Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)

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    PENROSE, ROGER. Cycles of Time. An Extraordinary New View of the Universe, The Bodley Head, London, 2010, 288 pp.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
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    ATTRIDGE, H. W. (ed.), The Religion and Science Debate. Why Does It Continue?, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2009, 240 pp. [RESEÑA]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
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    Reseñas 43/1 (2010)
    (2010) Zagal, H. (Héctor); Martínez-Lucena, J. (Jorge); Sellés-Dauder, J.F. (Juan Fernando); Ortiz-de-Landázuri, C. (Carlos); Blanco-Sarto, P. (Pablo); Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier); O'Reilly, F. (Francisco); Nubiola, J. (Jaime); Cruz-Cruz, J. (Juan)
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    The free energy principle: good science and questionable philosophy in a grand unifying theory
    (2021) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
    Abstract:The Free Energy Principle (FEP) is currently one of the most promising frameworks withwhich to address a unified explanation of life-related phenomena. With powerful formalism thatembeds a small set of assumptions, it purports to deal with complex adaptive dynamics ranging frombarely unicellular organisms to complex cultural manifestations. The FEP has received increasedattention in disciplines that study life, including some critique regarding its overall explanatorypower and its true potential as a grand unifying theory (GUT). Recently, FEP theorists presented acontribution with the main tenets of their framework, together with possible philosophical interpre-tations, which lean towards so-called Markovian Monism (MM). The present paper assumes some ofthe abovementioned critiques, rejects the arguments advanced to invalidate the FEP’s potential tobe a GUT, and overcomes criticism thereof by reviewing FEP theorists’ newly minted metaphysicalcommitment, namely MM. Specifically, it shows that this philosophical interpretation of the FEPargues circularly and only delivers what it initially assumes, i.e., a dual information geometry thatallegedly explains epistemic access to the world based on prior dual assumptions. The origin of thiscircularity can be traced back to a physical description contingent on relative system-environmentseparation. However, the FEP itself is not committed to MM, and as a scientific theory it deliversmore than what it assumes, serving as a heuristic unification principle that provides epistemicadvancement for the life sciences.
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    Whose Design? Physical, Philosophical and Theological Questions Regarding Hawking and Mlodinow’s Grand Design
    (Universidad Nicolás Copérnico de Torun, 2014) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
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    Reseñas 41/2 (2008)
    (2008) Boero, H. (Hedy); Ortiz-de-Landázuri, C. (Carlos); Blanco-Sarto, P. (Pablo); Nicuesa-Guelbenzu, M. (Maite); Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier); García-Cuadrado, J.A. (José Ángel); Nubiola, J. (Jaime); Lastra, A. (Antonio); Sánchez-Migallón, S. (Sergio)
    Reseñas de libros
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    De la experiencia de la amistad al misterio de la caridad. Estudio sobre la evolución histórica de la amistad como analogía teológica desde Elredo de Rieval hasta Santo Tomás de Aquino. [Reseña]
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2008) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
    Reseña de Antonio PRIETO LuCENA, De la experiencia de la amistad al misterio de la caridad. Estudio sobre la evolución histórica de la amistad como analogía teológica desde Elredo de Rieval hasta Santo Tomás de Aquino, Publicaciones de la Facultad de Teología San Dámaso («Dissertationes Theologicae», 1), Madrid 2007, 772 pp., 16,5 X 23, ISBN 978-84- 96318-38-0.
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    Integrated information theory as testing ground for causation: why nested hylomorphism overcomes physicalism and panpsychism
    (2022) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
    Integrated information theory (IIT) stands out as one of the most promising approaches to scientifically understand the emergence of consciousness. Even if it borrows from the phenomenology of consciousness to derive its axiomatic formulation, IIT does not initially adhere to any particular ontological position. However, its founder leans towards panpsychism. More recently, Owen has studied the pros and cons of different ontologies as a metaphysical basis for IIT, defending a hylomorphic stance where en-grounding, en-forming relations gain the upper hand in the causal narrative. This paper aims at (1) complementing Owen's work by invoking additional arguments against physicalist IIT, both reductive and non-reductive; and (2) improving Owen's characterization of non-physicalist causality through a 'nested' version of hylomorphism that avoids the combination problem of panpsychism.
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    Is the maximum entropy production just a heuristic principle? Metaphysics on natural determination
    (2023) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
    The Maximum Entropy Production Principle (MEPP) stands out as an overarch- ing principle that rules life phenomena in Nature. However, its explanatory power beyond heuristics remains controversial. On the one hand, the MEPP has been successfully applied principally to non-living systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium. On the other hand, the underlying assumptions to lay the MEPP¿s theoretical foundations and range of applicability increase the possibilities of conflicting interpretations. More interestingly, from a metaphysical stance, the MEPP¿s philosophical status is hotly debated: does the MEPP passively translate physical information into macroscopic predictions or actively select the physical solution in multistable systems, granting the connection between scientific models and reality? This paper deals directly with this dilemma by discussing natural determination from three angles: (1) Heuristics help natural philosophers to build an ontology. (2) The MEPP¿s ontological status may stem from its selection of new forms of causation beyond physicalism. (3) The MEPP¿s ontology ultimately depends on the much-discussed question of the ontology of probabilities in an information-theoretic approach and the ontology of macrostates according to the Boltzmannian definition of entropy.
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    Proyectos globales de Teología Moral Fundamental en Italia.
    (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2009) Sánchez-Cañizares, J. (Javier)
    Este estudio aborda las propuestas contemporáneas para la construcción de la Teología Moral Fundamental en Italia. Se presenta y se evalúa el pensamiento de los autores que han publicado últimamente manuales de la disciplina, dejando para un segundo momento las contribuciones parciales de otros teólogos. Las diferencias entre los autores estudiados obedecen a una metodología y un énfasis diversos en la articulación de cristología, antropología y moral. No obstante, se da un acuerdo básico sobre la posibilidad de una transición pacífica entre estas categorías y sobre el lugar que debe ocupar la conciencia en la Teología Moral Fundamental.