Materias Investigacion::Ciencias de la vida::Zoología, Materias Investigacion::Ciencias de la vida::Taxonomía y sistemática, Collembola, Nothobrya, Orchesellinae, Entomobryomorpha
Three paratypes of Nothobrya schubarti Arl , 1961 were examined in connection with a forthcoming description of a new genus of Entomobryidae. Some of the features observed by Arl in 1961, appeared similar to those of the new genus. These included: small size, color, the presence of PAO, a falciform mucro, the trochanteral organ and the body setae. Observation of a specimen with SEM allowed us to see the PAO and the other characteristics described by Arl in more detail, but other features not described by him were seen which indicate that the genus belongs in subfamily Orchesellinae.