott Cutlip to Burson-Marsteller Europe (1974–1995)
    (Taylor & Francis, 2017-01-20) Rodríguez-Salcedo, N. (Natalia); Gómez-Baceiredo, B. (Beatriz)
    This research concentrates on Teresa Dorn’s contributions to the history/herstory of public relations through the analysis of her first 20 years in the profession, 15 of which were devoted to making Burson-Marsteller a prominent multinational company in Spain and Europe. The study explores the process of how Burson-Marsteller became one of the top consultancies in a country with a newly established democracy through the report of a life history. This methodology leads to a better understanding of when, why, and how the first international consultancy was settled in Spain and succeeded under the guidance of an American female practitioner.
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    Fifty years of digital literacy studies: A meta-research for interdisciplinary and conceptual convergence
    (2020) Sádaba-Chalezquer, C. (Charo); Martínez-Bravo, M.C. (María Cristina); Serrano-Puche, J. (Javier)
    The following research has as its starting point the previous existence of different approaches to the study of digital literacy, which reflect a specialisation by area of study as well as connections and complementarity between them. The paper analyses research from the last 50 years through 11 key terms associated with the study of this subject. The article seeks to understand the contribution of each term for an integrated conceptualisation of digital literacy. From the data science approach, the methodology used is based on a systematized review of the literature and a network analysis using Gephi. The study analyses 16,753 articles from WoS and 5,809 from Scopus, between the period of 1968 to 2017. The results present the input to each key term studied as a map of keywords and a conceptual framework in different levels of analysis; in these, we show digital literacy as a central term that connects and integrates the others, and we define it as a process that integrates all the perspectives. The conclusions emphasise the comprehensive sense of digital literacy and its social condition, as well as the transversality to human life. This research aims to understand the rela- tionships that exist between the different areas and contribute to the debate from a meta-theoretical level, validating meta-research for this interdisciplinary purpose.
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    Is my kid that naive? Parents' perceptions of their children's attitudes towards advertising on smartphones in Chile
    (2021) Sádaba-Chalezquer, C. (Charo); Feijoo-Fernández, B. (Beatriz)
    It is common to identify the ability to recognize advertising as a requirement for the development of a critical attitude towards commercial content. This paper reflects on the perception parents have of their children who, as active users of mobile devices, are recipients of advertising. We thought interesting to draw a comparison between parent and child responses to corroborate the level of consistency between adult perception and what children stated regarding their attitude towards the advertising to which they were exposed. In order to do so a survey was applied in dyads in 501 households in the Metropolitan Area of Santiago de Chile showing that parents and guardians tend to underestimate the trust that children place in the advertising appearing on the channels they watch most on their mobile devices. It is needed a ground a solid starting point to enable subsequent research on childcare, content supervision and parental and social mediation.