REV - Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional - 2019 - Vol. XXXV
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- El fracaso internacional del independentismo catalán: causas jurídicas y políticas(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Calduch-Cervera, R. (Rafael)The unilateral secessionist process of Catalonia, promoted by the autonomic powers and supported by a part of society, was developed during 2017 following a political strategy that tried to repeat the model of unilateral independence declaration of Kosovo, in which the support and international recognition were the key to its success. However, the Catalan international initiative made important legal and political mistakes that were decisive for its failure. In the legal field and with the purpose of avoiding the Spanish system, it wanted to impose an interpretation of self-determination right opposed to establish by the international norms and the practice of States. In international politics, its foreign projection was based on a combination of media propaganda and public diplomacy to pressure the governments of great powers and European institutions, devaluing the importance of their commitments and interests established with the Spanish State. Finally, an attempt was made to base internationally the secessionist aspiration by resorting to a democratic legitimacy that political reality of Catalonia does not endorse electorally. The result has been a failure of secessionist process that has generated an increase in social tension and political instability in Spain and Catalonia, thus delaying the solution of a political problem that cannot be ignored although it still cannot be resolved.
- La crisis catalana y el desgobierno de los gobiernos de España(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) Bermejo-García, R. (Romualdo)La denominada crisis catalana ha puesto a España en el tapiz de la actualidad internacional al abrirse una crisis de identidad nunca conocida desde la Guerra Civil española. Cabe preguntarse cómo esto ha podido ocurrir en uno de los Estados más antiguos de Europa, y en un momento crítico para la Unión Europea, aunque, en nuestra opinión, hay que reconocer que en esta crisis una buena parte de la responsabilidad incumbe a los distintos Gobiernos de España, sobre todo a los dos últimos, es decir al Gobierno de José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, y al de Mariano Rajoy. Si el primero abrió la caja de pandora al apoyar abiertamente la reforma del Estatuto catalán en 2006, en parte después anulada por el Tribunal Constitucional, el segundo ha hecho prueba de una ignominiosa pusilanimidad, permitiendo que el asunto se le fuera de las manos. Así pues, ni uno ni otro han estado a la altura de las circunstancias...
- El derecho de autodeterminación según el Derecho internacional y la reivindicación de Cataluña(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2019) López-Jacoiste-Díaz, E. (Eugenia)This paper analyzes the scope of the right to self-determination of peoples according to international law, as well as its application beyond the colonial context as it has been accepted in international practice. The safeguard clause of paragraph 7 of Resolution 2625 (1970) remains fully valid. Therefore Catalonia cannot validly claim such a right to self-determination.