Díez-Leturia, M. (María)

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    Catering services and HACCP: temperature assessment and surface hygiene control before and after audits and a specific training session
    (Elsevier, 2014) Díez-Leturia, M. (María); Garayoa, M.R. (Mª Roncesvalles); Bes-Rastrollo, M. (Maira); Vitas, A.I. (Ana Isabel); Garcia-Jalon, I. (Isabel)
    Proper application of HACCP in catering services involves monitoring decisive critical points. The purpose of this study was to assess food temperatures and surface hygiene control in two catering services in Navarra (Spain) at two different time periods: the first one after implementation of the HACCP system and the second period, after the initial supervision through audits and a specific training session regarding temperatures of products and hygienic conditions of surfaces and equipment because the majority of detected nonconformities were related to these parameters. The recorded temperatures of 650 cooked food products within the first period showed that only 65.1% of the hot dishes had a temperature higher than 65 °C, in accordance with Spanish legislation, and 12.9% of them showed a risky holding temperature (<55 °C). However, the percentage of noncomplying dishes was reduced by a half after the training session (p < 0.001). Since the significant differences observed in recorded temperatures were related to the type of meal (with or without sauces) and the type of cooking procedure, a lower safe criterion for the retention of hot dishes was suggested if the temperature is continuously maintained over 55 °C until serving. With regard to cleaning and disinfection, 18.3% of the 600 analyzed surfaces did not meet the established cleaning criterion (≤100 CFU/25 cm2) in the first period, while in the second period this percentage was reduced to 13.6% in both catering businesses (p = 0.021). The dirtiest surfaces were equipment such as cutting boards and meat slicing machines (>26%) compared to utensils for distribution (12.0%). As the impact of dirty surfaces on the hygienic quality of a finished product will depend on which step was being taken during dish elaboration when equipment or utensil was used, it is suggested that more restrictive limits be established regarding utensils and equipment that are in direct contact with the finished product (≤1 CFU/cm2). Results of the study demonstrate that a specific training session on these items has improved the temperature control of prepared meals and the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection, essentials for guaranteeing the hygienic quality of prepared foods.
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    Food safety and the contract catering companies: food handlers, facilities and HACCP evaluation
    (Elsevier, 2011) Díez-Leturia, M. (María); Garayoa, M.R. (Mª Roncesvalles); Vitas, A.I. (Ana Isabel); Garcia-Jalon, I. (Isabel)
    The evaluation of implementing the HACCP system in contract catering companies and assessment of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the food handlers were the main objectives of this study. It was conducted in 20 companies throughout Spain, with visual inspection of facilities and food handler activities, as well as the distribution of a self-administrable questionnaire among the 105 participant catering workers. In addition, samples of surfaces and finished dishes were taken from each kitchen for microbiological evaluation. The results obtained from the questionnaires reflect extensive knowledge and correct behaviors among respondents with a middle- or highschool educational level, stability in the same workplace and positions of greater responsibility. However, the observation of hygiene practices revealed systematic incorrect procedures in 60% of the kitchens. Most observed deviations were related to the lack of HACCP training and information, the temperature of finished dishes, the storage areas and proper cleaning and disinfection. In summary, this study confirms the difficulties inherent in catering companies to effectively implement the HACCP system, such as the lack of well-trained personnel, lack of motivation or adhesion to said system on the part of the workers, and the lack of financial and economic resources to address the deficiencies in the facilities. Specific educational programs and grants are need for an adequate implementation of HACCP in this sector.