This artiele is an analysis of the topie of violenee as treated in the writings of Marx whieh are anterior to 1845, that is, those whieh eorrespond to his earlier periodo The results of this study are eompared with those whieh derive from an analysis of the same topie as treated in Marx's later works. Whereas in the writings of Marx whieh postdate 1845 violenee is a topie whieh derives from others as a result of the eharaeteristies whieh historieal evolution adopts aeeording to the essential postulates of historieal materia-lism, in his earlier writings the topie of violenee presents itself in a more unpredietable, more romantie and less elaborate manner. This type of violenee is manifested in Marx's writings whieh appeared before 1845 by his verbal virulenee: .filthy selfishness», «immorality», «monstruosity», .helotism of the workers and of the eapitalists-, «universal exploitation of the social being of mano, etc ... The topie of violenee as «revolutionary indignation» is mueh elearer in Marx the young man, preeisely beeause his system laeks at this moment those .Marx;st. postulates whieh pretend to be a seientifie lesson of history. When, a,fter 1845, Marx comes upon what he believes to be the seientifie key of history, his tones lose their virulenee: there still remains violenee, but it is violenee whieh will be brought about by history in suecessive situations. This violenee will not be the key of revolution, sinee revolution, aeeording to Marx, presents itself as an inevitable evolution. The violenee found in the earlier writings of Marx -whieh is easier to understand than the later type- explains the reason why, sinee several years ago, these ea'rlier works find a wider audienee within intelleetual and politieal milieux which desire to «reeonquer- Marx, taking away the monopoly enjoyed at the present moment by the Soviet Communists.