Sauras, E. (Emilio)
- Publications
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- Ministerio y culto en el sacerdocio ministerial(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1974) Sauras, E. (Emilio)
- El carácter sagrado de los poderes de la Iglesia(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1975) Sauras, E. (Emilio)Summarium Postquam breviter oppositionem inter sic dictam “Ecclesiam iuris” et - Ecclesiam charitatis» refert, auctor ad suum thema revertit scilicet, potestates sacras Ecclesiae et charismata. Ratio operis sic evolvitur: 1) Conceptio Ecclesiae. ut sacramentalis COInmunitas, quoad suum objectum semper adfuit. Novitas datur quoad nomen. Profunda significatio huius realitatis necnon analogia exsistens inter sacramentalitatem Christi et Ecclesiae examinatur. 2) Sub rubrica de potestatibus sacramentalibus hierarchicis ad conceptum - hierarchiae », ad structuram hierarchicam Ecclesiae ad potestates ordinis, jurisdictionis et magisterii. ad earum originem sacramentalem necnon ad sensum - cClllationis canonicae. Sese refert. 3) Deinde potestates, quas sacramentales comunes vocat, propriae populi fidelis (sacerdotium commune), inferiores et submissae potestatibus Hierarchiae examinantur. 4) In fine de potestat!bus extrasacramentalibus sive charismatibus loquitur. In hoc contextu sensus et significatio harum potestatum in Ecclesiae, earum origo et relationes cum Hifrarchia examinantur.--------------------------------- Abstract After a brief reference to the non-contraposition of the so-called -Ecclesia iuris» and .Ecclesia charitatis», the author focuses his attention upon the objective theme under analysis namely, the sacred power of the Church and the charismas. The work is ordained around the following pints: 1) The Church, as a sacramental community, is a consideration which has always been present as far as its content is concerned . The novelty finds its root in the name. The author analyzes the profound meaning of this reality as well as the existing analogy between the sacramentality of Christ and that of the Church. 2) Under the title The Sacramental Hierarchical Powers, reference is made te- the concept of –hierarchy», to the hierarchical structure of the Church, to the powers of order, jurisdiction, and magisterium, to the sacramental origins of these and to the meaning of the acanonical collocation. 3) In cont inuation, the author analyzes what he calls the common sacramental powers, proper to the faithful (common priesthoodj inferior to, and subject to, the powers of the Hierarchy. 4) Finally, the author speaks about the extras acramental or charismatic powers. In relation with these he analyzes such aspects as their meaning and significance in the ChUTCh, their origin, and their relations with the Hierarchy.
- Los sacramentos y el misterio de la cruz(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1982) Sauras, E. (Emilio)