González-Martinez, P. (Purificación)
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- Influence of the Water Vapour Permeability of Airtight Sheets on the Behaviour of Facade(2020) Arriazu-Ramos, N. (Nerea); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana); Torres-Ramo, J. (Joaquín)The air-tightness of the thermal envelope of buildings is one of the measures to reduce their energy demands in order to achieve global warming reduction targets. To this end, airtight sheets with different water vapour permeability characteristics are used. The different products studied are highly dispersed in terms of equivalent air thickness values, leading to confusion. After the analysis carried out, it is concluded that all airtight sheets are vapour barriers. To clarify whether or not these sheets are necessary as vapour barriers, a condensation analysis was carried out on 13 different facades for 3 climate zones with severe winters as defined in Spanish regulations. The results reveal that interstitial condensation occurs in only 7 of the 39 case studies, with the traditional facades of brickwork with render causing the greatest problems if the appropriate products are not used. In these cases, airtight sheets with water vapour barrier characteristics must be applied on the interior face of the insulating material. In all other cases (32), the airtight sheets must be permeable to water vapour if it is looked for a more breathable wall to water vapour and a better control of the interior humidity conditions.
- Cerramientos verticales tierra-aire. Muros de sótano(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1988) González-Martinez, P. (Purificación)
- Exploring indoor thermal comfort and its causes and consequences amid heatwaves in a Southern European city—An unsupervised learning approach(Elsevier Ltd., 2024) Arriazu-Ramos, A. (Ainhoa); Monge-Barrio, A. (Aurora); López-Hernández, D. (Dolores); Gamero-Salinas, J. C. (Juan Carlos); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana)This study investigates indoor thermal comfort during heatwaves in dwellings of the Southern European city of Pamplona, Spain. Utilizing K-means and Hierarchical clustering, it explores clustering patterns from occupants’ survey responses (n = 189) to thermal comfort-related questions (i.e. day and night thermal sensation, thermal satisfaction and thermal preference) as well as causal links (i.e. indoor temperatures, building/occupant features) and consequences (i.e. sleep quality, heat-related symptoms) of such clusterings. Both unsupervised learning techniques coherently revealed two groups: the comfortable and uncomfortable clusters. Uncomfortable occupants coherently experience more sensation to heat, greater preference for cooler temperatures, and more thermal dissatisfaction, especially during daytime hours. Dwellings of comfortable occupants experience median indoor temperatures ranging 25.7–26 ◦C; dwellings of uncomfortable occupants 27.4 ◦C, with median temperatures above 28 ◦C during 15:00–23:00 and 23:00–07:00 periods. Discomfort or overheating—coherently expressed by the thermally uncomfortable cluster—is alleviated by multiple factors related to the presence of active cooling technologies in all rooms, and use of passive and low-energy cooling measures (e,g. fans); exacerbated by heatwave conditions. As coherently expressed by the uncomfortable cluster heat worsens the sleep quality of occupants (3 to 6-fold) and increases the likelihood of occupants to experience heat-related symptoms (10–19-fold). This study is particularly important to policymakers, as it sheds light, from dwellers’ first-hand experience in a Southern Europe city, on relevant factors that should be taken in consideration to allow them to cope better with heatwaves without compromising their comfort and health.
- Encouraging natural ventilation to improve indoor environmental conditions at schools. Case studies in the north of Spain before and during COVID(Elsevier, 2022) Dorregaray-Oyaregui, S. (Sara); Arriazu-Ramos, A. (Ainhoa); Martin-Calvo, N. (Nerea); Bes-Rastrollo, M. (Maira); Monge-Barrio, A. (Aurora); López-Hernández, D. (Dolores); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana)The COVID pandemic has strongly affected daily life both in Spanish schools and worldwide. Providing the best environmental conditions for children allowing face-to-face learning with healthy and safe indoor spaces is a challenge. In the present study, empirical research about how these environmental conditions change with COVID is presented comparing the situation from March 2020 to January 2021. The methodology combines surveys conducted in nine schools with a case study in a selected school where a detailed monitoring of the building was developed during both heating seasons. This data ana- lyzes the impact of the new COVID prevention protocols on indoor environmental conditions (especially those related to natural ventilation). Results show a mean CO2 reduction of 1,400 ppm, having in the sec- ond term values around 1,000 ppm, although temperatures diminished nearly 2 °C to mean values of 18 °C. Evolution of temperature and CO2 concentration throughout the day was also analyzed, being these indoor conditions especially important for the children with poorer health. Mechanical ventilation with heating recovery should complement natural ventilation, at least during the coldest months or hours of the day, although systems have to be carefully designed and installed to work effectively.
- Influencia de los finos de los áridos de Navarra en el hormigón(EUNSA, 1988) González-Martinez, P. (Purificación)
- An active mode of learning: students collaboration in a research project on masonry mortar(Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal, International congress on education, innovation and learning technologies, 2014-07-23) Sanz, C. (Cristina); Ramos-Ruiz, G. (Germán); Pellicer-Daviña, D. (Domingo); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación)During the 2012-2013 academic year, a practical work was proposed to the students of the fourth year of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarre (ETSAUN), in the Building Construction IV subject of the Building Construction, Services and Structures Department (CIE), in the context of implicating students in academic activities, specifically designed to allow them to improve essential capabilities and abilities required for their future professional exercise.
- Optimización de zapatas aisladas. Valor del momento flector reducido o relativo, [μ], que optimiza económicamente la zapata aislada(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1995) González-Martinez, P. (Purificación)
- Difficulties in the energy renovation processes of district heating buildings. Two case studies in a temperate climate(Elsevier, 2021) San-Miguel-Bellod, J. (Jorge); Arriazu-Ramos, A. (Ainhoa); Monge-Barrio, A. (Aurora); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana)Renovation at district scale is a key strategy to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumptions by optimising the implementation of renewable energy sources and taking advantage of economies of scale. In this context, this paper focuses on assessing the positive impacts and difficulties after the energy rehabilitation of thermal envelopes in two buildings that belong to two different District Heating systems. The methodology is based on the comparative analysis of indoor temperatures data and energy consumption data of 17 monitored dwellings. The results showed a significant association between the improvement of envelopes and the increase of indoor temperatures in winter (β=0,644). Due to some technical and social barriers, the heating system was not regulated after the rehabilitation, so energy consumption was unnecessarily high, there were situations of indoor overheating in winter (maximum average indoor temperatures between 24-26°C) and these issues produced dissatisfaction on neighbours. In order to avoid these negative consequences, some recommendations are provided, such as informing neighbours about expectations in each step of the long rehabilitation process, reconsidering payments to promote the envelope rehabilitation but maintaining a fixed cost to protect vulnerable groups, and promoting post-occupational studies that contribute to the viability and up-date of this kind of District Heating systems.
- Industrialized Sunspace Prototype with Solar Heat Storage. Assessment of Post-Occupational Behaviour in Adaptive Facades.(TU Delft Open, 2015) Echeverría-Trueba, J. B. (Juan B.); Ramos-Ruiz, G. (Germán); Domingo-Irigoyen, S. (Silvia); Monge-Barrio, A. (Aurora); Fernández-Bandera, C. (Carlos); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana); Torres-Ramo, J. (Joaquín)The thermal performance of two passive solar components has been investigated. An attached sunspace with horizontal heat storage and another one with vertical thermal storage were designed in order to optimize the use of solar gains and its storage and distribution in an industrialized component. These sunspaces have been tested under real conditions, comparing their thermal performance with two commonly used components in residential buildings in Spain: a window and a double window making up an attached sunspace. Different series of experimental measurements were conducted in two test-cells exposed to outdoor conditions in Pamplona (Northern Spain). As a result, nine scenarios during winter 2011 and six during summer 2012 have been carried out, comparing all of the prototypes two by two with different use modes. Results show that a sunspace with heat storage takes advantage of the solar energy and improves the indoor thermal performance of the adjacent room during winter in a better way than a window or a simple sunspace, and that it also offers better performance in summer. The best results in winter and summer were obtained when an appropriate use of the component was performed, in concordance with outdoor conditions. Several thermal control keys for the use of these components are suggested.
- Una ciudad sostenible para una familia sostenible(Dykinson, 2016) Frías, M.A. (María Antonia); Grupo-Loucas; Jimenez-Caballero, I. (Inmaculada); Barrio-Suárez, A. (Aurora); González-Martinez, P. (Purificación); Sánchez-Ostiz, A. (Ana)El objetivo de este trabajo se resume en su título, suficientemente expresivo en sí mismo, como guía del planteamiento de una contribución arquitectónica que responda al interés suscitado por el reto que el siglo XXI, con sus transformaciones, plantea abiertamente hoy a la familia incluso a su propia permanencia futura, es decir, a su sostenibilidad; un reto que adquiere también notas características si se tiene en cuenta que la arquitectura actual además de necesitar una mayor conciencia de servir directamente a la familia está dando clara prioridad a cuestiones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad global. Con ello apunta una pauta para su actuación futura, como sucede también en otros muchos campos filosóficos, científicos o técnicos. Lo que nos proponemos aquí es esbozar los rasgos fundamentales que deben inspirar proyectos más específicos, dirigidos a promover la sostenibilidad de la familia desde la Arquitectura, y, en general, un desarrollo sostenible desde la familia. Entendemos, en efecto, que la familia es esencial para la sostenibilidad del sistema global de desarrollo, en todos sus aspectos, incluido el urbano. La noción de desarrollo sostenible surge de la alarma ecológica, al hacerse más evidentes las consecuencias negativas que provoca un desarrollo incontrolado, ligado a cierto estilo de vida, de economía y de mercado, etc. Mantener el desarrollo y sus ventajas de modo que puedan disfrutarlo los que nos sucedan, es hacerlo sostenible. Del mismo modo, mantener la familia y sus valores en las futuras generaciones, asumiendo nuevos retos y resolviendo las influencias negativas que están surgiendo en nuestros días, sería, en consonancia con lo dicho, hacerla sostenible. Si en su primer planteamiento tanto la ecología como la sostenibilidad se consideraron a nivel medioambiental, ambos términos se han ido progresivamente ampliando hasta llegar a tener en cuenta todos los aspectos del equilibrio mundial. En esta comunicación, al incluir a la familia como sujeto activo y pasivo dentro de la ciudad, se plantea una específica ampliación de estas nociones. En este contexto, tiene interés mencionar la reciente aportación del Papa Francisco a la cuestión del desarrollo, concretada en la publicación de la Encíclica Laudato Si’1. En este documento, en efecto, Francisco hace llegar al gran público un concepto amplio de desarrollo, que expande las ideas de ecología y sostenibilidad desde lo material a lo cultural, lo vital y lo moral, incorporando incluso la dimensión espiritual de la persona. Dentro de este marco, que resalta las dimensiones éticas y no solamente técnicas del desarrollo, se incluyen referencias a la familia, a la arquitectura y a la ciudad, parcialmente incluidas en el tratamiento que se ha venido dando a la cuestión desde hace algunas décadas.