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119 results
- AnTimicrobial pHotocatalytic coatIngs on sustaiNable coNstruction matErials carrieRs (THINNER)(2024-10-31) Kaur, G. (Gurbir)
- Teaching note-taking in EMI: An experimental study in Economics and Business Administration(2023-06-08) Roothooft, H. (Hanne); Alfaro, J.A. (José Antonio); Meyer, M. (M.); Breeze, R. (Ruth)
- Teaching Innovation Project: EMI in Operations Management(2020-04-21) Roothooft, H. (Hanne); Alfaro, J.A. (José Antonio); Breeze, R. (Ruth)
- Mise-en-scène, Embodied Metaphors and Mood in 'Hannibal'(2016-05-26) García-Martínez, A.N. (Alberto Nahum); Ortiz, M.J.(María J.)Wyatt (1994) defines TV-Series as a "high concept", a recognizable object that has a modular structure that can be parceled and replicated. For Pescatore & Innocenti (2012), TV-Series are no longer textual objects, but the result of a design with a high degree of consistency among its components, similar to an ecosystem. The characteristics of this narrative ecosystem are, among others, that it is made up of open systems inhabited by stories and characters that change in time and space, that have interconnected structures and that tend to maintain the balance of their universe (Pescatore, Innocenti & Brembilla, 2014). In our proposal, an element that maintains the cohesion of a TV series, and that therefore could be one more element of the narrative ecosystem, is the mise-en-scène. This mise-en-scène not only has to do with the visual style but also helps to generate a mood through emotion markers and visual manifestations of metaphors that have a cognitive origin.
- When the Style is the Message. The Aesthetics of Mood in 'Rectify' and 'Les Revenants'(2017-11-02) García-Martínez, A.N. (Alberto Nahum)Mood is an essential feature of cinema but theoretically overlooked in Cinema and Television Studies. Beyond the interest from some early cinema theorists such as Eisner or Bàlazs, recent Cognitive Media Theory has been the theoretical strand that has offered the most comprehensive study of mood within Screen Theory until date (Smith, Carroll, Plantinga). As Greg M. Smith points out, “the primary emotive effect” of cinema is “to create mood” (2003: 92), a difficult notion to grasp –nor exactly tone, neither atmosphere— that emotionally spills all over the narrative. Plantinga has defined mood as “the affective character that emerges from the combination of its elements” (463) and it is construed through narrative content, character action and mise-en-scène. According to Sinnerbrink, mood determines “how the particular film-world is aesthetically revealed and how we are affectively attuned to that world” (2012: 155). Following these authors, this papers aims to explore the distinctiveness of mood in serial television, examining, following Plantinga, the “amalgam of affective ‘charges’ or elicitors that together characterize the overall experience of the work” (461). We propose, therefore, a close analysis of both the pilot and the season finale of two heavily mood-oriented contemporary high-end TV Series: the French supernatural drama Les Revenants (Canal Plus, 2012-15) and the American indie emotional introspection Rectify (Sundance Channel, 2013-16). As Tarvainen et al. have written, “Aesthetic features combine to create a unified mood, which attunes the viewer affectively to the film and facilitates the cueing of emotions with stylistic devices” (2015: 2). Our analysis, then, intends to explore how these two critically acclaimed narratives build a mesmerizing, hypnotic, and contemplative mood which proves essential to “attune the viewer affectively”, that is, to generate its artistic success. As Plantinga explains, there are three mood elicitors in film: narrative emotion, cognitive dispositions and formal and stylistic qualities. We will focus our analysis on how the latter strongly creates the art mood from both Les Revenants and Rectify. Moreover, as far as extended narratives are so long, we will exemplify our analysis using audiovisual examples from the beginning and the end of both narratives, in order to test the consistency of the succession of moods that characterizes each of these two TV shows. We will concentrate our textual analysis in three elements: editing, music and close-ups. Firstly, we will examine the rhythm of each story. Both Les Revenants and Rectify use a slow-paced montage, filled with long shots and contemplative scenes. The whole narrative unfolds calmly and peacefully, creating an almost minimalist style where the reaction seems to be more relevant than the action of the characters. Secondly, we will examine how the soundtrack, drawing upon two very different kinds of music, favors an intimate and painful atmosphere in both TV Series. The unsettling score of Les Revenants, by Mogwai, aspire to elicit a sense of oddness and painful beauty. For its part, the Rectify soundtrack uses indie folk and pop songs that strengthen the mellowness of the narrative and the intimate journey into the soul of the damaged protagonist. Lastly, we will dissect the insistent use of close-ups in both TV shows. The close-up becomes a powerful stylistic tool (“scenes of empathy”, following Plantinga) to transfer into the audience the riveting mood—amazed, painful, poetic—that characterizes these two stories about loss, redemption and characters out of place.
- “World Needs Bad Men”? TV-Noir and the Limits of Empathy (2015)(2015-10-01) García-Martínez, A.N. (Alberto Nahum)
- Sympathy for the Devil. Adorable Antiheroes in Contemporary TV Series(2013) García-Martínez, A.N. (Alberto Nahum)SLIDESHARE / Paper presented at the "Identity and Emotions in Contemporary TV-Series" workshop. Universidad de Navarra, 25-26th of October, 2013. More info about the workshop:
- The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Non-State Actors and the Public Diplomacy Concept(2015-07-17) La-Porte Fernandez-Alfaro, T. (Teresa)The concept of public diplomacy has traditionally been understood in state‐centric terms and has been closely related to a state’s foreign policy. Despite conceptual evolution towards more dialogue and networking, definitions continue to envisage public diplomacy as a state pursuit. The impact of globalization on politics however has provoked an emergence of new civil society players who have progressively increased their influence, power, legitimacy and credibility in the global arena, intensifying the crisis that besets the state. This paper proposes a new approach to the public diplomacy concept that can include actions by non‐state actors. In so doing, it explores two main conditions of civil society organizations that need to be recognized as part of the public diplomacy concept: legitimacy and effectiveness. Those preconditions are examined in the following two scenarios: (1) defending citizens’ interests before international institutions, and (2) explaining and implementing policies from those institutions locally. The case of the European Union will be specifically studied in working towards a public diplomacy concept that values the legitimacy and effectiveness of non‐state actors.
- Preliminares(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Mata-Induráin, C. (Carlos); Zúñiga-Lacruz, A. (Ana)
- Avisos de nuevos ejemplares incorporados a la biblioteca con Sierra(2015) Aznar-Lafont, D. (David)En la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra los usuarios tienen un parte muy activa en el desarrollo de la colección. Ello implica que la Biblioteca esté muy interesada en avisarles cuando se incorporan los ejemplares que han pedido. Cuando se genera una nueva order (tanto en Sierra como en Millenniun) en el campo ‘SOLICITANTE” se puede cumplimentar los datos de la persona que ha pedido la compra del ejemplar. La notificación al usuario cuando se ha catalogado el ejemplar y se incorpora a la colección se realizaba, hasta hace poco, de manera manual. En la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra se ha desarrollado una aplicación que recibe los datos de los ejemplares que se han incorporado durante la semana y permite gestionar las alertas a los usuarios que los han solicitado en compra.