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- Athalamia hyalina (Sommerf.) Hatt. (Hepaticae) en el Pirineo Español(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Real Jardín Botánico, 1995) Ederra, A. (Alicia); Canalis, V. (Víctor); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Alvaro, I. (Isabel)Athalamia hyalina (Sommerf.) Hatt. (Hepaticae) en el Pirineo Español.
- A revision of the descriptions of ectomycorrhizas published since 1961(Elsevier, 2005) Roman, M. (Miriam) de; Claveria, V. (V.); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deAll available publications providing descriptions of ectomycorrhizas (ECM) were reviewed in order to build a database containing details on fungus forming the ECM, host tree, country where the material for description was collected, and habitat of the ECM. Other secondary data were also recorded. In all 1244 descriptions of ECM published since 1961 in 479 papers were reviewed. The number of different ECM morphotypes described was 814. Most ECM described were collected in Europe and North America. Gymnosperms were the most common tree associates, and boreal and temperate forests the most studied ecosystems. Fungal symbionts were mostly Basidiomycota, epigeous, and with mushroom-like morphology. The paper also addresses the gaps in ECM knowledge that mycorrhizologists should address in future studies.
- Identificación y descripción de las Ectomicorrizas de Quercus Ilex L. Subsp. Ballota (Desf.) Samp. en una zona quemada y una zona sin alterar del carrascal de Nazar (Navarra)(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2000) Roman, M. (Miriam) de; Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deDesde 1998, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de campo en un bosque de Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. situado en Nazar (Navarra, España). El objetivo de este estudio es la comparación cualitativa y cuantitativa de los tipos de ectomicorrizas que han sido descritos e identificados en una zona quemada y una zona control de este carrascal. Así, se pretende paliar la escasez de conocimiento en el tema de las ectomicorrizas asociadas con la carrasca en condiciones naturales, ya que la mayoría de los trabajos publicados están relacionados con la truficultura o la micorrización inducida en vivero.
- Estudio de la afinidad entre hayedos y robledales de Navarra (España) mediante la aplicación del índice de Jaccard a su brioflora(Institut d'Estudis Ilerdencs, 1992) Ederra, A. (Alicia); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deSe ha estudiado la afinidad entre hayedos y robledales mediante la aplicación del índice de Jaccard a su brioflora. Los hayedos se separan en tres grupos según su pertenencia a distintas comunidades, mientras que en los robledales el factor más importante para su agrupación parece ser la vertiente hidrográfica a que pertenecen. Considerados ambos tipos de bosque en conjunto, resalta el hecho de que ningún hayedo se parece más a un robledal que a otro hayedo y viceversa. Summary: The affinity between beech woods and oak by application of the index of Jaccard has been studied. Beech woods from three groups related with the community to which they belong, whereas on oak woods the most important fact seems to be their situation in atlantic or mediterranean slope. Considering both kinds of woods together the fact of that none of the beech woods is more resembling to any oak woods than to other beech wood and viceversa is evident.
- A preliminary study on the ectomycorrhizae of Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. in Navarra (Spain)(Herbarium Mediterraneum Panormitanum, 2001) Roman, M. (Miriam) de; Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deThis study aims to describe the different ectomycorrhizal morphological types which occur in natural evergreen oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) stands located in Navarra (Spain). The descriptions of the nine ectomycorrhizal morphotypes found are provided, as well as the distribution of each morphotype represented by their occurrence as a percentage of the total ectomycorrhizal tip occurrence.
- L´Espagne croit en la trufficulture(Fédération Francaise des Trufficulteurs, 2005) Reyna, S. (Santiago); Hernandez, A. (Ana); Saez, R. (Raimundo); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Palazon, C. (Carlos)
- Aportaciones a la brioflora española. Algunas especies interesantes de Navarra (España)(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Real Jardín Botánico, 1990) Ederra, A. (Alicia); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deSe da a conocer el hallazgo de 11 táxones (una hepática y 10 musgos) determinados a partir de muestras recolectadas en diversos robledales de Navarra. Todos son novedad para Navarra. Summary: Eleven taxa of Bryophytes (one liverword and 10 mosses) collected in several oak woods of Navarra are given. All of them are new records for Navarra.
- Alkalinity and structure of soils determine the truffle production in the Pyrenean Regions(2014) Saez, M. (M.); Saenz, W. (W.); Salducci, X. (X.); Barry-Etienne, D. (D.); Neveu, P. (P.); Jaillard, B. (B.); Souche, G. (G.); Colinas, C. (C.); Libre, A. (A.); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Villeneuve, M. (M.); Genola, L. (L.); Sourzat, P. (P.); Oliach, D. (D.)Aim of study: The program "Typology of truffle stations in the Pyrenean Regions" aimed to define the ecological conditions and culture practices that favor Tuber melanosporum growth and fruiting in this area. Area of study: Navarra, Catalonia, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon. Material and methods: The program was based on the survey of 212 wild and cultivated truffle beds of evergreen oaks (Quercus ilex). The data collected in the field consisted of photographs, samples of soil, roots and mycorrhizae, and information on cultural practices followed by truffle growers. Main results: (i) truffle soils are alkaline, from neutral, dolomitic, to moderately or very calcareous soils; (ii) truffle soils are light, well-structured and stable to water immersion; (iii) mycelium that colonizes roots survives in suboptimal conditions, but it does not necessarily bear ascocarps. Finally our results suggest that T. melanosporum is a relatively ubiquitous fungus able to grow, or at least to persist, in a wide range of physical and chemical soil conditions. We propose a probabilistic model of the environment favorable for fruiting, built around a two-dimensional graph with an axis for the chemical conditions, like soil alkalinity, and another axis for the physical conditions, like soil structure. Research highlights: Soil alkalinity and structure allow to built a convenient representation of the ecological capacity of a place to be good T. melanosporum habitat, and thus of the probability for truffle growers to harvest truffles according to the environmental properties of their truffle orchards.
- Situación y perspectivas de la truficultura en España(Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA), 2004) Reyna, S. (Santiago); Hernandez, A. (Ana); Roman, M. (Miriam) de; Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) de; Palazon, C. (Carlos)En este trabajo se presenta un panorama de la situación de la truficultura en España, desde sus comienzos en los años 50 a la actualidad, y sus perspectivas de futuro. Se destaca la actividad científica y técnica muy amplia, con numerosas iniciativas de investigación y experimentales desarrolladas en Centros de Investigación y Universidades españolas, que contemplan aspectos tan diversos como micorrización en vivero, certificación de planta micorrizada, ecología de la trufa, recuperación de truferas naturales, cultivo y seguimiento de plantaciones truferas, taxonomía química, control de las especies de trufa, reforestación y selvicultura trufera. La situación actual es fruto de investigaciones y trabajos, pioneros en España, de personas y entidades que vieron en la truficultura las posibilidades que la confirman, en este momento, como una actividad con alto interés económico, social y ecológico, a potenciar en áreas con escasas oportunidades agronómicas y forestales de carácter tradicional y que se enmarca, por lo tanto, en el concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Se aportan datos de producciones, precios, áreas de recogida, mercados y comercios, publicaciones, plantaciones truferas y actividad investigadora. Finalmente, se realiza un breve resumen de las perspectivas de futuro del sector trufero en España con el objetivo de establecer líneas o criterios comunes para dicha actividad.
- Comparison of the post-fire dynamics of the ectomycorrhizal community in two Quercus ilex stands in Northern Spain(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2003) Roman, M. (Miriam) de; Claveria, V. (V.); Miguel-Velasco, A.M. (Ana Maria) deA comparative study of the post-fire recolonization of ectomycorrhizae in two evergreen oak stands (Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp.) in Nazar and San Cristóbal (Navarra, Spain) has been carried out. In 1993 a stand in Nazar burnt, but it was not until 1998 that the study started. On the contrary, the study in San Cristóbal started immediately after the stand had caught fire in 2000. Therefore we have been able to compare the regeneration in both stands and the species composition five years after the fire and immediately after the fire, as well as the differences in ectomycorrhizal colonization and abundance of morphotypes between the burnt plots and areas which remained undisturbed in both forests, thus acting as control plots. In both sites the percentage of ectomycorrhizal colonization tended to be lower after the wildfire. In San Cristóbal, in the burnt site there was a lower abundance of morphotypes compared to the control site. However, in Nazar, five years after the fire, we did not find any significant change in species richness, but rather a shift in the abundance of each morphotype when comparing the burnt and the control plots. There are some species of mycorrhizal fungi which seem to be particularly adapted to fire, such as Type 1 in San Cristóbal and Cenococcum geophilum in Nazar. Sphaerosporella brunnea, a pioneer species considered to be especially suitable for the colonization of burnt substrates, was only found in Nazar.