Background. Person-centred practices - following national and international developments in health-care policies - have become a key approach in healthcare. The Person-Centred Practice Inventory - Staff is an instrument based on the theo-retical framework Person-Centred Practice that focuses on the staff's perspective and how they experience person -cen-tred practices. Here, the aim of this study is to obtain the first Spanish version of the PCPI-S translated and adapted into the Spanish context. Methods. The translation and adaptation of the instrument followed the Translation and Cultural Adaptation of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures - Principles of Good Practice, which included a consulting session with experts. Content va-lidation measures on clarity and relevance were assessed for every item (I-CVI) and the survey as a whole (S-CVI/Ave). Results. No major difficulties were registered to reach an agree-ment on the 12 items that needed to be clarified. Regarding cla-rity and relevance. The validity index per item (I-CVI) obtained excellent scores for clarity in 53 items and for relevance in 59; the S-CVI/Ave showed excellent results (>= 90). Conclusions. This first version of the Person-Centred Practice Inventory - Staff instrument adapted to the Spanish context is conceptually and semantically equivalent to the original one. This valuable tool will be of great help to identify the perception of healthcare professionals on person-centred practices.
ículo Open Access distribuido bajo Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-Compartirigual 4.0 Internacional. Publicado por el Departamento de Salud del Gobierno de Navarra