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    Tradicionalidad discursiva y procesos de elaboración en el Cuatrocientos: las «Cartas» de Fernando de Bolea
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Garrido-Martín, B. (Blanca)
    En este trabajo estudiaremos los procesos de elaboración vinculados a la construcción discursiva y textual que presentan las cartas compuestas por Fernando de Abarca Bolea y Galloz a los reyes de Aragón, Castilla y Portugal, así como a los letrados de España, tras la muerte de Carlos de Viana en 1461. Concretamente, analizaremos sus partes a la luz de las directrices retóricas de la época, así como algunos rasgos de la lengua elaborada que tendrán distinta suerte en la evolución posterior de la escritura epistolar. Para una mayor contextualización de estos rasgos, los compararemos con los testimoniados en otras cartas y epístolas cuatrocentistas, para así establecer de qué manera se encuentran determinados por la tradicionalidad discursiva en que las cartas se insertan. En las conclusiones, consideramos que estas Cartas son una primera confirmación de que la escritura epistolar del siglo XV emanada de la pluma de miembros de la corte participa en el establecimiento de qué rasgos tendrán mayor desarrollo en la conformación de la lengua elaborada frente a cuáles se abandonan en periodos posteriores.
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    La variación concepcional en Twitter: análisis a partir del modelo de Koch y Oesterreicher
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Sánchez-Saus-Laserna, M. (Marta)
    This contribution analyses the conceptional variation in Twitter communication based on the parameters described in Koch and Oesterreicher’s model ([1990] 2007). After outlining the foundations of variational linguistics and the position of conceptional variation within the chain of varieties, and after reviewing the presence of this model in studies of computer-mediated communication, the conceptional characteristics of Twitter communication are presented. The analysis focuses especially on the parameters of public/private communication, emotionality, referentiality and dialogicity, in which it is necessary to specify the distinctive characteristics of communication in social networks as opposed to prototypically immediate communication such as oral conversation.
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    El neogongorismo vanguardista de «El pez y la manzana», de Ricardo E. Molinari
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Ferreira-Prado, M.C. (María Cecilia)
    The purpose of this paper is to study to what extent and in what way Ricardo E. Molinari carries out a fusion of Gongorine and Avant-garde components in El pez y el manzana (1929), especially regarding the use of some themes and motifs, as well as language and literary techniques. The originality of the poem is highlighted, which is not an exact copy of Góngora’s style, although it has a strong evocative effect. Molinari creates a peculiar and new Gongorine style, with a voice of his own, incorporating a poetic irrationalism akin to the Avant-garde. This work is contemporary to the Spanish poets who cultivated Ultraism and Surrealism, whom he met personally, after having published El pez y la manzana, during his stay in the 30’s in Spain.
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    Teoría y deificación del amor en Félix Grande: de «Las Rubáiyátas» a la narrativa breve
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Parratt-Fernández, S. (Sonia); Mera-Fernández, M. (Montserrat); Gómez-Vaquero, A. (Alberto)
    Love was one of Félix Grande’s major concerns during more than three decades of his career, from the short story «Música para mi hijo» (1963) to Sobre el amor y la separación (1996). The aim of this article is to analyze the love theme both in the poems Las Rubáiyátas de Horacio Martín and in the short narrative of the author that was published in books, magazines, and newspapers. For this, the articulation of the relationships between those involved in the love plot and the ideas about love expressed by characters and narrators are examined. It is concluded that love is part of Grande’s poetic universe and that is why it appears in different stages and styles of the author: from his stories a theory emerges that becomes more conscious and explicit, until it turns into a quasi-religious system that tries to explain the power of love over individuals.
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    «Cartas escribe la Cava»: procesos de retextualización del discurso epistolar desde el «ars dictaminis» bajomedieval al Siglo de Oro
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Romera-Manzanares, A.M. (Ana María)
    The main objective of this work is to analyze the processes of retextualization that shows an epistolary corpus composed of several versions of the same letter from its first textualization, carried out in the fourteenth century from the precepts of the ars dictaminis, until the seventeenth century, where it occupies a noted position in historiography. We focus on examining the linguistic variation related to the processes of linguistic elaboration oriented to the pole of communicative distance: the letters show the development of the conception of the epistolary genre from dialogue, with features of communicative orality, to authorial soliloquy of grandiloquent language and high degree of planification. Therefore, we also study how the morphology of the letter adapts to these new interests, theoretically related in this article to the processes of linguistic refection.
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    Coseriu y la actualidad en los estudios de semántica
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Casas-Gómez, M. (Miguel)
    Coseriu’s influence on semantic studies can be described as enormous, with relevant contributions to many problems, not only traditional ones, but also others that have been developed based on his assumptions and that, in some cases, have led to the consolidation of new perspectives of semantic analysis or disciplines within the framework of modern linguistics, such as word formation, linguistic variationism, syntagmatic dimension of the lexicon (lexicon-syntax interface), text linguistics as semantics of speech and sense, phraseology or terminology. In this contribution, we undertake the examination of the epistemological bases of Coserian lexematics, as a restrictive discipline of structural semantics and lexicology, and the establishment of its subsequent evolution and repercussion, in order to observe what remains of it in the current lexical semantics.
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    «¡La conjugación me está volviendo loco!»: comentarios metalingüísticos sobre el español en Netease Cloud Music
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Bach, C. (Carme); Peng, S. (Shuo)
    Digital music consumption on the Internet has increased rapidly in recent years. On Chinese music platforms, comment sections are designed for users to share their feelings while listening to the music. Comments in this new media environment have become an emerging digital genre that remains under-researched. This exploratory study seeks to investigate metalinguistic comments generated by Chinese fans of Álvaro Soler, a present Spanish singer. Drawing on a textual database of 745 language-related comments from Netease Cloud Music and following a «coding and counting» approach, this study reveals how music fans’ interest extends to Spanish and what they think of this language. In addition, results from this study also provide evidence of informal and interest- driven language learning by commenting on songs in this new virtual environment.
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    En torno a los límites de la sintaxis y el discurso: una reflexión sobre el adverbio «naturalmente»
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2022) Rodriguez-Ramalle, T.M. (Teresa María)
    In this work I will review some morphological and syntactic properties of naturalmente to link them to the discursive interpretation of this adverb in specific contexts. My main objective is to explain the relevance of the discursive and configurational aspects. I will take into account the presence of the speaker in the structure (Speas/Tenny 2003; Wiltschko/Heim 2014; 2016; Pancheva/Zubizarreta 2019, among others), and the relationships between sentences in the discourse. My thesis is that the adverb reinforces the speaker’s affirmative point of view and can be used as a «natural » justification for his/her pretended reasoning. This interpretation is possible by the properties of the adjective and the structural configuration.