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Materias Investigacion::Derecho


This article is divided in three parts. Tbe first deals with the fundaments of education with a particular reference made to the human persono Education is that cultural process which consists of the integral deve10pment of man's personality. Herein the following concepts are analyzed: education in its dynamic and legal sense; education as deve1opment, that is as qualitative evolution: education is onIy truly such if we consider man as an integral being, that is from the viewpoint of the different manifestations of bis life, name1y the physica1, intellectual, moral, social and supernatural aspects. Only in this way can we grasp man's personality in the fullest sense. Tbe second part deals with the fundaments of education with reference to man as a social being. In this sense the author first anaIyzes the juridica1 structure of education: the rights of those being taught, and the rights of parents, State and Church in their roles as educators. Immediate1y afterwards, the author studies the social roles of family, school, State and Church as institutions which are engaged in ,I¡e process of educating. Thus stated, a1beit in a highly sketchy fashión, the philosophica1 and social fun· daments of education are then confronted with some of the main characteristics of contemporary civilization, in order to explain why modem society is gradually re1in. quishing the onthologica1 and moral foundations of education, thereby paving the way for the rise of a series of problems which are currendy afflicting modero times.