Calatrava, M. (María)
- Publications
8 results
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- Observational research with adolescents: a framework for the management of the parental permission(2013) Carlos-Chillerón, S. (Silvia); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Ruiz-Canela, M. (Miguel); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Beltramo, C. (Carlos); Calatrava, M. (María)Stringent rules concerning parental permission in some studies could be detrimental to adolescents. A framework and a decision tree guide are proposed to help researchers and Research Ethics Committees in their decisions on whether active parental permission must be obtained.
- Evaluación de los estilos educativos parentales en una muestra de estudiantes filipinos: implicaciones educativas(2009) Rivas-Borrell, S. (Sonia); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Calatrava, M. (María)Un cuerpo teórico importante de investigación sugiere que el estilo autoritativo de los padres se asocia con unas mejoras en diversos aspectos de ajuste psicosocial de los adolescentes. Este artículo desarrolla y analiza la tipología de los estilos educativos parentales en el contexto de jóvenes filipinos. A partir de una muestra de 3.601 estudiantes, se muestra que el estilo autoritativo se asocia con mayor autoestima, menor impulsividad, mayor intención de alcanzar metas positivas en el futuro, mejor rendimiento académico, menor prevalencia de experiencia sexual y mayor rechazo de diversas formas de sexismo.
- Internal developmental assets and substance use among Hispanic adolescents. A cross-sectional study(Wiley, 2021) Belintxon, M. (Maider); Balaguer-Estaña, A.J. (Álvaro J.); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Vidaurreta, M. (Marta); Calatrava, M. (María)Aims: To determine the associations between internal assets (planning and decision- making, interpersonal competence and commitment to learning) and substance use (tobacco, alcohol, binge drinking, marijuana use and other drugs).Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in four countries (Chile, Mexico, Spain and Peru).Methods: Adolescents aged 12–18 self-completed a multi-purpose questionnaire be-tween 2016 and 2019. Multiple logistic regressions and structural equation models were performed to analyse the association between internal assets (planning and decision- making, interpersonal competence, and commitment to learning) and sub-stance use.Results: The results indicate that planning and decision- making and commitment to learning are conducive to the prevention of substance use. On the contrary, interper-sonal competence was not associated with substance use.Conclusion: The present study shows that planning and decision- making and com-mitment to learning can be relevant factors in explaining substance use during ado-lescence. Internal assets can be an important aspect to include in health promotion interventions with children, youth and families to prevent substance use. These find-ings may be useful for researchers, schools, paediatric nurse practitioners, and health professionals in general to design health programs focused on children and adoles-cents. Furthermore, the Developmental Assets framework has been proved as a suit-able frame of reference for paediatric nurse practitioners to assess and develop child and adolescent positive development and design health promotion interventions to prevent substance use.
- Relationships, Love and Sexuality: What the Filipino Teens Think and Feel(2009-08) Guzman, F.O. (Filipinas O.) de; Belen, V.A. (Vina A.); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Torralba, A.N. (Antonio N.); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Calatrava, M. (María)Background In order to achieve a change among teens' sexual behavior, an important step is to improve our knowledge about their opinions concerning relationships, love and sexuality. Methods A questionnaire including topics on relationships, love and sexuality was distributed to a target population of 4,000 Filipino students from third year high school to third year college. Participants were obtained through multi-stage sampling of clusters of universities and schools. This paper concentrates on teens aged 13 to 18. Results Students reported that they obtained information about love and sexuality mainly from friends. However, they valued parents' opinion more than friends'. They revealed few conversations with their parents on these topics. A majority of them would like to have more information, mainly about emotion-related topics. Almost half of respondents were not aware that condoms are not 100% effective in preventing STIs or pregnancies. More girls, compared to boys, were sensitive and opposed to several types of sexism. After adjusting for sex, age and institution, the belief of 100% condom effectiveness and the approval of pornography and sexism were associated with being sexually experienced. Conclusion There is room for further encouraging parents to talk more with their children about sexuality, specially aspects related to feelings and emotions in order to help them make better sexual choices. Indeed, teens wish to better communicate with their parents on these issues. Condoms are regarded as safer than what they really are by almost half of the participants of this study, and such incorrect knowledge seems to be associated with sexual initiation.
- Project YOURLIFE (What Young People Think and Feel about Relationships, Love, Sexuality, and Related Risk Behavior): Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Protocol(2016-02-22) Carlos-Chillerón, S. (Silvia); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Ruiz-Canela, M. (Miguel); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Calatrava, M. (María)Sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies affect adolescent sexual health and are serious public health concerns. They result from sexual intercourse in adolescence, which is usually associated with multiple partners, unprotected sex, and condom misuse. This behavior is related to socio-ecological factors that influence lifestyles. The YOURLIFE project aims to find out what young people think and feel about relationships, love, and sexuality, and to assess the associations between these thoughts and attitudes, adolescents’ social factors, and sexual health. Materials and equipment: An international school-based study with a cross-sectional and optional subsequent longitudinal design. Three online questionnaires designed for adolescents aged 13/14, 15/16, and 17/18, respectively, will be used. A matching coding system will allow longitudinal follow-up when adolescents reply to follow-up surveys. Questionnaires will include questions related to sociodemographic data; information/communication technologies; leisure time; parental supervision; influences of parents/friends; information sources; messages perceived; and sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes, and opinions. The second and third questionnaires for participants aged 15/16 and 17/18 will also contain variables concerning sexual behavior. Schools will be able to use their results to tailor educational approaches targeting the needs of their students. Multivariate analyses will be performed using the larger international dataset. Expected impact of the study on public health: The YOURLIFE project will collect comprehensive information about the socio-ecological determinants of the sexual risk-taking of schooled adolescents worldwide. Effective preventive programs could be subsequently designed and tailored to the specific determinants of adolescents from different schools and settings, and also, when analyzed globally, to public health professionals.
- Factores de riesgo relacionados con la salud sexual en los jóvenes europeos(Doyma, 2012) Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Calatrava, M. (María)En Europa, seguimos asistiendo a un aumento de la transmisión sexual del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Para priorizar estrategias de salud sexual, resulta importante identificar los factores sexuales de riesgo presentes en los jóvenes europeos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos y estudios de instituciones oficiales europeas. En total, fueron identificados 21 artículos y 10 estudios. Los datos sugieren un aumento de la iniciación sexual juvenil y del número de parejas sexuales. El 15-20% de los jóvenes usan de forma inconstante el preservativo. Entre los conocimientos y actitudes de riesgo detectadas encontramos: desconocer otras ITS distintas al VIH, tener una actitud favorable a las relaciones sexuales casuales, creer erróneamente que algunas medidas son eficaces para prevenir el VIH, desconocer los riesgos de tener múltiples parejas sexuales y desconocer la transmisión sexual del VIH. Los datos subrayan la necesidad de mejorar los mensajes transmitidos a los jóvenes.
- Differentiation of self: A scoping review of Bowen Family Systems Theory's core construct(Elsevier, 2022) Duch-Ceballos, C. (C.); Schweer-Collins, M. (M.); Rodríguez-González, M. (Martiño); Martins, M.V. (Mariana V.); Calatrava, M. (María)Bowen Family Systems Theory's central construct, differentiation of self (DoS), is one of the most recognized constructs to systemic researchers and psychology professionals. The present study reviewed the available evidence on DoS from the inception of the construct until July 31, 2020. A scoping review was conducted and a total of 295 primary studies were eligible for inclusion. Literature was categorized according to the hypotheses postulated by Bowen regarding: the associations between DoS and psychological and health outcomes and how DoS stability and similarity in partner levels operate within family systems. Descriptive data regarding studies on the measurement of DoS and in the area of psychotherapy were also compiled. Results revealed that there is ample support for DoS as a predictor of psychological health and marital quality, and that there are positive associations between DoS and better physical health and intergenerational relationships. Results of this review show that there continue to be underexplored hypotheses and a paucity of longitudinal or causal research designs to test the stability of DoS, the intergenerational transmission of DoS, and the efficacy of clinical interventions in modifying DoS to promote optimal well-being. Recommendations and next steps for researchers and practitioners are outlined.
- Familia, amigos y otras fuentes de información asociadas al inicio de las relaciones sexuales en adolescentes de El Salvador(2012-01) Carlos-Chillerón, S. (Silvia); Irala, J. (Jokin) de; Ruiz-Canela, M. (Miguel); Osorio, A. (Alfonso); Lopez-del-Burgo, C. (Cristina); Calatrava, M. (María)Objetivo. El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar cómo influyen en el inicio de la actividad sexual de los jóvenes salvadoreños los mensajes que reciben sobre cuestiones de sexualidad, afectividad y ocio a través de la familia, los amigos y los medios de comunicación. Métodos. Estudio transversal a partir de una muestra representativa de 2 615 estudiantes (de 13 a 19 años) de El Salvador. Se utilizó un muestreo sistemático aleatorio para seleccionar 30 colegios. Se recogieron aspectos sociodemográficos, estilos de vida y fuentes de información sobre sexualidad y amor utilizadas por los jóvenes. Resultados. La edad media de los jóvenes fue de 15 años (DE = 1,8). En total 638 (24,4%) jóvenes afirmaron haber tenido relaciones sexuales. Los siguientes factores se asociaron con una mayor probabilidad de haber tenido relaciones sexuales: percibir que los hermanos (OR = 1,8, IC 95%: 1,2–2,7) o los amigos (OR = 1,7, IC 95%: 1,3–2,2) apoyan que se tengan relaciones sexuales. Como factores protectores se encontraron la supervisión de los padres (OR = 0,5, IC 95%: 0,4–0,7); recibir mensajes que apoyan la abstinencia por parte de amigos (OR = 0,7, IC 95%: 0,6–1,0) o hermanos (OR = 0,7, IC 95%: 0,5–0,8) y recibir mensajes favorables al matrimonio por parte de los padres (OR = 0,4, IC 95%: 0,3–0,6). Conclusiones. Los mensajes de la familia y amigos son factores que parecen influir en el inicio de las relaciones sexuales de los jóvenes. Los programas de promoción de la salud sexual en El Salvador deberían tener en cuenta estos factores.