This article begins with a brief terminological clarification regarding the meaning ofthe term freedom of education and then proceeds to analyze the context of politica1 philosophy, that isthe re1ations that exist between Authority and the common citizen. It follows from this anaIysis that freedomof education is a specia1 guarantee that ensures the survival of freedom in general. Mterwards the author proceeds to study the different approathes which severa! Marxist groups have followed with regard to the question of. education jn Spain, and to carry out a particular anaIysis of the document An . Alternative lor Education. The author's critique of this document is accompanied by that critique which comes from the radical Marxist wing. The main Marxist attitudes with regard. to this topic can be placed within the framework of a global strategy of Gramscian origin which constitutes an attempt to conquer politica1 power by mesns of a war of positions within the boundaries of the mstitutions which make up the civil society. Inthis sense, the school is a particularly favorable meeting-ground. The critique of this strategy gives rise to a new meaning of social freedom and of the defense of a Society which is at least as strong as the State. The author hap~ tobe in favor of the multiplication of social institutions and of the benefits that derive from diversity, and sees this as asure guarantee of freedom for all citizens within society.