Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)

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    Conservation-status gaps for marine top-fished commercial species
    (2022) Miqueleiz-Legaz, I. (Imanol); Miranda-Ferreiro, R. (Rafael); Ojea, E. (Elena); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
    Biodiversity loss is a global problem, accelerated by human-induced pressures. In the marine realm, one of the major threats to species conservation, together with climate change, is overfishing. In this context, having information on the conservation status of target commercial marine fish species becomes crucial for assuring safe standards. We put together fisheries statistics from the FAO, the IUCN Red List, FishBase, and RAM Legacy databases to understand to what extent top commercial species¿ conservation status has been assessed. Levels of assessment for top-fished species were higher than those for general commercial or highly commercial species, but almost half of the species have outdated assessments. We found no relation between IUCN Red List traits and FishBase Vulnerability Index, depreciating the latter value as a guidance for extinction threat. The RAM database suggests good management of more-threatened species in recent decades, but more data are required to assess whether the trend has reverted in recent years. Outdated IUCN Red List assessments can benefit from reputed stock assessments for new reassessments. The future of IUCN Red List evaluations for commercial fish species relies on integrating new parameters from fisheries sources and improved collaboration with fisheries stakeholders and managers.
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    Spatial priorities for freshwater fish conservation in relation to protected areas
    (Wiley, 2023) Miranda, R. (Rafael); Miqueleiz-Legaz, I. (Imanol); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
    Abstract1. Freshwater habitats are vital for both humans and nature owing to theirexceptional biodiversity and valuable ecosystem services, but they are currentlyfacing serious threats. The designation and management of protected areas havebeen proposed as the most feasible way to ensure conservation objectives for thefuture. However, traditional approaches have not protected freshwater faunaeffectively, especially freshwater fish.2. Previous studies have identified the most irreplaceable terrestrial places toachieve conservation goals. Here, the aim was to investigate how the presentnetwork of protected areas preserves irreplaceable rivers for freshwater fish.3. The irreplaceability of the world's river basins was calculated using InternationalUnion for the Conservation of Nature Red List distribution maps, considering therarity, richness, and conservation status of their freshwater fish fauna. Theoverlap between irreplaceable basins and the present network of protected areaswas also calculated.4. The results highlight the conservation significance of tropical rivers, particularlythose in the Neotropics. The subset of the basins covering 30% of the mostirreplaceable land surface (in line with the United Nations 30by30 target)encompasses 99% of freshwater fish species. However, protected areas do notseem to provide sufficient protection to these basins, as 89% of their surface arealies outside protected areas. Only 7% of freshwater ecoregions meet the UnitedNations 30by30 target.5. Given the context of climate change, allocating new protected areas becomescrucial in providing better survival opportunities for freshwater fish species.Despite the limitations inherent to the absence of total knowledge of freshwaterfish biogeography and the irreplaceability index itself, this study identifies prioritysites for their conservation that may help inform decision-making in the future toestablish more effective protected areas.
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    Report on national ICP IM activities in Spain
    (Finnish Environment Institute, 2011) Santamaria-Elola, C. (Carolina); Ibañez-Gaston, R. (Ricardo); Bermejo, R. (Raúl); Lasheras, E. (Esther); Santamaria-Ulecia, J.M. (Jesús Miguel); Elustondo, D. (David); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
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    Drogodependencias: XX Curso de Actualización para Postgraduados en Farmacia
    (Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Navarra, 2001-06) Aguirre, N. (Norberto); Beitia, G. (Guadalupe); Lasheras, B. (Berta); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
    El consumo de drogas es un fenómeno multicausal en el que incide una serie de factores del ámbito personal, familiar, social, y cultural. En los últimos años, asistimos a cambios tanto en la oferta de drogas como en los patrones de consumo. Así, mientras en los años 80 y primeros 90 la droga emblemática era la heroína, hoy en día su consumo se ha estabilizado, e incluso ha disminuido. Las nuevas formas de estar en sociedad afectan a grupos de jóvenes aceptablemente integrados en su medio familiar y social. A día de hoy, debe considerarse el consumo de otras drogas, fundamentalmente las llamadas drogas de síntesis, y la adopción de nuevos patrones en el consumo de algunas ya establecidas, como es el alcohol. En este marco se está haciendo frente al fenómeno del consumo de drogas desde diferentes perspectivas que se extienden desde la investigación científica hasta la prevención, la reducción de daños y la asistencia al drogodependiente. Entre las estrategias del nuevo Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas (PND) destaca la de normalizar las redes asistenciales a drogodependientes, integrándolas de forma coordinada en los sistemas públicos de salud y sistemas sociales. Se pretende que los diferentes recursos que formen parte del denominado sistema de asistencia e integración social de drogodependientes se caractericen por su profesionalización, interdisciplinariedad y fácil accesibilidad. En este sentido, hay que destacar la participación activa de algunos profesionales farmacéuticos en distintos programas de actuación, prevención y reducción de daños producidos por drogas. Por otra parte, se están realizando esfuerzos importantes en la investigación básica y clínica dirigidos a desentrañar los mecanismos que operan en la adicción a drogas. Los capítulos que componen este texto son el resultado del trabajo coordinado entre investigadores, docentes, farmacéuticos comunitarios, psicólogos, psiquiatras y otros profesionales implicados en la problemática de las drogodependencias. Su lectura permitirá conocer la actual situación respecto al consumo de drogas, los mecanismos neurobiológicos implicados en la drogadicción, la farmacología y la toxicología de las diferentes drogas, los riesgos asociados a su consumo, y los recursos disponibles que atienden a la población drogodependiente. Agradecemos la participación de los profesionales que asisten desde diferentes ámbitos a las personas afectadas directa o indirectamente por los problemas derivados del consumo de drogas, que ha hecho posible integrar aspectos básicos y prácticos de un tema tan complejo como es el de las drogodependencias.
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    Atlas de los Insectívoros y Roedores de Navarra. Análisis biogeográfico.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1997) Escala, M.C. (Mª Carmen); Rueda, A. (A.); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo); Irurzun, J.C. (J. C.)
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    Strategies to reduce air pollution emissions from urban residential buildings
    (Elsevier, 2024) Martín-Gómez, C. (César); Kumar, P. (Prashant); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo); Manzueta. R. (Robiel)
    As cities continue to grow, developing mitigation strategies is crucial to minimize the corresponding increase in air pollutants. One source of potentially controllable air pollution is the emissions from residential buildings. We conducted a literature review to systematically examine air pollution emissions from residential buildings in urban areas, identifying pollutants and their sources; investigated mitigation-aimed intervention types by field of application or study, and finally listed and discussed strategies to reduce the concentration of air pollutants in residential buildings. Our compilation shows that among the nature-based solutions, green walls offered the highest relative reduction of air pollution ( 15 % NO2 and 23 % PM10). Of the construction-based solutions, already-available photocatalytic paint can achieve reductions of 25 % NO, 23 % NOx and 19 % NO2 as is. Industrial-based solutions promise high levels of reduction, but these must be adapted to residential buildings. The integration of various existing and potentially adapted mitigation solutions may achieve even higher pollution reduction rates in urban areas.
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    Data descriptor: freshwater macroinvertebrate samples from a water quality monitoring network in the iberian peninsula
    (2018) Galicia-Paredes, D. (David); Navarro, P. (Patricia); Cancellario, T. (Tommaso); Duran, C. (Concha); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo); Escribano-Compains, N. (Nora); Escudero, J. (Javier)
    This dataset gathers information about the macroinvertatebrate samples and environmental variables collected on rivers of the Ebro River Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula), the second largest catchment in the Iberian Peninsula. The collection is composed of 1,776 sampling events carried out between 2005 and 2015 at more than 400 sampling sites. This dataset is part of a monitoring network set up by the Ebro Hydrographic Confederation, the official body entrusted with the care of the basin, to fulfill the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive. Biological indices based on the freshwater macroinvertebrate communities were used to evaluate the ecological status of the water bodies within the basin. Samples were qualitatively screened for all occurring taxa. Then, all individuals from all taxa in a quantitative subsample of each sample were counted. Biological indices were calculated to estimate water quality at each sampling site. All samples are kept at the Museum of Zoology of the University of Navarra.
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    BIDDSAT: visualizing the content of biodiversity data publishers in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility network
    (Oxford University Press, 2012-06-23) Otegui, J. (Javier); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
    In any data quality workflow, data publishers must become aware of issues in their data so these can be corrected. User feedback mechanisms provide one avenue, while global assessments of datasets provide another. To date, there is no publicly available tool to allow both biodiversity data institutions sharing their data through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility network and its potential users to assess datasets as a whole. Contributing to bridge this gap both for publishers and users, we introduce BIoDiversity DataSets Assessment Tool, an online tool that enables selected diagnostic visualizations on the content of data publishers and/or their individual collections.
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    Unexploited biodiversity data sources: the case of airborne pollen
    (2019) Perez-de-Zabalza, A. (Anabel); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo); González-Alonso, M. (Mónica)
    With more than one billion primary biodiversity data records (PBR), the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is the largest and, arguably, most comprehensive and accurate resource about the biodiversity data on the planet. Yet, its gaps (taxonomical, geographical or chronological, among others) have often been brought to attention (Gaijy et al. 2013) and efforts are continuously made to ensure more uniform coverage. Especially as data obtained through this resource are increasingly being used for science, policy, and conservation (Ariño et al. 2018), drawing on every possible source of information to complement already existing data opens new opportunities for supplying the integrative knowledge required for global endeavors, such as understanding the global patterns of ecosystem and environment changes.
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    El farmacéutico y la salud pública: XV Curso de Actualización para Postgraduados en Farmacia
    (Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Navarra, 1996-06) Martinez, J.A. (José Alfredo); Lasheras, B. (Berta); Ariño-Plana, A.H. (Arturo Hugo)
    La salud constituye uno de los parámetros fundamentales que configuran la calidad de vida. Los modelos de Salud Pública responden a criterios educacionales, económicos, científicos y éticos definidos según la evolución de la sociedad. A las puertas del siglo XXI, el farmacéutico, por su formación y su enclave privilegiado en la atención sanitaria, debe aspirar a ser pieza fundamental en el mantenimiento y promoción de la Salud Pública. El trabajo profesional del farmacéutico se proyecta desde distintos ángulos hacia un punto central: la salud del hombre y su entorno. La opción profesional del farmacéutico, dentro de un amplio campo de posibilidades, puede contribuir eficazmente en el entramado multidisciplinar que configura el modelo de Salud en nuestro país. Es importante definir las funciones del farmacéutico en los distintos campos de actuación en los que es rentable su aplicación, demostrar su eficacia y conseguir el reconocimiento a su labor.