The practice of abortion, which has attained sorne very high figures indeed, surpassing the total number of deaths due to war or to the widespread genocide, makes modern society worthy of being qualified as humanicidal. The author of this paper, after pointing out the contradiction of a society which considers infanticide to be a crime a yet permits abortion, refers to the growing separation between legality and natural reality. Whereas the biological and genetic sciences demonstrate with irrefutable facts that there exists an independent human being from the very moment of fecundation, the legislative bodies on the other hand cling to criteria which is conventional (birth, v.gr. etc.), and thereby deny the unborn the right to life. An important fact to bear in mind is that in the question of abortion the rights and interests of the victim are completely ignored: the only interests upheld are those of the mother, or those of the State. This demonstrates that the root cause of abortion is in reality selfishness and haughtiness with regard to the most helpless of human beings. In this paper the principal pro-abortion arguments (ideological, socio-economical, eugenic, etc.), are studied, and in each case the inconsistency of the argument in question is pointed out. The common denominator of all of them is to make the unborn the scapegoat for unjust structures and unjust acts, a lack of love, or the rejection of all that which signifies a burden in the eyes of the man of today. Abortion is finally considered here as the last stage of the commercialization of sex, and of man's irresponsability with regard to the use of the reproductive faculty.