González-Cuevas, P.C. (Pedro Carlos)

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    La historia de las derechas a la luz del revisionismo histórico
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2010) González-Cuevas, P.C. (Pedro Carlos)
    Presenta este artículo un análisis sobre la historiografía relativa a las derechas en España. En el marco del revisionismo histórico europeo, plantea la necesidad de superar modelos explicativos de origen marxista, que tienden a simplificar la complejidad del mundo político e ideológico no izquierdista equiparándolo con el fascismo. Frente a ello, propone el recurso a modelos historiográficos como los de Mosse, De Felice, Gentile, Linz, o Payne con los que analizar las particularidades y matices de las derechas españolas, especialmente en los años que transcurren hasta la guerra civil.------------ This article presents an analysis of the historiography on the right in Spain. In the context of European historical revisionism, it shows the need to overcome Marxist explanatory models, which tend to simplify the complexity of the political and ideological right-wing world equating it with fascism. It proposes the use of historiographical models such as those of Mosse, De Felice, Gentile, Linz, and Payne with which to analyze the particularities and nuances of the Spanish right, especially in the years till the civil war.
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    Neocatolicismo, carlismo y democracia
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2020) González-Cuevas, P.C. (Pedro Carlos)
    In Spain, Liberalism triumphed early without achieving a broad level of social legitimacy; which also hindered the advent of the demoliberal regime. Throughout the 19th century, the anti-Liberal rebellion focused on Carlism lacked specific political doctrine. It was the neo-Catholics, heirs of the political approaches of Jaime Balmes and Juan Donoso Cortés, who managed to articulate and vulgarize a traditionalist political project, which would have it greatest development in the face of the triumphant democratic revolution in September 1868. A political project that would have its renovation in the twentieth century Spanish.