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Espiritualismo cristiano, Acción moral, Personalismo


La tesis se estructura en tres partes: en la primera se profundiza en su trayectoria intelectual con el fin de conocer las corrientes de pensamiento que incidieron en su formación intelectual, los interlocutores implícitos de su pensamiento y las cuestiones a las que quiere responder con su filosofía. En la segunda parte se analiza su concepción de la acción moral y en la tercera parte –que es la que se incluye en el extracto– se profundiza en la cuestión que vertebra la obra de Sciacca: la elaboración de una nueva metafísica que dé razón de esa experiencia moral. --------------------- This thesis is structured into three parts: the first one provides a further knowledge of his intelectual career, in order to know the currents of thought that had an impact in his intelectual training, as long as his direct interlocutors between he and his thought and the questions he wants to answer with his philosophy. In the second part it is analysed his conception of the moral action and in the third part –which is the one included in the summary– we abound in the question that articulates the Sciacca work: the elaboration of a new methaphisics that gives reasons for that moral experience