Catalano, G. (Gaetano)

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    Il concordato colombiano del 1974 e i principi del Concilio Vaticano II
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1975) Catalano, G. (Gaetano)
    Summarium Occasione primi Concordati postconciliaris Professor Catalana continuam validitatem institutionis concordatariae ut instrumentum relationis Sanctae Sedis cum Statibus ostendit. Deinde crisim thesium fundamentalium "Iuris Publ!ci Ecclesiasticis» praeconciliaris recognoscit. Sub luce doctrinae conciliaris aliqua themata huius Concordati examinat, rlempe non confessionalitatem Status et recognitionem libertatis religiosae, libértateme docendi et scholas confessionales, regimen matrimonii, designationem episcoporum, "privilegia clericorum., etc. Postquam oplnlonem auctoritatum reipublicae Colombiae et ipsius Sanctae Sedis circa textum concordatum examinavit, nobis indicat quid sibi de hac re videtur.------------------------------------------------------ Abstract In relation with the first post-conciliar Concordate, Prof. Catalana underlines, in the first place, the permanente validity of the institution of the concordate as an instrument of relationship between the Holy See and the States. In the second place he insists upon the crisis of the basic theses of pre-conciliar «ius publicum ecclesiasticum n • Immediately following that, and always bearing in mind the perspective of the conciliar doctrine, the author analyzes some of the topics which can be found in this Concordate: the non-confessionality of the State and the recognition of religious liberty, Iiberty of instruction and confessional schools, the marriage system, the naming of bishops, the "privilegia clericorum n , etc. After checking the opinion of the Colombian authorities and that of the Holy See on the text of the Concordate, the author expresses his own personal point of view on the matter.