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Altolaguirre, Crítica psicoanalística, Espejo, Psychoanalytic critique, Mirror


La lectura de la poesía de Altolaguirre se ha visto determinada en gran medida por la leyenda de la propia persona de Altolaguirre, divulgada por sus compañeros de generación. No pocas de las aproximaciones críticas han adoptado, por tanto, un paradigma biografista y con frecuencia psicoanalítico, al que aquí se pretende ofrecer una alternativa en ideas como las de Paul Ricoeur: la de una articulación coherente del yo y la de la configuración de ese yo por medio del lenguaje. Reading Manuel s poetry has been ofteh obstrused by the popet’s own person and legend, partly derived from his own behaviour and partly from testimonies from some members of his generation . Thus, during the sixties and seventies some critics performed a biographic and / or psychoanalytic approach which showed a common increasing interest in his poetry, but did not allow to grasp some aspects of his work. Here a different approach, based on Paul Ricoeur’s ideas, is proposed through the analysis of metaphor and self in his poems.
