Santamaría, T. (Tomás)

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    Useful biometric variables in Iberian exuviae of Boyeria irene (Fonscolombe, 1838) (Odonata: Aeshnidae)
    (2021) Campos, F. (Francisco); Nunes, L. (Luisa); Santamaría, T. (Tomás); Casanueva-Gomez, P. (Patricia); Hernandez-Minguillon, M. A. (Maria Angeles)
    In species of similar shape and size, biometric analyses make it possible to establish differences. Within one species, biometrics can help researchers to detect differences between populations and analyze their adaptations to environmental conditions. Until now little was known about the biometrics of the Iberian populations of Boyeria irene (Odonata: Aeshnidae), a large species living mainly in southern Europe. Eight biometric variables were studied in male and female exuviae of B. irene collected in three rivers of the Iberian Peninsula, with the objective of ascertaining which are the most suitable populations of this species to study. An analysis of principal components (PCA) shows that lengths of the epiproct, paraproct and prementum are the most influential in each of the three populations. The other variables (head width, body length, length of the gonapophyses, maximum and minimum width of the prementum) proved not to be relevant in this context.
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    Geographical variation of prementum size in Iberian Cordulegaster boltonii (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) populations
    (2022) Campos, F. (Francisco); Ferreras-Romero, M. (Manuel); Nunes, L. (Luisa); Sánchez-Sastre, L.F. (Luis F.); Santamaría, T. (Tomás); Casanueva-Gomez, P. (Patricia); Hernandez-Minguillon, M. A. (Maria Angeles)
    Within wide geographical areas, Odonata populations can show biometric differences as a consequence of both biotic (e.g., predation, competition) and abiotic factors (mainly temperature). These differences can occur in the larval stage, although reliable characters are needed to detect differences. We analyzed whether Cordulegaster boltonii larvae from 18 Iberian populations differ regarding head width and prementum size (maximum width, minimum width, and maximum length), using measurements taken on final stage exuviae. Prementum length was greater in southern populations than in northern ones. Geographic latitude and temperature were the variables that best explained this variation in females, whereas latitude and altitude above sea level offered the best explanation among males.
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    Boyeria Irene (Fonscolombe, 1838) y Cordulegaster Boltonii (Donovan, 1807) (Odonata): Dos estrategias en cuanto a sustratos de emergencia de larvas en un mismo hábitat.
    (2017) Campos-Sanchez-Bordona, F. (Francisco); Santamaría, T. (Tomás); Casanueva-Gomez, P. (Patricia); Hernandez-Minguillon, M. A. (Maria Angeles)
    Se presentan datos sobre emergencia de Cordulegaster boltonii y Boyeria irene en un río de montaña del centro de España (altitud 1200 m s.n.m.) donde coexisten ambas especies, basados en la recogida semanal de exuvias. Boyeria irene comenzó a emerger 28 días más tarde que C. boltonii. Los sustratos usados por las larvas de ambas especies para emerger se solaparon ampliamente, aunque C. boltonii utilizó significativamente más árboles. Con respecto a otras zonas geográficas, las dos especies han modificado su estrategia, retrasando el inicio del periodo de emergencia. Se discute la importancia de las condiciones ambientales (sobre todo temperatura) en este hecho.
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    Biometric differences between several populations of Cordulegaster boltonii (Odonata: Cordulegastridae) in Ibero-Maghrebian area
    (2020) Campos, F. (Francisco); Ferreras-Romero, M. (Manuel); El-Haissoufi, M. (Mohamed); Bennas, N. (Nard); Teixeira, A. (Amílcar); Sánchez-Sastre, L.F. (Luis F.); Santamaría, T. (Tomás); Casanueva-Gomez, P. (Patricia); Hernandez-Minguillon, M. A. (Maria Angeles)
    Biometric data of the exuviae of female larvae of the dragonfly Cordulegaster boltonii collected in Portugal, Spain and Morocco were analysed to determine whether the size of three exuvial structures measured differed depending on the geographic localities of the populations. Based on the results recorded for the 16 populations studied, head width was negatively correlated with latitude and the greatest length of the gonapophysis was recorded for the Iberian populations at the centre of this peninsula. Multivariate cluster analysis revealed a clear separation of the Moroccan population. A second cluster separated the southernmost population (Sierra Nevada) from the remaining Iberian populations. Four population groups were distinguished: those located in watercourses in the north and central area of the Iberian Peninsula, those in Iberian watercourses in the East and Middle South, the Sierra Nevada and North Morocco. Some of these results coincide with the results of genetic studies of other authors.
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    Distribución de especies del género Sympetrum Newman, 1833 (Odonata, Libellulidae) en Castilla y León, NW de España
    (2022) Campos, F. (Francisco); Sánchez-Sastre, L.F. (Luis F.); Santamaría, T. (Tomás); Casanueva-Gomez, P. (Patricia); Hernandez-Minguillon, M. A. (Maria Angeles)
    La distribución geográfica de insectos odonatos en la península ibérica se ha analizado profusamente en los últimos años, aunque una amplia superficie del NW permanece aún poco estudiada. En este trabajo se presenta la distribución de especies del género Sympetrum (Odonata, Libellulidae) en la cuenca del río Duero, España, donde la variedad de condiciones orográficas y climáticas es grande. Seis especies han sido registradas: S. fonscolombii, S. meridionale, S. sanguineum, S. striolatum, S. vulgatum y S. flaveolum. Un modelo lineal generalizado con datos de altitud sobre el nivel del mar, latitud, temperatura media del aire y pluviosidad anual obtenidos en 25 puntos de muestreo mostró que estos cuatro factores conjuntamente pueden explicar la distribución de S. fonscolombii, S. striolatum y, sobre todo, S. sanguineum. La distribución de S. meridionale está influida por la latitud y la pluviosidad anual. En el presente estudio se ratifica que las especies S. vulgatum y S. flaveolum están asociadas sobre todo a zonas de montaña.