Gutiérrez, C.J. (Carmen Julia)

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    Las procesiones y su canto en la liturgia hispánica
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2023) Rojo-Carrillo, R. (Raquel); Gutiérrez, C.J. (Carmen Julia); Hornby, E. (Emma); Andrés-Fernández, D. (David)
    Much is known about processions within the Roman liturgy. However, processions of the Old Hispanic rite practiced in most of Christian Iberia until c. 1080 have been barely studied. Manuscripts from the Old hispanic rite preserve rubrics that explicitly show features and context for such processions. These processions happened around or during Mass (for example, on Palm Sunday), at the end of Vespers or Matutinum (for example, the consecration of a basilica), or even outside the usual daily liturgy (for example, votive ordos). In this article, we have collated all the rubrics pertaining to liturgical movement that were copied in the extant Old Hispanic manuscrits. Some of these unquestionably refer to processions, while others describe ceremonies that might better be described more informally as «liturgy in motion». In particular, we have focused on the processional rubrics, while also engaging with other movements as part of the liturgy. Additionally, in this article we identify the chant genres associated with processions and outline the processional practices attested in the rubrics.