Silva, L. (Luís)

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    El Alto das Malhadas: restos de ocupación de la Edad del Bronce en el Douro portugués
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Botica, N. (Natália); Magalhäes, F. (Fernanda); Rocha, B. (Bruna); Larrazabal-Galarza, J. (Javier); Silva, L. (Luís); Luís, L. (Luís); Sousa, R. (Rui)
    The Iron Age artistic representations identified in the Vale do Côa Archaeological Park (PAVC) lack associated occupation contexts, that is, the stratigraphic contexts necessary for a chronological and interpretative framework. In the absence of evidence of protohistoric habitat in the immediate surroundings of the engravings, we attempted to analyse other sites in the region on which there was evidence of Iron Age occupation. Thus, as part of the RARAA - Open Repository of Rock Art project, funded by FCT COA/OVD/0097/2019, we selected the Alto das Malhadas site to carry out a diagnostic intervention, due to its relative proximity to the mouth of the Côa River, associated with the presence of rock panels with engravings, a pebble with «protohistoric» incised engravings and handmade ceramic materials. In this paper we present the results of this archaeological intervention, where the Alto das Malhadas site has revealed itself as one of the most interesting sites in nor th-eastern Portugal for the characterization of the transition between the III and II millennium BC, and for the understanding of the transition keys from the regional Chalcolithic to a Bronze Age, increasingly linked to the settlement dynamics developed in the Meseta.