Amo, L. (León) del
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- Reflexión acerca de las causas matrimoniales en España(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1974) Amo, L. (León) delSummarium Intendit hoc studium responsum dare articulo P. Romualdo Rodrigo, O. A. R., edito in recensione Romanae Universitatis Gregorianae, «Periodica», a. 1973, p. 503-550. Per copiosa data considerationesque significatur status processuum matrimonialium in Hispania. Urgetur character iudicialis, non administrativus, Decreti ratificantis, sicut in Motu proprio «Causas matrimoniales » regulatur. Respectu matrimonii, Hispania non est fautor divortii, et tramitatio causarum matrimonii canonici, vel nullitatis sint vel separationis, reservatur tribunalibus Ecclesiae. Res publica agnoscit valorem harum decisionum quantum ad effectus civiles, quorum determinatio iudicibus civilibus competit Animadvertitur praestantia quam pro matrimonio et familia leges hispanae habent, non enim tribuunt effectus iuridicos separationi consensuali ad mentem doctrinae et iuris Ecclesiae. Ideo non permittitur transigere in solutione vinculi, neque in ruptura cohabitationis, neque in officio patrum. catholicae filiorum instructionis. Statu actuali divortiorum, nullitatum separationumque considerato, urgetur convenientia Ecclesiae tuendi, ubi possibile sit, sanctitatem atque dignitatem matrimonii familiaeque et non cedendi ius suumcognitionis causarum matrimonialium separationis. Pro munere quod Ecclesia fidelibus suis praestare debet quantum ad iustitiam de matrimoniis, principia, qUibus tribunalium ecclesiasticorum ordinatio regi debeat, studuuntur. Specialiter considerata est convenientia Rotae Nuntiaturae Apostolicae Matritensis, in relatione cum tribunalibus minoribus Hispaniae et cum pontificiis, praesertim cum sacra Rota Romana. Auctor examinat argumenta adducta contra tribunalia ecclesiastica hispana. Denique proponuntur conclusiones et sugerentiae circa tribunal unipersonale in unaquaque dioecesi, circa tribunalia facultativa provincialiaet dioecesana, circa tribunalia Barcinonis Matritique, et circa Rotam Nuntiaturae Apostolicae. Magni momenti sunt varia schemata circa gradationem tribunalium. Erectio Studii Rotalis postulatur.-------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This paper appeared in response to an article of P. Romualgo Rodrigo, OAR. which had be en published in «Periodica» (1973), pp. 503-550, a journal of the Gregorian University in Rome. Reporting a grand Lumber of facts and considerations, the author explains the actual condition of matrimonial processes in Spain. He insists in the judidal, and not administrative, nature of the ratifying Decree, as determined in the Motu proprio .Causas matrimoniales». Spain does not recognize divorce, and the transaction of the causes of marriage according to canon law, whether it be a case of nullity or separation, is reserved for the Church courts. The government recognizes these decisions to all legal effects, which should be determined by the civil courts. The author points out the advantage that Spanish law offers with respect to marriage and the family since the civil code does not concede legal effects to a consented separation, in agreement with Church doctrine and law. Therigidity of Spanishlaw withrespect to the dissolution of the marriage bond, the decision of the married couple to live apart, and the parentalresponsabilities regarding the Catholic upbringing of the children is a logical consequence of this posture. Considering the current state of divorce, nullificationand separation, the •author insists that the Church must, whenever possible, strive to safeguard the dignitv and holiness of marriage and of the family; and should not surrender its right to decide cases of matrimonial separation. In relation to the service which the Church offers its faithful seeking justice in matrimonial affairs, this paper studies the principies which should guide the organization of the ecclesiastical courts. The author hasexamined with special attention the convenience of the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciatura in Madrid, in •relation to the lower Spanish and pontificalcourts, specially the Sacred Roman Rota. The author analizes subsequently the arguments which are employed in Spain to discredit the ecclesiastical tribunales. At the end of this paper various conclusions and suggestions are offered with respect to the unipersonal diocesan courts, the provincial and diocesan tribunales, the courts in Barcelona and Madrid, and the Rota of the Apostolic Nunciature. The report also provides interesting illustrations, showing the different levels of the distinct tribunales. The author advocates a serious study of the Rota.
- Mentalidad divorcista y nulidad del matrimonio(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1980) Amo, L. (León) del
- Sentencias eclesiásticas de nulidad de matrimonio y sus efectos civiles(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1982) Amo, L. (León) del
- El escrito de alegaciones en el proceso matrimonial(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1977) Amo, L. (León) del
- ANTONIO QUINTELA, El atentado en el proceso canónico, 1 vol. de 218 págs., «Colección Canónica de la Universidad de Navarra», EUNSA, Pamplona 1972 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1973) Amo, L. (León) del
- A. GONZÁLEZ MARTÍN, La prueba documental privada en el proceso canónico, 235 págs. EUNSA, Pamplona, 1980 [RECENSIÓN](Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1980) Amo, L. (León) del
- La excepción del pleito acabado y la revisión de causa(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1966) Amo, L. (León) del
- La falta de delegación y la ninfomanía en el matrimonio(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1976) Amo, L. (León) del
- La cohabitación de los conyuges(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1967) Amo, L. (León) del
- Iniciativa de parte y oposición a la demanda en las causas matrimoniales(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1981) Amo, L. (León) del