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Now showing 1 - 10 of 1307
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    PodcastSpain: análisis de los podcasts de audio más populares en iTunes de España
    (Asociación Española de Investigación de la Comunicación (AE-IC), 2018-07) Antunes, M.J. (Maria João); Salaverría-Aliaga, R. (Ramón)
    Esta investigación analiza los podcasts de audio más populares en España, con el objetivo de identificar sus patrones y modelos de referencia. El análisis se basa en una muestra de los 200 servicios de podcast de audio más populares en iTunes en España, en dos fechas distintas de 2017. En el análisis fueron considerados los programas específicamente creados para internet y distribuidos mediante podcasting. Esta muestra fue analizada de acuerdo con varios parámetros. El análisis de los datos permite confirmar que la producción de podcasts en España presenta notable grado de madurez, traducida en una significativa variedad en la oferta. En el caso de los podcasts producidos por grupos mediáticos, como alternativa a la producción distribuida mediante emisiones hertzianas, se observa una apuesta especial por los productos de ficción y entretenimiento, que se benefician notablemente de las estructura de producción y recursos financieros de las corporaciones que los producen. Por su parte, entre los podcasts producidos o integrados en redes independientes de podcasting, destaca la popularidad alcanzada por programas dedicados a tecnología, en particular al análisis de novedades tecnológicas. Se advierte, con todo, una débil apuesta por parte de estas redes en la divulgación web y en las redes sociales de sus contenidos. Entre los podcasts creados por usuarios (User Created Content, UCC), se constata que existe una significativa producción de podcasts altruistas, sobre todo dedicados a la divulgación científica. Para mantener la continuidad de este tipo de programas es habitual recurrir a un modelo de financiación basado en el crowdfunding. Su grado de presencia en sitios web y redes sociales tiende a ser, asimismo, elevado. Se constata, por último, una diminuta participación de las mujeres en la creación de todos los tipos de podcasts analizados.
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    Digital journalism in Spain: Technological, sociopolitical and economic factors as drivers of media evolution
    (Sage Publications, 2023-05-26) Martínez-Costa-Pérez, M.P. (María del Pilar); Salaverría-Aliaga, R. (Ramón)
    Digital journalism has been a reality in Spain for nearly 30 years. In this time, the number of digital media outlets has steadily increased to become the most abundant type of media in the 2020s, ahead of print, radio and television. Based on a quantitative analysis of the authors’ own database of active digital media outlets (n = 2726) and an examination of Spain’s technological, sociopolitical and economic development in recent decades, this article identifies several factors that have spurred the evolution of digital journalism in Spain. The study results show a correlation in the period from 1994 to 2020 between the percentage of Internet users and the number of active digital media outlets, which showed very similar progress. The study also detects a relationship between the country’s economic evolution and the expansion of digital media, albeit with a seemingly paradoxical effect: digital media, especially digital native media companies, proliferated even more when the economy was at its worst. The article highlights the subtle effects of political factors on the development of digital media in the period under study, although increasing political polarization has triggered additional transformation processes in recent years.
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    'Chernobyl' and the anthropology of sacrifice
    (Punctum. Semiotics Monographs, 2024-10) García-Martínez, A.N. (Alberto Nahum)
    From the very beginning, 'Chernobyl' is packed with scenes of sacrifice. It is no coincidence that the narrative opens with Legasov’s immolation, underlining the centrality of sacrifice in the series. In this sense, the various sacrificial events presented in the story may be broadly grouped into three types: the one voluntarily assumed by multiple characters throughout the series (heroic); the animal sacrifice perpetrated by the authorities or forced by the toxic radioactive situation, where immolation adopts a literal as well as figurative value (symbolic); and finally, the offering of another innocent human being, releasing others from their hardships and adversities (redemptive). Accordingly, this article presents a thorough analysis of how sacrifice is depicted in the television series 'Chernobyl'. Through a close reading of the series' dramatic and aesthetic choices, this piece explores how the narrative prompts an anthropological reflection on the transformative power of sacrifice, even in the midst of tragedy.
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    Las primeras catedráticas de Universidad española (1953-1983)
    (Documento de trabajo, 2024-10-08) Montero-Díaz, M. (Mercedes)
    Número y prosopografía de las mujeres españolas que lograron sus cátedras universitarias desde 1953 (la primera) hasta 1983 (la última) durante la vigencia de la LOUE del gobierno franquista (1943).
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    Combating repeated lies: The impact of fact‐checking on persistent falsehoods by politicians
    (Cogitatio, 2024) Larraz, I. (Irene); Serrano-Puche, J. (Javier); Salaverría-Aliaga, R. (Ramón)
    The rise of repeated false claims within political discourse is undermining fact‐checking efforts. By reiterating similar statements that perpetuate previous falsehoods, political actors shift from misinformation to deliberate disinformation and even propagandistic tactics. Through an analysis of 1,204 political fact‐checks conducted by the Spanish fact‐checking organization Newtral, this study quantifies and characterizes the prevalence of repeated false claims in political discourse, revealing that a substantial 24.8% of false statements are repeated, with each being repeated an average of four times. By delving into the nature and types of claims most susceptible to recurrence, the study identifies five primary patterns employed by political actors: nuanced variations, data manipulation, multilateral attacks, discourse qualification, and cumulative repetition. These tactics blur the lines between deception and self‐correction. The annotated database of these repeated false statements can serve as a valuable resource for exploratory qualitative analysis as well as claim‐matching research in automated fact‐checking.
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    A relational dimension of open innovation: Towards a comprehensive strategic communication research agenda
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Gutiérrez-García, E. (Elena); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica); Yáñez-Galdames, M.J. (María Jesús)
    Open innovation is a strategic phenomenon that has arisen in corporate life since the beginning of the 21 st century. The management of this process involves a communicative dimension that both management and communication scholarship have overlooked over the last twenty years. At the same time, communication management in open innovation processes enacts the strategic nature of the discipline and practice. However, there is scant knowledge and evidence to be found in this discipline, despite the fact that the topic itself calls for deeper exploration of mainly a relational and communicative phenomena. We argue for the promotion of a comprehensive research agenda that entails delving into the theoretical and empirical challenges of the strategic communication discipline in open innovation. Likewise, this article responds to the call for greater interdisciplinary research (Werder et al., 2018). Findings include six research gaps, the examination of nine research lines, as it relates to discussion of specific methods/methodologies which would fill those gaps. Moreover, the proposed research pathways map out a starting-point for the future of this growing field of inquiry while also positioning strategic communication as a catalyst discipline and practice that will help to foster open innovation management and research.
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    How to promote social innovation within Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The case of the Audiovisual Industry in Navarre
    (HISIN, 2023) Olloqui, I. (Isabel); Alfaro-Tanco, J.A. (José Antonio); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica)
    This article examines the situation of social innovation in the audiovisual industry, which is a gap in the field of media management regarding the promotion of innovation with social impact. The main objective of this paper is to conduct a study in order to promote social innovation in the audiovisual industry at regional level. By collaborating through an action research case with the audiovisual cluster in Navarra (CLAVNA) this research focuses on specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to gender equality, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure. Three are the main findings of this study: 1) Technological innovations are crucial to promote social innovation; 2) the need for public-private co-creation for the development of the focused industry; 3) the relevance of focusing efforts on social innovation in firms based on animation and video attract development and investments.
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    Factors for promoting social innovation along the supply chain: new challenges and opportunities
    (Universidad Camilo José Cela, 2021) Olloqui, I. (Isabel); Alfaro-Tanco, J.A. (José Antonio); Recalde-Viana, M. (Mónica)
    This article discusses the study of the supply chain as an area from which companies can carry out social innovation activities. With this premise, it identifies the relevant factors that drive social innovation along the supply chain, including a corporate culture oriented toward social understanding, an integrated economic, social, and environmental strategy, and the regulation and cross-cutting nature of communication as an engine for these practices. Finally, seven opportunities and six barriers to its implementation are discussed.
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    Mídia e jornalistas, um futuro em comum?
    (FIAM-FAAM Centro Universitário, 2015) Salaverría-Aliaga, R. (Ramón)
    Pode um profissional livrar-se do destino da empresa em que trabalha? Em princípio, não parece difícil: basta buscar outro local para realizar sua tarefa. Se uma empresa quebra, sempre haverá uma concorrente que irá se beneficiar com o desaparecimento de sua rival e que tenha possibilidade de contratar. Mas o que acontece quando todas as empresas de uma indústria vão muito mal? Para onde correr? É chegado o momento de abandonar o negócio e fechar as portas de toda uma profissão? Esta é uma situação com que hoje em dia não poucos jornalistas temem enfrentar-se, acuados pela sombria situação dos meios para os quais trabalham. Por mais que os jornalistas estejam acostumados a lidar com o stress, isso pesa muito.
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    Marcas discursivas de transición entre párrafos en la escritura académica no experta: análisis de un corpus de reseñas
    (2024) Llamas-Sáiz, C. (Carmen)
    El objetivo de este artículo es el de analizar, en el marco de la macroestructura textual, las marcas discursivas que explicitan la transición entre párrafos en la escritura no experta del género reseña académica. En primer lugar, se presentan las características del párrafo en el marco de la escritura académica, así como los mecanismos de transición interparagráfica para, seguidamente, estudiar el empleo de estos en un corpus de 27 reseñas redactadas por estudiantes universitarios de primer curso. Aunque el trabajo se centra en el texto como resultado del proceso de escritura, se ofrece también la secuencia didáctica para guiar al estudiante en el manejo de las estrategias de cohesión y marcación discursiva entre párrafos. Metodológicamente, partimos del trabajo de Martínez Caro (2014) para detenernos en distintas marcas discursivas de carácter macroestructural: las que señalan la progresión temática, las expresiones tematizadoras, los marcadores del discurso y, por último, las marcas de modalización.