González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen)
- Publications
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28 results
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- Satisfaction with the self-assessment of university students through e-coping with academic stress utilityTM(Frontiers Media, 2018) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Artuch-Garde, R. (Raquel); Martínez-Vicente, J.M. (José Manuel); Peralta-Sánchez, F.J. (Francisco Javier); Garzón-Umerenkova, A. (Angélica)The general purpose of this report is: (1) research was to check whether the degree of satisfaction with the self-assessment activity of university students was related to the scores obtained and the degree of different variables, associated with level of SelfRegulation; (2) to present the online utility, e-Coping with Academic StressTM, as a technological development in Educational Psychology; (3) analyze the possibilities of transfer of this technological innovation. A total of 929 university students, coming from a public university, participated in the use of this online utility. University students can use the tool’s online inventories to make self-assessments in the different variables of Studying, Learning and Performing under Stress (SLPS Competency Model). Descriptives, correlational and inferential analyzes (ANOVAs and MANOVAs) were carried out. The results allowed to know the profile of competences of the analyzed university students, in addition to the degree of satisfaction with the self-evaluation. Finally, we communicate possible actions and options available for transfer of this resulting technology, through RD transfer contracts arranged directly or with other universities.
- Implications of Unconnected Micro, Molecular, and Molar Level Research in Psychology: The Case of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation(2019) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Martínez-Vicente, J.M. (José Manuel); Aznárez-Sanado, M. (Maite); Peralta-Sánchez, F.J. (Francisco Javier); Vera-Martínez, M.M. (Manuel Mariano)The proliferation of research production in Psychology as a science has been increasing exponentially. This situation leads to the necessity of organizing the research production into different levels of analysis that make it possible to delimit each research domain. The objective of this analysis is to clearly distinguish the different levels of research: micro-analysis, molecular, and molar. Each level is presented, along with an analysis of its benefits and limitations. Next, this analysis is applied to the topics of Executive Functions, Self-Regulation, and External Regulation. Conclusions, limitations, and implications for future research are offered, with a view toward a better connection of research production across the different levels, and an allusion to ethical considerations.
- How has the COVID-19 crisis affected the academic stress of university students? The role of teachers and students(2021) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Artuch-Garde, R. (Raquel); Pachón-Basallo, M. (Mónica); Peralta-Sánchez, F.J. (Francisco Javier); Gaetha, M. (Martha); Paoloni, P. (Paola); Santos, F. (Flavia)The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have required substantial adjustments in terms of university teaching¿learning processes. The aim of this study was to verify whether there were significant differences between the academic year of 2020 and the two preceding years in factors and symptoms and stress. A total of 642 university students (ages 18¿25 years) participated by filling out validated self-reports during the months from March to August 2020. Using an ex post facto design, SEM analyses and simple and multiple ANOVAs were performed. Structural results showed that stress factors from the teaching process had a predictive value for the learning process, emotions, and academic burnout, and being a man was a factor predicting negative emotion. In a similar way, inferential results revealed no significant effect of academic year but did show an effect of gender on stress experiences during the pandemic. Aside from certain specific aspects, there was no significant global effect of the year 2020 on factors and symptoms of stress. The results showed that studying in the year of the COVID-19 outbreak did not have a significant effect on stress triggered by the teaching process. From these results, we draw implications for specific guidance interventions with university teachers and students.
- Resilience as a buffering variable between the big five components and factors and symptoms of academic stress at university(2021) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Artuch-Garde, R. (Raquel); Martínez-Vicente, J.M. (José Manuel); Peralta-Sánchez, F.J. (Francisco Javier); Vera-Martínez, M.M. (Manuel Mariano)The aim of this cross-sectional study was to establish predictive relationships of the Big Five personality factors (according to their self-regulatory level), together with resilience (proactive and reactive factors), for factors and symptoms of academic stress related to teaching and learning in the University context. A total of 405 female undergraduate students were selected, and completed questionnaires that had been previously validated in Spanish University students (Big Five personality factors, resilience, and academic stress symptoms and factors). A linear, ex-post facto design was used, including linear regression, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and mediational analyses. Specific linear regression showed the expected gradation: that self-regulatory personality factors (conscientiousness, extraversion) were positive linear predictors of proactive resilience, as well as significant negative predictors of stress factors and symptoms of academic stress; while the non-regulatory personality factors (openness to experience, agreeableness) showed little relationship. By contrast, the dysregulatory personality factor (neuroticism) was a negative predictor of proactive resilience, a positive predictor of reactive resilience, and positively predicted academic stress factors in the teaching and learning process, as well as stress symptoms. SEM general analysis showed that personality factors positively predicted resilience, and resilience negatively predicted factors and symptoms of academic stress. Specific mediational model analysis, with each personality factor, confirmed the different mediating relationships that appeared in the linear regression analyses. These results are discussed from the perspective of promoting resilience and healthy personalities in the University context. Implications for addressing academic stress at University are discussed.
- Claves para favorecer la motivación de los profesores ante los retos educativos actuales(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2003) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen)En este nuevo milenio las escuelas y los profesores tienen que hacer frente a numerosos y nuevos problemas, incertidumbres, retos y reformas educativas. La motivación de los profesores para llevar a cabo los cambios que la actual coyuntura demanda es un problema que es necesario abordar. Por una parte, en este artículo se analizan las cualidades de la profesión docente (sus posibilidades de generar alta motivación intrínseca) y las tensiones que acusa la profesión docente, que en estos tiempos están produciendo, en muchos casos, el llamado síndrome del profesor quemado. Por otra parte, a la luz de las teorías sobre motivación en el trabajo, se proponen vías de acción que tanto el profesor como el contexto educativo, y en particular los directivos, pueden poner en marcha para elevar la moral de los profesores y, por tanto, la capacidad de innovación de los centros educativos.
- Nuevas orientaciones en la formación del profesorado para una enseñanza centrada en la promoción del aprendizaje autorregulado de los alumnos(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2007) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Sobrino, A. (Ángel); Chocarro-de Luis, E. (Edurne)La sociedad del conocimiento demanda una alta capacitación en los alumnos para aprender a aprender y, en consecuencia, un modelo de enseñanza más centrado en el mismo proceso de aprendizaje (learning-centered teaching). En este artículo se trata de explicar que este paradigma exige un profesor que actúe como guía en el proceso de aprendizaje y asuma la postura de “experto-aprendiz” en el aula. Para ello es necesaria una formación docente más acorde con los principios actuales del aprendizaje puesto que, de este modo el profesor estará más capacitado para desempeñar su cambio de rol.
- Expectativas de aprendizaje y de rendimiento de los alumnos universitarios(1997) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Tourón, J. (Javier); Roces, C. (C.)Un análisis de las expectativas académicas de los estudiantes universitarios pone de manifiesto que no existen diferencias significativas respecto a las expectativas de aprendizaje entre los alumnos de distintas carreras y, sin embargo, las expectativas de rendimiento y las relaciones de estas con las estrategias de aprendizaje y con las notas, son diferentes dependiendo de los estudios cursados. Unas altas expectativas de éxito no siempre van acompañadas de un mayor uso de estrategias, ni a la inversa, tal y como sugiere la investigación en este campo. Se presentan las características principales de los estudiantes de cada carrera y se comprueba que el grado de dificultad de los estudios es una variable que influye en las expectativas de rendimiento y en la utilización de estrategias. Se presentan algunas implicaciones para la construcción de cuestionarios sobre expectativas y para la enseñanza y la evaluación. ------------------------------------ Several types of analyses were performed to study the academic expectancies of college students. The results showed that there were not significant differences between the Learning expectancies of the students enrolled in studies conducting to different degrees, but differences in their expectancy for success beliefs and in the relationships between these expectancies and academic performance were found. High expectancies of achievement were not always paired to a higher use of learning strategies or vice versa, as it is generally suggested by the research in this area. The examination of the main characteristics of the students showed that the difficulty of the studies is an important factor that affects to the expectancies for success and to the use of learning strategies. Implications for the development of measurement instruments and for teaching and assessment are addressed.
- The proactive-reactive resilience as a mediational variable between the character strength and the flourishing in undergraduate students(2022) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Artuch-Garde, R. (Raquel); Urien-Angulo, B. (Begoña); Luis-Garcia, E.O. (Elkin Oswaldo); Balaguer-Estaña, A.J. (Álvaro J.)The aim of this research was to delimit the predictive and mediational model of resilience between character strengths to predict flourishing, in a sample of undergraduate students. After signing their informed consent, 642 university students completed three validated scales (i.e., character strengths, resilience, and flourishing). Using an ex post facto design, regression, structural modeling, and mediation analyses were carried out, in order to construct a multi-causal predictive model. Results indicated a consistent predictive direct effect of character strengths on resilience and flourishing and of resilience on flourishing. As hypothesized, resilience also showed a mediating effect on the relationship between character strengths and flourishing. Additionally, results also revealed that the reactive and proactive factors of resilience were explained by different character strengths (e.g., emotional strength/cognitive, interpersonal strengths), reinforcing the idea that the two directions are complementary and necessary. Finally, several implications were established for the practice of positive psychology.
- The Proactive-Reactive Resilience as a Mediational Variable Between the Character Strength and the Flourishing in Undergraduate Students(2022) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Fuente-Arias, J. (Jesús) de la; Artuch-Garde, R. (Raquel); Urien-Angulo, B. (Begoña); Luis-Garcia, E.O. (Elkin Oswaldo); Balaguer-Estaña, A.J. (Álvaro J.)The aim of this research was to delimit the predictive and mediational model of resilience between character strengths to predict flourishing, in a sample of undergraduate students. After signing their informed consent, 642 university students completed three validated scales (i.e., character strengths, resilience, and flourishing). Using an ex post facto design, regression, structural modeling, and mediation analyses were carried out, in order to construct a multi-causal predictive model. Results indicated a consistent predictive direct effect of character strengths on resilience and flourishing and of resilience on flourishing. As hypothesized, resilience also showed a mediating effect on the relationship between character strengths and flourishing. Additionally, results also revealed that the reactive and proactive factors of resilience were explained by different character strengths (e.g., emotional strength/cognitive, interpersonal strengths), reinforcing the idea that the two directions are complementary and necessary. Finally, several implications were established for the practice of positive psychology.
- La competencia social y el desarrollo de comportamientos cívicos: la labor orientadora del profesor(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2006) González-Torres, M.C. (María Carmen); Iriarte-Redín, C. (Concha); López-de-Dicastillo-Rupérez, N. (Noelia)En este artículo se analiza el concepto de competencia social desde una óptica positiva y promotora de una convivencia de calidad, así como estimuladora de la formación socioemocional de los alumnos. En un primer momento se realiza una aproximación histórica al término “competencia social”, describiendo los principales cambios terminológicos y conceptuales experimentados en los últimos años. Una vez establecido el marco, se describe a la escuela como un contexto privilegiado donde tienen lugar gran parte de los aprendizajes sociales y donde se sientan las bases para la posterior integración y participación de los alumnos como ciudadanos que conviven y se relacionan con otros. Dentro de este contexto se ha decidido centrar la atención en la figura del profesor.
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