Reale, G. (Giovanni)

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    Fundamentos, estructura dinámico-relacional y caracteres esenciales de la metafísica de Plotino
    (2000) Reale, G. (Giovanni)
    This work considers the novelty of Neoplatonism against platonic philosophy, characterising the former by three principie points: the monopolaristic conception, the One which is productive (a self difftisive One-Good) remaining as indeflnable or ineffable and its consequences and implications. Plotino's metaphysics, therefore, finds itself before a new problem, not put by Plato: to give reason of the One, and with this, of the production of the many from the One, and in its resolution he introduces an irreductable novelty into not only the platonic categories, but also into Greek thought (as the idea of positive infinitude).