Fernandez-Toiran, L.M. (Luz Marina)

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    Ectomicorrizas presentes en la plantación trufera “Los Quejigares” (Soria)
    (Junta de Andalucía, 2001) Agueda, B. (Beatriz); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Fernandez-Toiran, L.M. (Luz Marina)
    En este trabajo se describen las ectomicorrizas presentes en 16 plantas de Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. de 22 años, de la finca de 600 ha que gestiona AROTZ-CATESA en el término municipal de Villaciervos (Soria). Además se presentan los porcentajes de micorrización de las ectomicorrizas más interesantes. Este estudio se incluye dentro del proyecto LIFE 99 ENV/E/000356 “Revalorización de bosques productores de trufa: un ejemplo de gestión sostenible”. SUMMARY: This study describes the ectomycorrhiza occurring in 16 twenty-two years old seedlings of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., in the plot of 600 ha that AROTZ-CATESA manages in of Villaciervos (Soria). Mycorrhization percentages of the most interesting ectomycorrhiza are also reported. This study is included in the project LIFE 99 ENV/E/000356 "Truffled Mediterranean forest improvement: an example of sustanaible management”.
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    Caracterización de ectomicorrizas en encinares productores de trufa negra del noreste de Soria
    (Comunità Montana dei Monti Martani Serano e Subasio, 2010) Agueda, B. (Beatriz); Martinez-Peña, F. (Fernando); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Fernandez-Toiran, L.M. (Luz Marina)
    Black truffle sporocarp production is determined, amongst many other factors, by an optimum mycorrhization degree in the roots of the host-tree. This process is triggered in balance with other fungal species that does not inhibit its sporocarp production. So, there is an ectomycorrhizal fungal community associated with the black truffle sporocarp productive host-trees that runs as any other living beings community, producing a certain fungal biodiversity and establishing connections in dynamic balance that will evolve. The absence of black truffle sporocarps production in some host-trees will be determined by its ectomycorrhiza absence, or because between the fungal community there are one or more species that inhibit this process or displace it. With the aim of study those topics, the ectomycorrhizae present in 23 adult holmoak trees (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) of seven Tuber melanosporum Vittad. productive areas in the North-West of Soria (inner Spain) are characterized and quantified. During the spring and the autumn of 1999 and 2000, black truffle productive and non-productive holmoaks were studied following the global method (Verlhac et al., 1990, La truffe guide pratique). Ectomycorrhizal types were characterized following the guidelines of Agerer (1999). Tuber melanosporum, T. aestivum Vittad., T. brumale Vittad., Cenococcum geophylum Fr., Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Rauscher, Cantharellus tubaeformis (Bull.) Fr., Hebeloma cf. sinapizans (Fr.) Sacc., Tomentella galzinii Bourdot, AD type, Cortinarius sp., Hebeloma sp. and Scleroderma sp. and many others Telephorales, Tuberales and Boletales ectomycorrhizal types were found. Tuber melanosporum mycorrhizae are present both in productive and non-productive hosttrees, as it happens for T. aestivum, while T. brumale ectomycorrhizae are only present in nonproductive holmoaks. The rest of identified ectomycorrhizal types are present in productive and non-productive host-trees.
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    Ectomycorrhizal status of a mature productive black truffle plantation
    (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2010) Agueda, B. (Beatriz); Martinez-Peña, F. (Fernando); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Fernandez-Toiran, L.M. (Luz Marina)
    The truffle-plantation «Los Quejigares» was planted in 1971 by AROTZ-CATESA company. It is a 600 ha plot of Quercus ilexmycorrhizated with Tuber melanosporum at 1,250 m a.s.l. on calcareous soil. This plantation is the largest of the world and one of the eldest truffle-plantations of Spain and it is in full production. Knowledge of the mycorrhizal status of a mature black truffle plantation is significant for the improvement of truffle cultivation. Ectomycorrhizae were studied for knowing T. melanosporum persistence and diversity and abundance of other ectomycorrhizal types. Roots of 16 holmoaks were sampled, 12 trees produce truffle sporocarps and four did not. It was found a mean of about 35% of T. melanosporum ectomycorrhizae in the studied trees, being this significantly higher in the productive trees. Also, 105 more different ectomycorrhizal types were found. In spite of the high number of morphotypes found, it seems that they do not replace T. melanosporum, showing that there is a coexistence between species in the fungal community associated to the roots.
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    Síntesis de ectomicorrizas entre Cistus sp. y las especies del complejo Boletus edulis
    (S.E.C.F.-Junta de Castilla y León, 2009) Modrego, M.P. (M. P.); Cisneros, O. (O.); Parlade, J. (Javier); Agueda, B. (Beatriz); Martinez-Peña, F. (Fernando); Pera, J. (J.); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Fernandez-Toiran, L.M. (Luz Marina)
    En los jarales resultantes de la reiteración de incendios forestales en el oeste de Castilla y León (León, Salamanca y Zamora) es habitual la presencia de fructificaciones de Boletus edulis Bull. La recolección de estos hongos micorrícicos comestibles en los jarales dominados exclusivamente por Cistus ladanifer, supone una oportunidad económica alternativa a los usos tradicionales para zonas con bajos ingresos procedentes del monte. El objetivo de éste trabajo es la obtención de ectomicorrizas de las especies del complejo B. edulis con Cistus sp. bajo condiciones controladas, y las descripciones anatómicas detalladas de las mismas. La identificación de los aislados fúngicos de Boletus aereus Bull., B. edulis, B. reticulatus Schaeff. y B. pinophilus Pilát & Dermek fue confirmada por métodos moleculares. Se han obtenido ectomicorrizas de Boletus aereus, B. edulis y B. reticulatus con Cistus albidus L. y C. ladanifer en condiciones de síntesis en cultivo puro, en un substrato de turbavermiculita estéril y solución nutritiva. Las ectomicorrizas formadas se describieron siguiendo los caracteres anatómicos y morfológicos habituales. Las tres ectomicorrizas son muy similares, de color blanco, con ramificación monopodial-pinnada, manto formado por tres capas plectenquimatosas y con rizomorfos de tipo boletoide.