El presente artículo analiza los dos recorridos seguidos por Francisco Aguiar y Seijas, arzobispo de México, en su visita general. Se centra en el aspecto pastoral y de gobierno de esta institución que vino a ser el medio para conocer de cerca el territorio jurisdiccional y por tanto para poder gobernar con eficacia. Se atiende a las expresiones de la autoridad del obispo, la defensa de la jurisdicción frente a los religiosos y las manifestaciones de su preocupación pastoral especialmente en lo relativo al matrimonio.
This article aims to analyze the first two routes followed by Francisco Aguiar y Seijas, archbishop of Mexico, in his General Visit. It focuses on both pastoral and governmental aspects of this institution, which was to become the main means for gaining close knowledge of the territory of the Archbishopric, and thereby governing it effectively. Elements that are taken into account are: the expressions of authority of the archbishop, the defense of his jurisdiction with respect to religious orders, and the archbishop’s pastoral concern with matters related to marriage.