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13 results
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- Verdad y certeza. Los motivos del escepticismo(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2004) Raquel; Pérez-Ilzarbe, P. (Paloma)
- Un apunte sobre el pensamiento moderno: La Rochefoucauld, B. Mandeville y A. Smith(2003) RaquelAdam Smith is one of the main writers of the Scottish Enlightenment better known for his economic system than for his philosophical thought. Recent literature about this author has insisted upon the importance of studying his two main works, WN and TMS, as a whole. In this way, central issues of modern thought such as: social harmony, the role of passions and the need for ethics might be better understood. Influences from La Rochefoucauld and B. Mandeville can be found in Smith which connect with the Jansenist thought of the XVII century. With these considerations, it is shown that some writers of the Enlightenment were not as optimistic as it had been thought, Adam Smith being one of them.
- Verdad, bien y belleza: cuando los filósofos hablan de valores(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2000) Raquel; Pérez-Ilzarbe, P. (Paloma)
- Economía, virtud y gobierno en la configuración de Europa a los 50 años de la firma del tratado de Roma(2009-12-16) Baviera, I. (Inmaculada); Raquel
- Adam Smith: individuo, organización social y participación(2003) RaquelAccording to Hayek the democracy is only possible with a system of free market. If this is true, the western democracies are full of “aporias” and contradictions which end up in continual disil-lusions. Democracy has grown amongst capitalist societies which currently show these deficiencies such as a low participation of citiziens in the public life, the priority given to material goods rather than spiritual ones, etc. This article shows how these deficiencies are the central points in the system of Adam Smith’s free market, the father of the capitalist system.
- Adam Smith: interés particular y bien común(Cuadernos de empresa y humanismo, 2001) Raquel
- Reseñas 34/1 (2001)(2001) Raquel; Ortiz-de-Landázuri, C. (Carlos); Robador, O. (Oihana); Ruiz González, C. (Carmen); Revuelta, M. (Marta); Zorroza-Huarte, M.I. (María Idoya); Torregrosa, M. (Marta); González, A. (Antonino)
- Presentación. Razón práctica en la Ilustración escocesa(2009) González, A.M. (Ana Marta); RaquelRecent scholarship on the Scottish Enlightenment has drawn our attention to the connection between moral philosophy and social sciences. As privileged witnesses of the process of modernization, the Scottish philosophers developed original approaches to moral issues, thereby raising epistemological questions too which are crucial to understand the development of social sciences. At the basis of these epistemological issues stands the reference to practical reason which gives title to this volume.
- Nihilismo y pragmatismo: claves para la comprensión de la sociedad actual(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2002) Raquel; Lizarraga, P. (Paula)
- Reseñas 40/1 (2007)(2007) Pérez-Constanzó, I. (Ignacio); Muro, E. (Elsa); Raquel; Augusto, R. (Roberto); Ortiz-de-Landázuri, C. (Carlos); Berástegui, I. (Iosu); Sánchez-Migallón, S. (Sergio)